Nine Heavens

Chapter 2485 White Chang Wu Goose

"Father Lang'er, I also believe that Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei will see the good of our bright world!

In fact, I have never plucked their hairs since I was a child. Every time we frightened them, we fed them the magic pill and then plucked one of my own hairs to scare them!

They won't offend the entire Bright World because of hating me! "

Because Qiqi couldn't see through Liu Qianlang's true inner thoughts, and saw Liu Qianlang's calm expression, he felt uncertain and worried.

"Well, you don't have to worry about Qiqi, but Mitaka can see that each is more intelligent than the other, they are just full of jokes, how could they not know that you plucked their hairs with their wisdom!

They are afraid of you on the grounds of plucking hairs, but in fact they are infinitely grateful for your kindness of nurturing and respect you! They are not simply vulgar people.

Ben Shenfeng Youhu believes that Langyuan Renzu has seen this a long time ago, so he is full of positive energy for Anti-Ming Sanying! I don't know if I'm right? "

After listening to Qiqi's words, Liu Qianlang hesitated to say anything, but Shenfeng took the words.

"Well, what Shenfeng Youhu said is true. Qiqi has to believe in himself, and we will have good luck. Maybe this time we didn't learn more in this Wuji Yinzhou, and we didn't do anything, but against Ming Sanying But there is no doubt that the three of them are our hope in the infinite Yin universe.

They are also the hope of a better future for the Wuji Yin Universe. If we go further, it is because they accidentally appeared in our bright world.

Sooner or later, the entire Wuji Yin-Yang Universe Bright World and Anti-Ming World will move toward an infinitely magical future of harmony because of them!

Don't be anxious, don't be confused, believe me, our future must be great and beautiful, and we are already on this road! "

Liu Qianlang said with emotion, at the same time, he still gazed at the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou under the cover of verdant green with infinitely strong and deep eyes.

"Langyuan Renzu is calm and calm, and the old dragon admires him!"

Shenlong Youhu just couldn't sense the news of anti-Ming Sanying for a short period of time, so he was a little upset, but when he saw Liu Qianlang calm as if nothing happened, he couldn't help but be convinced!

"Hehe, Shenlong Zuohu is absurd. The reason why the ancestors of this waves are calm is precisely because you are on the left and right."

Liu Qianlang smiled and took the opportunity to express his gratitude for the protection of the dragon and the phoenix and his affirmation of their divine power.

"Father Langer, shall we wait like this forever?"

Qiqi couldn't think of when Fanming Sanying would come out again to welcome himself and everyone into the Qinhua God Wuzhou, so he asked.

"Hehe, of course not, I guess we will need to return to the Promise Yin Universe soon!"

Liu Qianlang said lightly.

"Back to the Promise Sun Universe! Are we not entering the Bird Transformation God Wu Universe?"

Qiqi was a little puzzled by Liu Qianlang's words, and stared at the dragons and phoenixes around Liu Qianlang.

Shenlong Shenfeng also looked surprised.

"Could it be that Langyuan Renzu said that Sanying would not let us enter the world of Qinhua God Wu!"

Shenlong frowned, scratched his head and asked.

"The meaning of Langyuan Renzu is that it's not that the three eagles don't want us to enter the universe of the bird-turning gods and witches, but that their Eagle King parents and the whole universe of bird-turning gods and witches will not allow it!?"

Liu Qianlang hadn't answered yet, Shenfeng guessed.

"That's right! Anti-Ming Mitaka understands our Bright World again, and hopes that we will enter Qinhua Shenwu Zhou, and then let us make friends with Qinhua Shenwu Zhou.

However, they understand us and wait to see us, but it does not mean that their Eagle King parents understand them and understand us, so it is not surprising that we are taken outside the universe.

And, this is not the worst outcome, maybe..."

Just when Liu Qianlang said this, he suddenly heard a wave of dark and green bird-like magic witch approaching the edge, and then suddenly flew out all kinds of inexplicable giant birds of anti-Ming.

As soon as they appeared, they roared and screamed towards Liu Qianlang, and the dragon, phoenix and Qiqi rushed towards them!

Its head is the long-necked, white-length witch goose that Liu Qianlang saw with his eyes!

I saw its long and exaggeratedly long neck fluttering left and right, undulating up and down, and spouting magical green mist!

"Wang Niang, quickly tell Grandpa Wang Niang that you should flee back to the realm of Wujihe and Shenneng, where we have prepared the flowers of Wujihe and Shenneng for you!

Just before we left there, Wang Niang would feel the divine breath we left behind with a little sensing!

Da Wu, Er Ya, and Xiao Hei are incompetent! We failed to talk about the Eagle King Eagle Mother, they refused to accept you into the universe, and now they have bound us, and sent the Bai Changwu and Goose Commander to lead the three trillion birds to capture you! "

At this moment, Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei's mournful soul thoughts suddenly sounded in Qiqi Soul Universe.

"Okay! Three children, it's hard for you, but we are leaving, are you in danger?"

Qiqi quickly transmitted his soul thoughts to Liu Qianlang, and at the same time sent his soul thoughts to Miying.

"Mother Wang, please don't worry. We are the princes of the Eagle King and the Eagle Mother after all. They won't kill us. You run away. There is no rush for our bright future. As long as you are all safe, we will have a chance sooner or later—"

"Hmph! Sons of disobedience and rebellion, things that don't know right from wrong, it's not too late to put them into the Pagoda of Siguo Cleansing Bone, and let them repent to their ancestors!"

Dawu anxiously replied to Qiqi's words, and his soul reading voice was mixed with the sound of scolding, and then Qiqi's soul reading voice could no longer detect any information against Ming Sanying.

"Three children, you wait, we will come back to help you sooner or later!"

Qiqi couldn't hear the three voices she had been accustomed to all along, and couldn't help feeling a pang of heartache, and said to herself.

"Qiqi, don't get distracted, follow Father Lang'er closely, protect the left side of the dragon, protect the right side of the phoenix, quickly enter Wujihe and the flower of divine energy, let's go!"

Liu Qianlang looked around and saw that the three trillion Qinhua God Wu Zhou roaring towards the army was too powerful.

Don't talk about the three trillion birds turning into gods and witches, even three guys who are as big as Bai Changwu goose in front of them and whose bodies are thousands of times bigger than themselves have no confidence to deal with them, let alone so many.

So Liu Qianlang didn't say a word, and quickly accepted the dragon, the phoenix, Qiqi and the gods, sun, moon, Wujihe and Shenneng in the picture of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world under his feet, and quickly gathered together to form the flower of Wujihe and Shenneng , Summon it, practice the method of cosmic escape, and you will fly like a madman.

"Humph! Since you broke into our world of anti-light in the infinite sun universe, you still want to escape. It's really whimsical! Three trillion beasts transforming into gods, Wu Qiong, and killing the army of gods, chase them to death! Shoot and kill!"

Bai Chang Wu Goose had expected that Liu Qianlang would run away, so he didn't care. He squealed and took the lead, staring at the Wujihe and the flower of divine energy controlled by Liu Qianlang, and then chased after him.

The Wujihe and Divine Energy Flower controlled by Liu Qianlang are limited after all. Although they have demonstrated the magical power of instant escape, they are not extremely fast in the sight of giants like Bird Transformation Gods and Witches.

I saw them chasing more and more fiercely, and chasing faster and faster! Seeing them keep getting closer to Liu Qianlang.

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