Nine Heavens

Chapter 2488 Wooden Invitation


"Qiqi, it's almost done, everyone has seen your ability, and now you should go in and fight against the Wuji He and the flower of divine power that Mitaka made for us.

We were really lucky just now, you see, the Wujihe and the flower of divine energy under our feet have exhausted their divine energy!

If they move any further, we're all doomed! "

Although Liu Qianlang's expression has always been very calm, but just now he was terrified. Fortunately, Qiqi, who is smart and likes to talk nonsense, saved everyone in a daze at a critical moment.

Liu Qianlang felt relieved for a while, but at the same time, he also had lingering fears, and smiled.

"I'm going! Really, Father Lang'er, I thought that no matter what happens, Father Lang'er will support you, and they can't do anything to us, so I dare to talk nonsense! I didn't expect you..."

When Qiqi heard Liu Qianlang's words, he also forgot to beautify himself, stared at a pair of red eyes, looked at Liu Qianlang and sighed in fear.

"Ha ha……"

Shenlong picked up the joke again, raised his head and laughed.

"No matter what, it was Qiqi who saved everyone, thank you Qiqi.

Langyuan Renzu, I know that your divine eyes can break through the universe, now can you confirm the location of the Wujihe and the flower of divine energy that Mitaka made for us? "

Shenfeng Youhu traveled all the way, saw Liu Qianlang's calm appearance, secretly sighed Liu Qianlang's unfathomable, and smiled.

"Well, that's right, the Ancestor of the Waves has already been confirmed, but it seems that we don't need to bother, two gods and witches have already arrived with flowers."

Liu Qianlang, with white hair and flying rainbow, stood proudly with her chest folded, her eyes stared at the gloomy front amidst billions of lights, she nodded and said.


Shenfeng Youhu sighed softly, didn't speak any more, and looked in the direction where Liu Qianlang's eyes were concentrated in surprise.

But Shenfeng Youhu didn't see anything, not only secretly sighed Liu Qianlang's strong eyesight again.

"Langyuan Renzu, what do you mean by that? Why didn't the old dragon see anything? The two gods and witches, did those birds come back?"

Shenlong was very surprised by Shenfeng and Liu Qianlang's actions, heard Liu Qianlang's words, and asked.

"The eyesight of the two of you is not strong enough, of course you can't see anything, are you the prodigal father!"

Qiqi squatted on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, very much saying goodbye to Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, this Langyuan Renzu's eyesight is not bad, it's all due to the good luck of Qianyuan, it's nothing, everyone will see them right away.

Judging from their appearance, they are not the life forms of the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, they are all in the form of sacred wood piles, and they should come from the same infinite Yin Universe Anti-Ming World, Zhou Wu Zhou, as Xuanze Wood Transformation God Wu Zhou. "

Liu Qianlang smiled modestly and motioned everyone to look forward.

After a while, the gods, dragons and phoenixes, Qiqi all saw a huge red and blue intertwined flower of infinity and divine power floating steadily in the gray darkness.

However, there are still two huge tree stumps floating above the flower platform. The one on the left is pure white, and the one on the right is golden yellow.

These two tree stumps are surrounded by branch arms, with seven-fingered palms at the end of the arms. The shape is strange but not ugly, and it is very flexible.

They cooperated left and right to hold the flowers of Wujihe and Shenneng, and frequently lit the hexahedron on the top of the tree stump, the head with five faces, and they came to pay respects to Liu Qianlang and others every now and then.

They all have five faces, fifteen eyes, and fifteen ears, with three faces on each face.

"Hello, respected human ancestor of Wuji Yinzhou Langyuan Tailing Tailing Lu Yuan, we are the envoys invited by the Huang Baiyun Wood God Wu Zhou from the Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming World, and we are here to wait for you! "

The two sacred wood stakes held the flowers of Wujihe and Shenneng floating close to each other, their faces were strangely changed, full of mysterious smiles, they said at the same time.

"Heh, wait, how do you know that my Langer's father is called Langyuan Renzu, and how do you know this flower of Wujihe and Shenneng?"

Liu Qianlang hasn't made a statement yet, Qiqi faintly felt something, and asked bouncingly on Liu Qianlang's shoulder.

"Hehe, dear Qiqi Guangming Condor, we heard from the three eagle princes of Qinhua Shenwu Zhou.

To tell you the truth, dear friends from the bright world of Wuji Yangzhou, the moment you entered Wuji Yinzhou, our Muhua God Wuzhou paid attention to you.

When we saw that you were going to the Infinity Tower of Qinhuashen Wuzhou, we invited you to go with our three wise and wise wooded gods.

I don't want to think that just after we got there, the Qinhua God Wuzhou suddenly turned against you, they sealed the universe, we couldn't go in, so we had to go back.

However, on our way home, we suddenly received a Feather Book from Zhou, the God of Qinhua, which told the story of the three eagle princes of Zhou, the God of Qinhua, and you.

The three eagle princes begged us to protect you no matter what, saying that you are the most benevolent and virtuous existences of the Yin Yang Wuji Universe because we heard that we wanted to make friends with all the distinguished friends of the Bright World outside the universe!

So, according to their instructions, we came to this realm of Wujihe and Divine Energy to find the flowers of Wujihe and Divine Energy that they created for you.

They said, you will come sooner or later, let us wait here. Sure enough, as they said, you are finally waiting for you!

Dear Qiqi Bright Condor, we do not know that you are the Bright Condor, but we also know that you are the Bright Mother of the three eagle princes of Qinhua God Wu Zhou.

The three eagle princes begged us to treat you well. They said they were sorry for you, and no matter how unhappy you were, you must take care of your health. Otherwise, if you pluck the hair yourself to scare them, the wound left by them will hurt! "

After the strange words came to an end, Bai Yunmu turned into a witch and smiled back.

"Da Wu, Er Ya, Xiao Hei!"

Qiqi suddenly heard the news of the anti-Ming Sanying from the mouths of the two wooden witches, and couldn't help tears in his eyes, a little nana. At the same time, because they care about themselves, they feel relieved and heartbroken.

"Did they say, are they dangerous?"

Kiki asked urgently.


Hearing the words, Baiyunmu Huashenwu couldn't help but look a little weird and squeak.

"Hey! Lao Bai, let's tell it!"

Seeing Bai Yunmu's embarrassment, Huang Yunmu Huashenwu sighed.

"Okay! Then I'll say it. Respected Guangming Condor, the three eagle princes of the Bird Transformation God Wuzhou, I'm afraid they will die soon!

They have been taken into Wuya Shenyuan by Qinhua Shenwu Zhou Fayuan's law enforcement, Qinhua Shenwu, and they will turn into energy dust in a short time!

Their lives are at stake, but they have repeatedly told us not to tell you their situation, they don't want you to worry..."

Bai Yunmuhuashenwu said this, and couldn't bear to say any more.

"It, they! Papa the prodigal son, we can't ignore Dawu and the others!"

Qiqi has always been worried about the anti-Ming Sanying, now that they are in danger, how can he not be anxious, almost crying.

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