Nine Heavens

Chapter 2487 Bright Divine Poison

"My mother! Why are you so persistent, we are almost home and you are still chasing us!"

Qiqi saw Bai Changwu Goose's big mouth, squatting on Liu Qianlang's body and began to perform the magic fog technique again.

"Oh bah, you rotten bird with a belly full of bad water, I made you bad, and made us fly so many wrong ways, I'll eat you right now!"


When Bai Chang Wu Goose saw Qiqi, he was so angry that he shook his neck and opened his mouth, and pecked at Qiqi.

"Shut up!"

"You dare to eat me, but I am the queen mother who rebelled against Miying!"

Kiki yelled in a hurry.

"I spit! You are the one who eats me with a long neck. Seeing that you have bewitched our three eagle princes so much that you don't even know your parents. That's not bad!

This is all caused by that bastard Xuanze Muhuashenwu and you! "

Long Neck could have given Kiki to Mixi as soon as he shut up, but then he couldn't get angry and yelled slowly.

"You have always been ignorant and ignorant, closed to the universe, and do not accept the advanced ideas of the universe at all, and so is your Eagle King.

I am ignorant and old-fashioned, and I reject the anti-Ming Mitaka who accepts the advanced ideas of our bright world!

Do you know that anti-Ming Sanying is your future, and the advanced ideas they accept in our anti-Ming world will make your anti-Ming world more prosperous.

This is a good thing. We are the messengers who lead you from the dark world to the light. Anti-Ming Mitaka is your anti-Ming World, our faithful believers.

They are destined to be with us because you picked up the treasure, you can’t eat me, I’m not only against Mitaka’s wife, but also your savior…”

Relying on the fact that Liu Qianlang is under him, Qiqi is not afraid of being bitten by the indistinct white long witch goose. This yelling with pouting buttocks and jumping legs, does not know where the divine words come from, and the yelling is not drafted.


Qiqi's words made Bai Changwu's head hurt, and he wished he could swallow Qiqi in one gulp, but he couldn't hold back what he had to say, so he also called out:

"Don't talk nonsense, our ancestors said that there is nothing good in your bright world. You can see how terrifying it is when you look at the state of your infinite dark universe!

My long-necked patriarch and great-grandfather said that the world of light is a demon, no matter who is in the anti-light world is contaminated with your light breath, the result will be either death or stupidity!

Now the three eagle princes are like this, the eagle king can say, if we can’t exorcise them, we have to kill them to keep the bird-shaped god Wu Zhou from being polluted..."

"How dare you! I can tell you that I implanted a zigzagging light god poison in Mitaka's body.

If you kill the Anti-Ming Sanying, these light god poisons will immediately spread widely into the entire Bird Transformation God Wu universe, and you will all be dead in the blink of an eye. "

When Qiqi heard that Sanying was going to be executed, he immediately panicked, trying to figure out such a reason.


"You didn't lie to me!"

Bai Chang Wu Goose was already full of aversion to everything in the Bright World, and when he heard Qiqi's words, he didn't know whether it was true or not, so he trembled in fright.

Qiqi saw that the other party was stunned, and he was bold enough to stand alone, stand upright, and then said blindly:

"Let me tell you the truth, we are all members of the Death Squad of the Bright World, and now we came to fight against the Bright World, but we didn't actually plan to go back, our whole body was soaked in the evil poison of Light.

Don't say that you hunted us down, even if you didn't kill us, we also wanted to find a place where the life forms of the anti-Ming world were concentrated and planned to destroy ourselves.

We have only one goal, and that is to sacrifice a few of us, kill you and everyone in the anti-Ming world, and piss you off!

Of course, what we want to kill the most is those stupid birds like you who are chasing us, who don't know what to do, and who don't know how to protect themselves! "

"Father Lang'er, Uncle Shenlong, Aunt Shenfeng, I don't think we need to fly any more, we will destroy ourselves in this anti-Ming time and space, killing them is worth it!"

Qiqi made nonsense to the extreme, just like the real thing, turned his head and shouted to Liu Qianlang as if death was at home.

"Hmm! We, the gods of the Death Squad of the Bright World, have nothing to ask for in our lives, but a glorious death!

We are soaked in the divine poison of light, and we came here only to seek death. Now we deliberately escape to the realm of Wujihe and Divine Energy, in order to kill as many as possible of the entire anti-Ming world.

you're right! Now is the time to dedicate the body of the God of Generosity of our Shining World Expendables, everyone get ready!

Our three trillion bird-turning gods and witches were buried with us. Although we did not achieve our goal of attracting all the bird-turning gods and witches to destroy them, we are still so angry! Qiqi, you die first or I die first! "

Liu Qianlang heard Qiqi's bout of vernacular, tasted it was a good way to intimidate the other party, so he boldly stopped speeding.

Liu Qianlang turned around suddenly, his white hair flew wildly, his divine robe twirled wildly, and the vast light around him escaped like the waves of the sea. His already frightening power, coupled with his words, immediately frightened the white long witch goose. idea.

"Cut! Father Langer, in the human world, you can't kill a chicken with a butcher's knife. Of course we die together, so that the power will be greater, and together we will break this long neck piece by piece."

Qiqi yelled, but thought in his heart, Father Langer, you have learned badly, I will not be tricked by you.


As soon as Liu Qianlang drank thunderously, he began to put on airs with Qiqi and Qiqi.

The white long witch goose was completely frightened by Liu Qianlang and Qiqi, and stretched out its paws to the front while galloping, touched its long neck that was shivering, and shouted:

"Let's run away, they are so vicious, they will use everything. I can't die, I'm about to marry a wife!"

"Hurry up, let's run back to Qinhua God Wu Zhou, and tell the Eagle King that the three eagle princes must not be killed—"

Bai Chang stared blankly for a moment at Qiqi and Liu Qianlang's posture of strange fog and rainbow swirling around them, and suddenly woke up, screaming, and took the lead in flying back with his long neck in his arms.

The three trillion bird-turning gods and witches behind it saw that the leader had fled back, and no one wanted to die. All of a sudden, the three million bird-turning gods and witches were in a mess. You stepped on me and I stepped on you. Zhang's kung fu is gone.

"Oh ha ha..."


The danger that appeared suddenly, and it would be okay if there was such a sudden, made the dragons and phoenixes who couldn't help laughing finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they all laughed with their bellies up.

"Wow! Qiqi, Langyuan Renzu, I can't see that the two of you still have such abilities, I am so old dragon!"

Shenlong laughed for a long time with tears in his eyes, before he forced his smile back and said.


"My Shenfeng Youhu has really learned a lot today. It's the first time I've seen someone like this that can scare away powerful enemies!"

Shenfeng Youhu laughed so hard that tears flowed down her face, she couldn't hide her mouth, and couldn't even level her eyebrows, she said while laughing.

"Cut! What is this? The tacit understanding between me and Lang'er's father is the Ten Thousand Eternal Divine Army..."

Qiqi got it by chance, but he didn't expect it, but success doesn't depend on the process, as long as he succeeds, it is his skill. Qiqi immediately seized this opportunity, which is naturally a self-defeating effort.

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