Nine Heavens

Chapter 2467 Mysterious Outer Universe

"Third brother, what did you hear just now?"

Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, feeling that Liu Qianlang suddenly refused to leave, there must be some special reason. Because he knew very well in his heart that the third brother he admired would never make such a big joke.

Song Zhen secretly urged the Star Sword and the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk swirling around his body, and immediately sensed the mysterious voice of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou's edge.

I have never heard of this kind of voice and content, so I don't even know what it means, and what kind of body it comes from.

However, Song Zhen felt intuitively that the third elder brother Liu Qianlang's sudden decision not to leave Tailing Lu Yuanzhou must have something to do with this kind of words, so he asked Liu Qianlang through sound transmission.

"Just now there were two wood-like witches and witches outside the Tailing Luyuan universe. One of them is called Huangyun Wood-like witch and the other is called Baiyun Wood-like witch. They come from the same universe as the witch. They The time and space of the universe is called Muhuashen Wuzhou, which belongs to the existence of the anti-Ming world.

They came to meet the witches. It turned out that the witches had already made an appointment with them. This time, the witches completed the task of destroying Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, and they returned triumphantly together.

But the wizard failed, and they left after complaining. But their meaning is very clear, and they will come back to trouble us...

Therefore, the third brother left Tailing Lu Yuanzhou to find the anti-Ming world, it would be better to sit at home and wait for them to come. "

Knowing his brother Song Zhen's short-tempered temper, Liu Qianlang directly told Song Zhen all the voices from Zhouwai that he had just heard.

"It turned out that they had planned on us a long time ago. Unexpectedly, the evil spirits and monsters we have dealt with, such filthy things as hell and hell, were all created by Xuanze Sorcerer.

It seems that their forces in the anti-Ming world may be stronger than our forces in the Bright world. It's just a Xuanze Muhua God Witch who tossed us all over the world.

Damn, if the witches and witches of the entire anti-Ming world come to deal with us, then the trouble will probably be big! "

Hearing the words, Song Zhen didn't want to think about the sound transmission, and shouted loudly

In this way, the general meaning of the conversation between him and Liu Qianlang, let Ouyang Langlong, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, the Emperor of Darkness, Shenlong Shenfeng Mingzu, Liu Qianlang's wives and daughters, Yaya, Liu Yun, Jiu Ying and the others were all overwhelmed, and they were amazed.

When Liu Qianlang saw it, he simply didn't care about the sound transmission in his soul, and said clearly:

"According to what they said, it turns out that the world is bigger than we imagined, and their Wooden God Wu Zhou is just one of them."

"So, it's better for us to unite as one before leading the waves to leave. Before we know them, we can welcome them to challenge with the power of our bright world!

In fact, Fengmei and I have experienced in today's human world. On our way back, we also heard some parallel immortal gods mention that there is an inexplicable and contradictory world outside the infinitely bright world.

Moreover, they have also suffered damage to varying degrees like our tailing Lu Yuanzhou. They hated the destroyers deeply, but they couldn't deal with the existence of the inexplicable and contradictory world outside the universe.

Now we have also experienced the matter of the gods and witches, which shows that our task of resisting in the fairyland of the bright world, or transforming the anti-ming world is unavoidable.

In contrast, we, Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, are lucky. We have been at the forefront of countless Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, smashing the plots of the gods and witches without letting them succeed.

The reason, as they said, is that a human race with great benevolence and great wisdom was born in our Tailing Lu Yuanzhou. "

Ouyang Langlong heard what Liu Qianlang said about the anti-Ming world, and he recalled many things he had seen and heard on the road to reconstruction, and said.

"Looking at it this way, we've hit our luck again. If it wasn't for Qianlang who suddenly heard their crazy words outside the universe and decided not to leave, the power of our Tailing Lu Yuanzhou would not be dispersed, otherwise our Tailing The situation Lu Yuanzhou faced this time was unpredictable and difficult.

Fengmei is right, she told Yuelan that if brother Qianlang leaves, the safety of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou will be worrying, if brother Qianlang does not leave, the light of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou will definitely last forever!

The reason why she said this to Yuelan, I didn't quite understand it at the time, but now I suddenly realized that Fengmei was talking about the super-eternal spirituality of Langyuan Renzu.

In our entire Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, apart from brother Zhen who can sense the situation outside the universe with the star sword, only Langyuan Renzu and Langlong Yanghuang can sense the situation outside the universe.

However, Langlong Yanghuang did not have the strength of Langyuan Renzu to understand the language of the gods outside the universe. Therefore, once Langyuan Renzu leaves, our Tailing Lu Yuanzhou will fall into a passive state. "

The dark-seeking emperor's three-color eyes sparkled for a while, and he sighed sincerely.

"It's still Fengmei who understands the current situation of the Sun Moon God Zhou better, what Emperor Xun Dark Zhou said is very true.

A few days ago, after Fengmei heard that Qianlang was planning to go outside the universe to find the anti-Ming world, she felt restless. I thought she was just worried about Qianlang's safety.

I don't want her to have said these things to sister Yuelan. Fengmei is worthy of being a four-spirited boy who is humane and immortal. She is just like sister Juan, Yuanfang, and Qianlang, who understands the current situation of the universe better.

However, Brother Xun An, when you heard what she said, did you ever persuade her to persuade Qian Lang not to leave Tailing Lu Yuanzhou? "

Ouyang Lang Long heard the words of Emperor Xun An Zhou, agreed, and then asked.

"Ha ha……"

Emperor Xun An couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and said:

"Of course there is, but she said that she can't say anything about her brother Qianlang's decision. This time her brother Qianlang left, it is already unprecedented to be able to tell the whole universe.

In the past, her elder brother Qianlang left everyone, either for retreat or long-term cultivation! "

"Ha ha……"

"My good Fengmei, when you say that about your elder brother Qianlang, why does it seem that it doesn't make any sense at all?"

Liu Qianlang laughed out loud when he heard the words, and so did everyone else, and the previous sad and depressing atmosphere was swept away.

"Hmph! Brother Qianlang, isn't he? You told me when you were a child that you love Fengmei very much. You were about to leave just now, so why didn't you say you wanted to see me?"

At this moment, Cheng Shifeng floated down from the sky on the mighty white-faced Tiger King, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, good sister, you have been waiting at the top of the sky to see brother Qianlang off. Didn't brother Qianlang go to the Linglong Pagoda Palace where you and Langlong are in vain!"

When Liu Qianlang heard Cheng Shifeng's words, he was happy.

"Oh! Brother Qianlang, how could he know that I'm on it? I've sealed my divine breath."

Cheng Shifeng was surprised.

"Of course you told me."

"I told Brother Qianlang, when?"

"Now, if Fengmei hadn't been waiting at the top of the sky to see brother Qianlang off, how could she have fallen from such a high sky? The Linglong Pagoda Palace doesn't seem to be that high!"

"Hmph! Forget it, let's consider Brother Qianlang smart. Now it's done!

The Anti-Ming World's Anti-Ming Gods will take the initiative to come to find trouble, and the existence of the Anti-Ming World will naturally become less mysterious soon, and none of us need to leave Tailing Lu Yuanzhou! "

Cheng Shifeng floated to Liu Juan's side, pretending to be angry and said.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed again when they heard the words.

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