Nine Heavens

Chapter 2470 Extraterrestrial Divine Power

"Qianlang, if there is any heartache in the future, it's better to say it early, don't keep the pain in your heart.

Don't just think about everyone, you must know that everyone cares about you! "

Ouyang Lang looked at Liu Qianlang, who was very sad and happy in just a few hours, from a long distance above the blue cliff, deeply ashamed of what he had done to him, and said with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Yeah, Qianlang, Langlong is right, we should bear everything together. You can't bear the pain alone, but give us all the happiness."

Liu Juan also said with emotion.

"Hehe, it's not as serious as what you said, the matter of Qianmeng and them is just because it is Qianlang's own private matter, so I didn't say anything about it.

It's all right now, my fourth brother and two younger siblings have already solved it for me, everyone should be relieved.

Let's let them go for the time being. I think that after Huang Baiyun and the wood-based witches return to the Anti-Ming World Shrine, the Anti-Ming Emperor will soon take revenge for Xuanze's death.

Everyone, go back to your own universe, Langlong, as the Yang Emperor of Yangzhou, you must wholeheartedly supervise the creation of the entire Tailing Lu Yuanzhou and the cultivation of the sun and moon god Zhou Shengong.

We are kind, but it does not mean that the anti-Ming world is benevolent. We have no intention of killing, but we must be prepared to prevent the anti-Ming world from encroaching on us.

Since I have come to Lizhou Juefeng, I should go out to have a look before returning to Tailing Temple. "

Liu Qianlang settled the matter of your beloved wives, and the topic returned to the topic of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou's exploration and analysis.

"Rangyuan Renzu don't worry, Langlong and Fengmei Xiancheng have been together twice, and they know what to do. Besides, there are sister Juan, brother Yuanfang, brother Zhen, brother Xunan, Yaya Yun'er, etc. to support each other. Please also invite Langyuan Ren Zu be careful, go away safely, come back safely!"

Ouyang Lang said again.

"Okay, thank you Langlong, everyone, please go back, and Qianlang will go for now!"

Liu Qianlang heard that Ouyang Langlong cared about him again and again, and that his beloved Fengmei was also happy again. He felt very relieved, and saluted all the brothers and sisters casually, and the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers rose up under his feet.

"Go early, come back early—"

Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, looking for the dark emperor, Song Zhen and his wife, Ouyang Langlong, and Cheng Shifeng watched the white hair fluttering, and Liu Qianlang in the white robes gradually disappeared into the clouds of Tailing, Luyuan, Zhou, and Zhou. All are the distant sounds of soul thoughts, lingering blessings.

"Ha ha……"

"As long as the family is in harmony, why not be afraid of Xiancheng Mo! Qianlang is really happy, seeing the presence of every family member is the most gratifying thing for Qianlang.

Good wine, haha... good wine..."

Liu leads the wave to the dome, and suddenly nine colorful clouds of wine appear above his head. Then he fights the stars with his left hand, moves the altar and waterfall with his right hand, pours wine with his head up, the wine waves are refreshing, and he laughs and sings loudly.

"Ha ha……"

"I like this kind of third brother, Xiang'er, Shuang'er, let's go home and enjoy house wine for third brother and mother. I just like to see his crazy way of carrying jars and pouring wine!"

In Song Zhen's memory, it has been a long time since the third brother Liu Qianlang was so carefree and happy today, his black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, and his left and right were placed on the shoulders of his beloved wife Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang, and he straightened his legs.

"Cut! Third brother is called free and easy, why do you say anything so vulgar. Sister Shuang, you say that I, Ye Xiang, have a poor family background, so it's fine to marry him.

But Sister Shuang, you are different from me. You are so graceful and beautiful, why did you marry him? What did you think back then? "

Hearing Song Zhen's compliments to Liu Qianlang beside her, Ye Xiang gave her husband a sideways look, and then smiled at Lan Shuang through Song Zhen.

"You damn girl, you don't care about the occasion when you joke, and you made Sister Juan, Brother Yuanfang, Queen Yanghuangyue, and Brother Xun An laugh at you.

We're gone, whatever you want to make trouble, go home as you like! "

When Lan Shuang heard this, her face turned red, and she greeted Liu Juan who was floating on the surrounding sacred peaks, then took off with a flick of her sleeves, stepped on the Luoxian brush, and left first.

"My lady, wait for me—"

Song Zhen yelled, and hurriedly stepped on the star sword to catch up with Lan Shuang in front of him.

"Hmph! If you dare to leave me behind, wait."

Seeing that Song Zhen had thrown her away, Ye Xiang chased after Lan Shuang, stomped her feet, and chased after her with her incense pot.

"Ha ha……"


When the people behind saw it, they couldn't help laughing.

"Haha...fourth brother, you must keep your word and refine the house wine more, the taste of that wine is really warm, haha..."

Liu Qianlang's flying figure disappeared into the sky, and he could still hear the words of Song Zhen, Lan Shuang, and Ye Xiang, and there was such a sentence as the wind carried the clouds.

Everyone was happier when they heard the words, because they knew that Liu Qianlang would not be far away from the universe, and they had confidence in their hearts, so they were naturally relieved, laughed at each other and said goodbye.


Liu Qianlang stepped on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, moved the altar and poured wine, urged the Shun Dun magic skill, and flew up and down. Tens of thousands of years later, he gradually came to the edge of the Tailing Lu Yuanzhou.

As he continued to fly towards the outer space, he felt bursts of infinitely powerful invisible divine power from the outer space.

Liu Qianlang had never encountered this kind of divine power before. Liu Qianlang's original idea of ​​directly rushing out of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou was simply impossible in the face of this kind of divine power from the outer universe.

After trying many times, Liu Qianlang came to this understanding. So it occurred to me that maybe a certain area on the edge of Tailing Lu Yuanyu would be weak.

Thus, Liu Qianlang began the protracted process of galloping around the universe, but after tens of millions of years passed, Liu Qianlang not only failed to find any weak points on the edge of the Tailing Luyuan Universe.

On the contrary, what surprised Liu Qianlang was that when he came again to the area he had passed through, the divine power of Zhou Wai continued to grow stronger.

It gave Liu Qianlang the feeling that outside Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, there was an inexplicable divine power constantly squeezing Tailing Lu Yuanzhou.

Liu Qianlang's hard work for more than ten thousand years, not only did not leave Tailing Lu Yuanzhou any further, but was constantly forced back towards the center of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou by the ever-increasing divine power from outside the universe.

After Liu Qianlang discovered this situation, he knew that it would be futile to continue driving like this, so he stopped planning to rush to the outer space, calmed down, and flew cross-legged, examining and thinking about the situation outside the outer space.

Liu Qianlang activated the psychic eyesight, raised his eyesight to a level of several universes, and flew around the edge of the Tailing Luyuan universe, carefully studying the situation outside the universe.

With Liu Qianlang's hard work, Liu Qianlang gradually discovered all the states of the Tailing Luyuan Universe.

What surprised Liu Qianlang was that outside Tailing Lu Yuanzhou, he could not see a single star, nor could he see any light, let alone any sound, and there were gray tones everywhere that could never see the edge.

Looking at it, it's like falling into an infinitely terrifying abyss, but it's impossible for you to fall into it. That kind of extraterrestrial power is too powerful, and for Liu Qianlang, it is an insurmountable repulsive force.

Liu Qianlang was still in the universe, so he had to rely on his powerful cosmic physical energy to stabilize himself, so as not to be forced back to the Tailing Luyuan Zhouzhou Heart by the divine power outside the universe.

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