Nine Heavens

Chapter 2477 The King of Witches

There is no limit to Yin and Yang, and there is no limit to Yin and Universe, and there is a god of wood and witchcraft, Zhou Jinggong.

The body of the god witch emperor's bright red blood-like wooden stake was stretched out, and the bright red branches stretched out seven fingers of arms, all of which were holding the handle of the huge black throne of the god emperor under him.

Above the bright red stump, viewed from a humane three-dimensional perspective, it is impossible to tell whether it is a round or square head, with faces on five sides, and it can be seen from front to back, left, right, east, west, north, south, and only below him is the blind spot of his field of vision.

There are nine orifices on each face, that is, a solitary nostril and one hole, two mouths up and down, three eyes around the face, and three earrings around the head.

Its head is connected to the upper part of the body, and its head can be turned around at will, and any of the five faces can face the front if you want.

However, there are five faces, each of which has a different appearance. Looking at it from a three-dimensional human perspective, it seems that there are both men and women, both young and old, and the beauty and ugliness complement each other.

"Hey! Tell me, what happened in the last few hundred million years? Our woody god Wu Zhou just squatted like this!

I really don't have to worry about the God Witch Emperor, each of the two god emperors and young masters makes me proud. Now that Xuanze is dead, you said that Bize has been out of the house for a whole year, and that he has grown up in the flower god Wu Zhou and will not come back!

O my old stump! I also expect them to inherit my mantle and destroy Wuji Yangzhou.

This is a good thing, the ancient Tailing Lu Yuanzhou Lingming Tianlian hasn't wiped out even a demon flower, and another evil wisdom and human way Lingming Tianlian is born, it's really terrible!

Oops haha! My back pain has happened again, left and right rattan guards, give me a beat! "

Shenhuang's bright red tree stump leaned back, and the five faces looked more painful than the other. Among them, the face facing forward had two big mouths with blood red and black teeth. with.

"Okay! God Emperor, just watch it all the time! Tell us whether you have pain in the front, back, left, right, or both!

As long as our left and right rattan guards take action, we will keep you as comfortable as ever! "

As soon as the Emperor's words fell, two twisted rattan-like objects, one blue and one blue, suddenly rose up under the left and right seats of the jet-black throne of the God Emperor.

The vine branch is the body, and the vine leaf becomes a seven-fingered leaf hand, with a circle of roots underneath, and a sharp head above it. The face covered with strange faces is wrapped in silk strips on the head, and the parts of the face , is also nine orifices, but I don't know what the layout is.

These blue and blue things are very flexible, making a sound like the whistling of wind and rain, bouncing and appearing close to the God Witch Emperor.

At the same time, messy hands raised together, shouting together.

"Oh! Shut your vine mouths quickly, I'm so annoying. All your waists hurt, hurry up and pound. If you don't pound again, my body can last a trillion years!"

The God Witch Emperor, moaning sickly, seemed to feel that Lan Qingteng's back was getting better, closed his eyes, and leaned back more.

Surrounded by branches and hands, they explored hundreds of witch fruit bowls from far and near, grabbed various witch fruits, and kept filling the five faces and twelve mouths.

While moaning in pain, he chewed deliciously.


"Qizuo God Witch Emperor, Huang Baiyun Wood Transformation God Witch has come back tens of millions of years from that devil flower in Wuji Yangzhou, and has come to pray for more than ten thousand times, I don't know this time?"

His Highness the Gods and Witches. There are tens of millions of wooded gods and witches standing full of various halos.

Among the courtiers of the Wooden God Witch, the leader is a golden halo Wooden God Witch. Except for the golden light all over his body, his appearance is no different from that of the God Witch Emperor.

He finally waited until the God Witch Emperor was quieter, and then some branches in front of him held a golden god fruit shell that symbolized his status, and started to play.

"Oh, you guys are so annoying! Why did I meet you courtiers who are just looking for trouble? Don't you have a wife and children in your family? You are not at home. What kind of court is always going on!

It’s been tens of millions of years, why are those two wood-like witches still alive? You say, Xuanze’s wood-like witches are all dead, I just know the news, why do I have to go to court!

They are so annoying, the golden halo wood turns into a god, a witch, and a temple, so hurry up and send them to clean up the devil's flower that gave birth to human wisdom.

Where did Xuanze Muhua Gods and Witches die? They are still alive and come back to bother me! "

The God Witch Emperor hummed in an unlovely tone.

"This shaman complies with the order! There are three more things, this shaman wants to start, and I ask the God Witch Emperor to be prepared, don't be bored to death!"

Jin Yunmu Hua Shenwu received the order, shouted behind him, paused for a while, raised his hand to support the shell and said again.

"Oh my God! Three things! You want to kill me, the Witch Emperor! You can't live through this day, why do you have something to do every day! Tell me, let's play it later, just say it, don't tell me a few things.

Recently, my heart is not very good, and I can no longer withstand any blows, alas! Why is it so tiring to be a God Witch Emperor! "

"Kabo! Kakao!"

The God Witch Emperor's Palace is in a slump, but the power to chew the God Witch Fruit is not a soft sponge, its sound can shake the God Witch Palace.

"Yes! The truth is clear. The first thing, the second young master sent a message back. He took a fancy to a princess of Huihua Shenwuzhou and asked us Muhua Shenwuzhou to rely on envoys to propose marriage. What's your opinion?"

Jin Yunmu Huashen Wuxiang asked carefully.

"What does this shit have to do with me? It's not about proposing marriage to me. You can do whatever you like. Don't bother me with such things in the future!"

The God Witch Emperor didn't care about his prince's divine marriage at all, and said somewhat angrily.

Hearing the words of Jin Yunmu Hua Shen Wuxiang, he has long been accustomed to it, and still accepts the order respectfully. Then he said:

"The second thing is that a person, a worm, and a butterfly crawled out of that vicious flower.

They ate the poisonous flower themselves, and turned into a flower of infinite harmony and divine power, standing inside it and floating towards the Yin-Yang universe area.

Our Muhua God Wu Zhou has always hated the Guangming Wuji Yang Zhou, and now the birth of the Huitailing Lu Yuanzhou is even more disgusting, do we? "

"Sneeze! Alright, my Xuan Ze'er, you can just thank that idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!

Golden halo wood transforming gods and witches, please calm down for a while, the flowers of viciousness are gone, why do we still hate them!

Hurry up and talk about your third thing, wait a little longer, you must torture me to death. "

When the Divine Witch Emperor heard that Tailing Lu Yuanzhou's Lingming Tianlian was eaten by Liu Qianlang, his mouth chewing the divine fruit stopped for an unprecedented moment, and then he mainly chewed the fruit, supplemented by talking, and there was some rumors Only the Golden Halo Wood Transforming God Witch can understand the words.

"However, although the vicious flower is gone, what about the vicious person, that worm and that butterfly?"

Jin Yunmu Huashen Wuxiang is very well-cultivated and very patient, guiding the God Wuhuang to say.

"It's fine with them. Let's show the world that they are the ones who can survive in the bright world. Let him die after he is happy."

The god witch emperor said.

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