Nine Heavens

Chapter 2471 chasing the sun and the moon

"Repel each other and attract each other, repel extreme illusion and attract life, and suck end repel life! Lang Yuan Renzu Shengzun, Master Xingchen Dao asked me, the sun and moon, the second political king, to come and tell the saint.

Xingchen Daozu said, the reason behind this is that as long as Langyuan Renzu has a little more taste, he can break out of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou just around the corner. "

Liu Qianlang was flying cross-legged in the time and space at the very top of the Tailing Luyuan universe. He was thinking deeply about the situation outside the Tailing Luyuan universe when he suddenly heard the majestic and heavy voice of the Japanese government Zhanwang from the depths of the Tailing Luyuan universe behind him. .

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang savored the words of the Japanese government Zhanwang again and again, and seemed to realize something in his heart, but for a while, he didn't fully understand the profound truth in the words of the fourth brother Song Zhen sent by the Sun and Moon Shuangzheng, so out of gratitude , turned slowly and said:

"Thank you, Sun and Moon Shuangzheng for coming to pass on the message, but the fourth brother, Xingchen Daozu, can tell me these things in a remote voice. Why did he bother Sun and Moon Shuangzheng?"

"Hehe, we don't understand this, and we have asked the ancestor of Xingchen Dao. He just smiled and said that we just come and go once, and the ancestor of Langyuan will definitely guess what he means."

The sun and the moon are kings, the sun king wears a huge fiery red robe, and the moon king wears a huge blue robe. The two, one red and one blue, each stepped on a star of the same robe color, the colors contrasted strongly, Moon King smiled and said.


Liu Qianlang sighed when he heard the words, and savored what the Japanese government Zhanwang said just now, and said with a shameful smile:

"Your Xingchen Daozu Zhanxuanzi thinks too highly of me. This Langyuan Renzu needs to think carefully. Thank you Sunyue Zhengwang, please go home if you have one."

"Well, I wish Renzu Langyuan complete the task of exploring the universe as soon as possible, we are going back.

oh! By the way, Emperor Langlongyang asked me to tell Renzu Langyuan that he did not live up to the expectations of the Holy One. Now Tailing Lu Yuanzhou Center and Sifang Shenzhou are doing very well. They have achieved gratifying results in creating a great cause and practicing divine skills. results. Just wait for the ancestor of Langyuan to go back, and Yaotian will go on tour. "

The sun and the moon were talking, and Shili left hand in hand.

The state of the two of them leaving on the stars is a bit funny. The two stars carry them, sometimes moving away and sometimes approaching.

As they keep moving away, as if going their separate ways, they have mutual attraction. After attracting close, there is mutual repulsion, and they begin to move away. This cycle is endless, and the trajectories of the two of them seem to leave behind countless half-red and half-blue chains.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing when he saw the funny track they left behind gradually, even though the task of leaving the universe could not be achieved for thousands of years, he also joked: "

"Dual politics of the sun and the moon, no wonder you don't like to show up, it turns out that your posture of flying through the universe is so different!"

"Isn't that right, Daoist Xingchen bestowed us with flying pedals, but even gave us the seven-star arch, let us fly together, it's just so funny.

That's why we don't show up easily. We all feel funny in such a flying appearance, and it's not surprising that Langyuan Renzu made a joke.

But Xingchen Daozu specially told us this time that we must show up when we come and see Langyuan Renzu.

Ha ha... Dao Ancestor Lang Yuan can laugh, but don't tell others about our flying appearance when we go back, otherwise our reputation as the king of Qizheng Zhanwang may be lost. "

The Japanese government Zhanwang replied in embarrassment.

Liu Qianlang heard the words of the Japanese government Zhanwang, and looked at the blue rainbow trajectory they kept going away, they were also strangely merging and strangely repelling each other, and then reunited...

Liu Qianlang suddenly felt a sense of composure, and suddenly understood the meaning of the message sent by his fourth younger brother Song Zhen.


"The sun and the moon are flying together—"

Liu Qianlang couldn't help shouting happily.

"My brother, Yuezheng, did you hear that even Renzu Langyuan is making fun of us, how can we meet people in the future?"

"Who asked us to have a master like Xingchen Daozu, each of us gave us a broken ball as a flying step, like a human lion rolling a hydrangea ball!"

"Oh! That's fine, the lion rolled the hydrangea, and all he got were appreciative eyes and applause, but we could only get ridicule.

To this day, I dare not expose our image to the four Tianling sisters. If I let them see it, I will not regret admitting that we, Qizhengzhanwang, have been masters. "

"Me too, no! This is not okay, we can't always fly to a star no matter where we fly, we should change the appearance of its door.

You can see how amazing the star Taoist ancestor is flying with his sword, I think we also said how about our Qizheng god stepping into the Qizheng Immortal Sword? "

"Hey! That's a good idea! Let's go back quickly and tell the five political brothers of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth that we will start practicing the Qizheng Immortal Sword. We vow to change ourselves, and the change starts from the bottom of our feet!"


When Liu Qianlang heard the witty and humorous conversation between the Sun and the Moon, he felt a sense of joy for his fourth brother Song Zhen. At the same time, he was very grateful to this confidant fourth brother for helping him at a critical moment.

Hearing the news about Ouyang Langlong, he was even more relieved. Because be happy, Liu Qianlang suddenly felt himself relaxed and happy, and Shen Hui was suddenly cheerful and boundless.

Guided by the funny scene when the sun and the moon flew away, Liu Qianlang immediately thought of how to break out of Tailing Lu Yuanzhou.

Next, Liu Qianlang continued to sit cross-legged, letting his body float and move around, and with his hands forming a formula, hundreds of millions of divine rainbows circulated and coiled around him, and he began to enter a very miraculous cultivation state.

As Liu Qianlang's practice progressed, his hands turned into palms, and he lifted them up slowly, and then a ball of light began to surge out from the palms of both palms.

The left hand is a bright red light, and the palm of the right hand is a blue light. The two balls of light keep rolling like springs, and gradually become bigger.

Within the light surge, the color became more and more intense, and soon became as solid as it was.

When the two balls of light became as big as a hill, they stopped growing, and the original rolling state stopped, and then the two balls of light turned into the state of a day and a moon, held by Liu Qianlang in the palm of his hand .

At this time, Liu Qianlang closed his body to cultivate the divine rainbow, looked at the light surges on the left and right that were gradually condensing and materializing, with eyes full of smiles, and sighed to himself:

"When the ancestors of this wave come out of the universe, it's up to you!"

Then Liu Qianlang got up slowly, still stepping on the map of the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers under his body, inspected the sun and moon transformed into palms for a long time, and then suddenly threw them to the top of the sky outside the Tailing universe, and at the same time said to himself .



"Congratulations to Ancestor Langyuan, you have actually cultivated the theology of creating the sun and creating the moon!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly stood up, moved quickly, and began to fly wildly in the direction of the sun and moonlight, chasing the sun and the moon.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang suddenly heard another voice behind him.

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