Nine Heavens

Chapter 2486

Liu Qianlang felt that the terrifying cosmic hurricane that suddenly appeared behind him had swallowed him.

However, he still stood firmly on the flowers of Wujihe and Shenneng, with a layer of Wujihe and Shenneng's aura covering his body, firmly guarding the two dragons and phoenixes, and Qiqi protected them inside.

Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, leaving a white and holy white rainbow behind him in the dark and infinite Yin Universe.

The rainbow moon is mysterious and shimmering, and the white long witch goose and the three trillion bird-like witches behind it roared, and they could swallow Liu Qianlang in the next second.

However, they were naturally afraid of the light, and their terrifying speed of catching up slowed down on their own initiative.

They are distributed on both sides of the pure white Changhong, looking at Liu Qianlang, who is much smaller than their body, they keep flying in sync, and dare not make a move.

However, despite this, the cosmic hurricane they brought was also powerful and terrifying, making Liu Qianlang's heart and soul churn!

The long white witch goose stretched its neck as long as hundreds of millions of light miles, opened its bloody beak, and screamed, constantly threatening Liu Qianlang:

"Evil spies of the bright world, don't run away anymore, we have surrounded you with three trillion bird-shaped witches, hurry up and take away the light of the light, and capture it without a fight!"

Baichang Wu'e didn't know that the light brilliance on the life body of the light world was caused by the inherent energy inherent in it, and thought it was Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi who deliberately performed their spells. Luminous, so he threatened with fear.

"Ha ha……"

"Qu Sanzhao Qin turned into a witch, and the little bird wanted to deal with this Langyuan Renzu, you guys are too whimsical!

If it weren't for the sake of rebelling against Miying, Ben Langyuan Renzu would immediately reduce you to ashes with the divine light of light!

If you are smart, then go back quickly, the patience of Ben Langyuan Renzu is limited, and he hates things following behind.

In case I can't bear it, I have no choice but to apologize to Mitaka, and I have to take action against you! "

Liu Qianlang was almost out of breath by the cosmic hurricane brought by the flying of the bird-turned-sorcerer and three-tall bird-turned-sorcery witch behind him, urging the yin and yang dual souls, Zhoumen Wuji, the soul power, stabilizing the body and mind, and at the same time, it continued to skyrocket The body changed to be bigger than the white long witch goose behind him, without turning around, the tone was firm, and he said loudly.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang knew that the other party's most taboo was the bright divine light of Wuji Yangzhou, so when his body skyrocketed, he also brought out the pure whiteness outside his body to the extreme.

Looking at Liu Qianlang from a distance, he is infinitely tall and majestic, with a holy and radiant rainbow all over his body, and the vast ocean, and the majestic and terrifying momentum of the three trillion birds turning into gods and witches behind him suddenly weakened a lot!

"Not good! Everyone retreat hundreds of billions of miles!"

Seeing this, Bai Chang Wu Goose panicked in his heart. It thought Liu Qianlang was only that big, but it didn't expect Liu Qianlang to grow bigger.

This kind of ability is not possessed by the anti-mingling body of Wuji Yinyu. When it grows up, it will grow up and never change.

Bai Chang Wu'e saw that Liu Qianlang grew bigger, and the vast expanse of light and divine splendor around him seemed to overwhelm him and the same kind behind him, so he couldn't help shouting instinctively, and retreated at the same time.

In this way, Liu Qianlang felt a lot more relaxed in an instant, and quickly took the opportunity to strengthen the protection outside his body. At the same time, he released the yin and yang Wuji consciousness to quickly lock the distant front, showing that the Wuji combination and the flower of divine power prepared by Sanying Son, and then desperately galloped towards that direction.

Shenlong Zuohu and Shenfeng Youhu, seeing Liu Qianlang in such a situation, can still face it calmly and deal with it freely. As a guardian, they are not protecting each other, but being protected by the other party. Liu Qianlang added a little respect.

"Father Lang'er, you are so awesome, you scare away so many rotten birds!"

Liu Qianlang stepped on the flying flowers, Qiqi's eyes were red with flowers, and he was frightened, and he still didn't forget to flatter.

"Cut! Trifle!"

Liu Qianlang didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that Wu Yang, the three trillion bird transformation gods behind him, would swallow him up again, but even so, he still sent a voice from his soul, and replied to Qiqi boldly.

"Qiqi, don't disturb the ancestors of Langyuan, we should practice some spells to help the ancestors of Langyuan. Let's add some divine power to Langyuan's body, and you, create a fog of fog and confusion, hinder them line of sight.

hey-hey! Kiki come on! Let us rush out of the infinite universe with one breath! "

After some previous experience, Shenlong no longer had any intention of playing tricks on Qiqi, and smiled innocently, cheering him up.

"That's right! We can't let Father Lang'er deal with them, let's watch the fun. Thank you Uncle Shenlong for reminding us, let's start!"

Qiqi was very happy when he heard the words, and then the three of them were busy for a while, Shenlong and Shenfeng both shot rainbows with both palms in human form, pressing on Liu Qianlang's left and right shoulders, so that the madness in the body could be quickly injected into Liu Qianlang's body.

And Qiqi yelled at the three trillion birds and gods and witches behind him, spouting fetishes, and turned into a vast mist in the sky, causing his prodigal father and the whole flower of Wujihe and supernatural power to fall into a trap quickly. In the misty mist.

Hundreds of billions of miles away, Bai Chang Wu Goose had never seen the Bright God Mist in the Bright World, and saw an inexplicable chaos behind the white-haired Liu Qianlang flying wildly, and then disappeared, screaming strangely.

At first, he was stunned, and when he got over it, he immediately squawked and called out to the three trillion beasts who turned into gods and witches in the rear, and then accelerated again, chasing after Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi disappeared.

With the help of the dragon and the phoenix, Liu Qianlang became relaxed and happy in an instant with his strange skillful use of the magic witch. He tactfully circled tens of millions of miles, then changed his direction and continued to fly wildly.

In this way, Liu Qianlang has been flying for hundreds of thousands of years easily, and he has entered the Wujihe and Divine Energy Realm.

Seeing that Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi escaped from the pursuit of Bai Changwu Goose and Sanzhao Qinhua Shenwu, they couldn't help being elated, a little carried away, and couldn't help becoming active and laughing.

"How about it, Father Lang'er, Uncle Shenlong, Aunt Shenfeng, the magical magic of the universe's Condor is not bad, if it weren't for this infinite Yin Universe, the Condor would not be rare to use!"

After hundreds of thousands of years of silence, Kiki finally couldn't help but open his mouth to scream.

"Well! Qiqi's ability is really not covered, I admire it. As soon as Qiqi made a move, those anti-obvious birds were immediately caught in the circle, maybe they are still spinning around, haha..."

Unaccustomed to the human form, Shenlong regained his dragon body, raised his neck, shook his head, slapped his belly with nine dragon claws, laughed wildly, and flattered Qiqi with each other.

Shenfeng has been protecting Liu Qianlang's right side in a human manner, and at this moment she is also relaxed, smiling and watching Shenlong and Qiqi bragging.

Only Liu Qianlang was shocked when he heard their nonsense, and thought to himself, how stupid I am! You also underestimate the wisdom of the anti-mingling body, they have never given up chasing, just because we can't figure out where we are, and the direction is wrong, but you...

Liu Qianlang was speechless for a while, and then Bai Changwu's goose quacked in his ears.

After a while, Qiqilinhe found that in the mist of his real life, a towering goose head suddenly appeared, with a bright red mouth like a huge tongs!

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