Nine Heavens

Chapter 2478 Silver halo appearance

"Well, the emperor's advice! The last thing is that the woody fruit in the three trillion miles north of the universe of our woody witch has matured! Those beastly witches..."

"What! Those damned animal witches want to snatch our woody fruit again!?"

Because the person in the hall is the blood halo wood god Wuhuang, no matter what he said, the golden halo wood god witch god and witch minister had to flatter him. After praising against his will, he mentioned the third thing he wanted to play.

Just halfway through the words of the Golden Halo Wood Transformation God and Witch Xiang, the God Witch Emperor suddenly straightened his bright red wooden stake body, and the almost hexahedral head on the top turned around for a while, and the five faces screamed in unison.

"Hmph! It's too much!"

"Shenwuhuang, decree, we can't always be bullied by their beast-turning god Wu Zhou like this!"

"Fight against Zhou, the beast-turning god and witch! Fight against Zhou, the beast-turning god and witch!"


His Highness, the ten thousand wood gods and witches and courtiers were also filled with righteous indignation, shouting in unison.

"Oh! I'm so annoying, please stop arguing, let Jin Yunmu transform into a god and witch, can you finish the sentence, why are all of them so unqualified, what the god and witch emperor usually teach you.

My dear Jinyunmuhuashenwuxiang, try to pick something that doesn't irritate me, okay? "

Hearing the commotion from His Royal Highness, the God Witch Emperor instantly hugged the hexahedron's head tightly with three layers of arms covered with branches.

Its three eyes shot three golden lights through the branch arm, and cried out in pain.


It's good for the golden halo wood to transform into a god and witch. The emperor of the gods and witches in the temple has an order to respond, so he hastened to agree. Then went on to say:

"Except for the beast-turned God Wuzhou who has stolen and plundered the wood-shaped fruit three trillion miles north of our wood-turned God Wuzhou, the Bird-turned God Wuzhou in the upper sky and the scale god Wuzhou in the lower abyss have all treated us. The Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou, and the Flower Transformation God Wu Zhou himself has evil intentions!

We wood gods and witches are self-strengthening, and it is imminent to resist their uncivilized behavior. Please also ask the God and Witch Emperor to have a plan in mind, so that we will not be bullied again by the Muhua God and Witch Zhou! "

"Oh my god! What's all this? A beast-turned god Wuzhou is enough to give us a headache, and now the bird-turned god Wuzhou in the upper sky and the scale-turned god Wuzhou in the lower abyss are also doing something to us!?

well! Unexpected stalwart and fruity fragrance are also sins. Now we have turned Yushu Linfeng into a stump body, and the prosperity is gone, and they still don't let us go.

They are not only people who love us, but also the fruit of the divine fragrance that lingers on us! no more! no more! Lan Qingtenghu, beat it quickly, my back hurts like a toothache!

Thousands of shamans, usually you are all yelling and drinking, but now you are greedy, you all talk about it, what should we do.

You can't beat the world, and it's not an option to uglify yourself to death! Whoops! Why is my heart beating so hard.

I really can't do it anymore, golden halo, wood, god and witch, come up and sit down, when it's too peaceful, call me back again! Lan Qingteng Hu, quickly carry me back to the bedroom, I can't take any more blows! "

When the God Witch Emperor heard the words of Jin Yunmu Hua Shenwu, his words turned into crying, his back hurt and his legs hurt and he yelled for a while, let Lan Qingteng hug him and jumped and turned over. Under the eyes of everyone, he slipped away.

"Hey! Congratulations to the God Witch Emperor, the God Witch Emperor is a million years old!"

Tens of thousands of wooden gods and shamans, sighed in unison, and sent them off with fruit.

After the ceremony, the golden halo wood turned into a god and witch, sitting on the throne of the god and witch emperor, which was tens of thousands of miles high, and looked at His Highness' group of witches majestically.

"Everyone has seen that the God Witch Emperor really broke his heart because of us Mu Hua Shen Wu Zhou, the eldest son Xuan Ze Mu Hua Shen Wu died in Wuji Yang Zhou, and the second son didn't have a proper job, so he knew to be a womanizer in Hui Hua Shen Wu Zhou.

The thirteen daughters all married Zhou, the beast god, for the sake of the peace of our wood god Wu Zhou. But……"

Although the Golden Halo Wood Transformation God and Witch Xiang was blazing with golden light all over his body, but sitting on the throne of the God and Witch Emperor, he was crying, shaking his head and sighing.

"Don't be sad for the golden halo god, now the god witch emperor is exhausted, mentally exhausted, tired and ill, you must take care of your body.

Now the current situation in the anti-Ming world is getting more and more complicated. I don't know if I should say something or not! "

The Golden Halo Wood Transformation God Witch was in deep pain, His Highness and all the witches were all mournful upon hearing the words.

One of them, a tree stump with silver flowers all over his body, was standing on the left side behind the original Golden Halo Wood God and Witch. At this moment, he raised the silver fruit shell on his chest to comfort the Golden Halo Wood God.

"That's right! Jinyun Muhuashen Wuxiang is the first pillar of my Muhuashen Wuzhou, Wanwang take care of the Muhuashen body!"

The copper-colored woody witch on the right side of the silver wood witch echoed with a trembling voice.

The two who spoke were the silver-halo wood-shaman phase and the copper-halo wood-shade phase of the gold, silver, and copper phases of the Temple of the Wooden God and Witch.

The three of them are the pillars of the wood god Wu Zhou, and they are the three who decide everything.

As for the God Witch Emperor just now, it was just a decoration, he almost hid when he had something to do, and finally went to the hall, except for eating and drinking, he just complained about his back pain.

Why are the wooded witches in the Temple of the Wooden God Witch, especially the God Witch Emperor, so wasteful? Naturally, there is a reason for this.

"Gold halo wood god and witch, take care of the wood god body!"

Your Highness shouted thousands of witches.

"What's the use of that? No matter how good the main body is, the wood-shaped god, the witch, and the wood-shaped god's body, your wood-shaped god's body is hardening, we still have strength in heart but not enough power. Our body dominates the soul...

Yin halo look, if you have anything to say, just speak up, in our current situation, even if we have a good chance, we will fight for it! "

The five-faced golden halo and wood-shaped deity, each face is pained and dignified, with fifteen eyes, looking deeply at His Highness's god friend in turn, and said in pain.

"That's good! This silver halo divine appearance wants to suggest that the golden halo divine appearance consider intersecting with that vicious flower! It is the spiritual life lotus of the boundless sun universe that gave birth to the new life state humane human race."

With a look of silver halo, he hesitated for a long time, and summoned up the courage to say.

"No way! Silver halo god, you are crazy. In our infinite Yin universe, there are already threats of bird, scale and animal transformation. Don't you want to provoke the vicious flower of the infinite Yang universe and set yourself on fire!

Have you forgotten that our Muhua Shen Wuzhou is eternally hostile to the Wuji Yang Universe, any light in the Wuji Yang Universe is the poison of our rebellion against the destruction of the Wuji Yin Universe in the world of Wuji, not a single bit of it will do.

Otherwise, Xuanze Muhuashen would not have sacrificed in order to destroy the Bright World. Not before! The even more terrifying human race born there now is even worse! "

"The copper halo god is right, absolutely not?"

"Don't ask for trouble!"

"The terrifying bright world, we must not provoke it!"


As soon as the words of the silver halo god came out of his mouth, the copper halo wood transformation god and the hall full of gods and witches immediately objected in unison, and there was a lot of discussion.

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