Nine Heavens

Chapter 2489 double protection questioned


"Don't worry Qiqi, Father Lang'er can assure you that Dawu, Erya and Xiaohei will be fine!"

After hearing the words of Bai Yunmu Huashen Wu, Liu Qianlang groaned inwardly and said with a smile.

"I heard from the three eagle princes that their grandpa Wangniang was very powerful, and now seeing Langyuan Renzu, it really is amazing!

If you want to rescue the three eagle princes of Qinhuashen Wuzhou, it is easy to think about it.

However, our three gods, Muhua Shenwu Zhou, sincerely invite all of you respected friends of the Bright World. I don’t know whether the ancestors of Langyuan went to save the three eagle princes of Qinhua Shenwu Zhouying clan first, or..."

The white halo wood magic witch and the yellow halo wood magic witch exchanged a look, and then the yellow halo wood magic witch asked Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, since the three Gods of the Wooden God and Witch Zhou have sincerely invited us, we will naturally go to Guizhou with the two Wooden Gods and Witches first. As for the rescue of the three eagle princes of the Zhouying Clan of the three Bird Gods and Witches, my ancestors will naturally arranged."

Under Liu Qianlang's contemplation, although he was not sure about the sincerity of the words of the two Muhua God Wu Zhou Mu Hua Shen Wu, he still agreed to their invitation.

The reason for Liu Qianlang's choice is very simple, because his only way out is to return to Wuji Yangzhou. Although it is possible to come here again to explore and analyze the world of infinite darkness and anti-luminosity, it is also full of uncertainties.

In contrast, it is better to take the risk to go there, no matter how sincere the other party is, it is better to have a deeper understanding of the world of infinite Yin and anti-light.

At the same time, if I don't leave Wuji Yinzhou, it will be more beneficial for me to analyze and understand the situation of the three eagle princes of Qinhua Shenwu Zhou.

If they were really as dangerous as the two wooded witches said, I would definitely find a way to save them.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Liu Qianlang ignored the possible dangers of going to the Wooden God Wu Zhou, and readily accepted it.


"This god Dongfeng is the right guardian of the god Fengyuan Renzu. If I don't know, can I take the liberty to ask two respected friends from the anti-Ming world a few questions?"

Shenfeng heard that Liu Qianlang agreed to the other party, and was very worried about Liu Qianlang's safety, so she deliberately asked this question to remind Liu Qianlang to think twice.

"Of course, respectful and beautiful Guangming Shenfeng Youhuo!"

The three white pupils of Baiyun Muhua Shenwu looked Shenfeng Youhu up and down, saw her wearing a fire robe and a graceful and beautiful face, and respectfully saluted her.

"Thank you two respected friends of the Wooden God and Witch for your permission. There are only two questions I want to ask the Shenfeng Youhu. The first question I want to ask the Shenfeng Youhu is that it seems that Xuanze Wooden God and Witch is also your wood The god witch of Huashenwu Zhou.

And he died in our Wujiyang Universe Zhoulang Yuan Tailing Luyuan Universe Bright World, I think you must be clear about this news.

Now, not only do you not say you hate us, but you even want to make friends with us. Do you really not hate us? "

After a short pause, Shenfeng asked her first question bluntly.


Bai Yunmu Huashen Wu said very simply, then changed the subject and said:

"However, we are more ruthless than the Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, the Scale Transformation God Wu Zhou, and the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou! Dear friends of the Bright Immortal Realm World, you don't know.

In our Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming World, there are five major gods and witches. The three just now are the most powerful three gods and witches. The other two, one is our woody god Wuzhou, and the other is the flowering god Wuzhou. !

For a long time, we Muhua Shenwu Zhou and Huahua Shenwu Zhou have been bullied by them, especially Beast Hua Shenwu Zhou. The bullying we have suffered is simply indescribable. future!

Even Xuanze, the eldest prince of the Bloody God, the Witch King, and the Witch King, Xuanze, the Muhua God and Witch, was bewitched and used by them to go to your bright fairyland world to do evil!

Therefore, instead of saying that we hate your Guangming Immortal World for killing Xuanze Muhua Shenwu, it is better to say that we hate Beast Transformation Shenwu Zhou even more! "

When Bai Yunmu Hua Shenwu mentioned Beast, Scale, and Bird Transformation Wu Zhou, he was emotional and spoke indignantly, while Huang Yunmu Hua Shenwu looked dim and shook his head.

"Well, I, Shenfeng Youhu, am very sorry to ask your entangled and heart-wrenching questions. However, we come from the distant world of the Immortal Universe of Immortality, and we really don't know much about the world of Infinity, and we have too many questions. I have to ask, and please forgive me from the two respected friends who are against the Ming world."

Shenfeng Youhu thought carefully about Bai Yunmuhua's answer, nodded apologetically and asked:

"I, Shenfeng Youhu, also want to ask, why does your respected emperor want to be friendly with us? Your actions are against the entire world of the infinite Yin universe against Ming!"


When Shenfeng Youhu asked such a question, Bai Yunmu Huashen Wu and Huang Yunmu Huashen couldn't help but look embarrassed, and looked at each other for a long time, Huang Yunmu Huashen apologized and saluted:

"This question is really too profound. We are only ministers of the Wooden God and Witch Temple, so it is really difficult to answer the respectful and beautiful Guangming Shenfeng Youhu.

We can only say to you that our blood-smearing wood-changing god, the Witch Emperor, and the three gods, witches and gods are absolutely sincerely befriending you.

As for the fact that we are betraying the entire Promise Yin Universe and anti-Ming world, I think our supreme ministers of the temple are all clear in their hearts.

Because of this, our respected ministers of the temple want to befriend you even at the risk of betraying the entire Wuji Yinzhou anti-Ming world. This just shows our determination to turn Wu Zhou into a wooded god! "

"Okay, thank you two respected friends of the Wooden God and Witch. I have finished asking the questions I want to ask, thank you."

After Shenfeng Youhu asked, she didn't make any further statement in the end, but turned her eyes to Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang smiled and nodded, his eyes were deep and full of approval for Shenfeng Youhu, but Liu Qianlang didn't say anything.

"Oh! My Shenlong Zuohu remembered now. No wonder I heard your voices familiar. You are the two inexplicable extraterrestrial beings who went to our Wuji Yangzhou to meet Xuanze Muhua Shenwu?"

Shenlong Zuohu has been staring at Wujihe and Shennengzhihua for a long time, and the white-yellow halowood transformation witch has a feeling of déjà vu, but no matter how he looks, he has never seen them.

At this moment, they suddenly judged the familiar feeling from their voices. It turns out that Liu Qianlang once announced the magic sound shadow stone that he heard about the Huangbai halo wood transformation god witch Zhou Wai, and it was in the magic sound shadow stone that Shenlong Zuohu heard their voices.

"That's right! Tens of millions of years ago, we did go to your world of infinite sun and light, and we did go to meet Xuanze Muhua God and Witch.

The reason for that is because Xuanze Muhuashenwu had a contract with us for hundreds of millions of years when he left our Wuji Yinzhou Muhuashenwu Zhou.

He said that he would use 100 million years to destroy the bright world of Wuji Yin Zhou Yuan Yuan Tai Ling Lu Yuan, especially the world of Human Dao Ren Zu.

He said that once the 100 million years arrive, let us go there immediately to welcome him back in triumph, and the result..."

The Baiyunmuhuashenwu and Huangyunmuhuashenwu nodded deeply, admitting the matter frankly.

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