Nine Heavens

Chapter 2490

"Ha ha……"

"The anti-bright world of the infinite yin universe is really vast and boundless. Compared with the bright world of the infinite yang universe, it seems to be even more distant and boundless.

Ben Langyuan Renzu was fortunate enough to step into such a magical fairyland, what a blessing. I can't wait to visit a party of gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, and gods.

If the two friends of Wuji Yinzhou against Ming Immortal Realm don't mind, can we just go to your Wooden God Wuzhou? "

From the questioning of the guardians of the dragon, the god and the phoenix, Liu Qianlang was more sure of his determination to go to the wood god Wu Zhou, so he laughed loudly.

"Ha ha……"

"Respected Ancestor Langyuan, you are so happy! The Wuji Yinzhou needs anti-Ming divine power or Wuji harmony and divine power to swim freely in the sky. Please invite all friends from the world of Guangming Immortal Realm to enter this flower of Wuji harmony and divine power Son, let the two of us brothers personally bring flowers back to the universe for you!"

Huang Baiyun, the Wood Transforming God Witch, heard that Liu Qianlang finally agreed to his invitation, and he could go back to have a perfect business relationship. He was very happy, Shi Li invited Liu Qianlang to wait for Hua'er, and then both of them led the way. .

Tens of millions of years later.

Wu Zhou, the god of bird transformation, belongs to the Eagle King Shrine of the Eagle Clan in Tayu.

"Hmm! The two of you brothers really kept your promise. Since you came here, does it mean that you have successfully tricked them into your Muhua God Wu Zhou?"

On the high throne of the Eagle King in the Eagle King Shrine, squatting a hundred thousand gigantic pitch-black Condor Condor, its star eyes are sharp, shooting out cold and cold rainbows, and it keeps scanning the white man who came to visit His Highness. Huang Yunmu turned into a witch, and asked in a long and piercing voice.

"Hee hee, living up to the Eagle King's entrustment, we two brothers followed your instructions and easily tricked them into our Wooden God Wu Zhou!"

"Yes, great bird-like god Witch Eagle King, your wisdom is as unfathomable as the boundless darkness of our infinite universe.

According to your request, when you sent someone to press the three eagle princes under the Wuya God Abyss, the law enforcement abyss, and they will die soon, they immediately became anxious.

Hehe, that white-haired ancestor also said that he would definitely save the three eagle princes. The two of us brothers thought that he would definitely come to rescue the three eagle princes as soon as Zhou, the woody god and witch, stabilized himself.

At that time, when he comes, he will foolishly shoot into the law enforcement abyss, Wuya Shenyuan, no matter how powerful he is, he will be turned into ashes! "

Hearing the questioning of the Bird Transformation Divine Witch Zhouying Clan Eagle King in the hall, the White Halo Wood Transformation Wizard and the Yellow Halo Wood Transformation Wizard successively rushed to laugh and say.

"Well! You have done a good job, but we have just completed the first step. If we want to kill them, you need to continue to do what we say.

As long as the two of you brothers listen to us obediently, as long as the gold and silver halo wood god Wuxiang and the decadent blood halo god Wuhuang die, then the wood god Wu Zhou will belong to you two brothers! "

The Bird Transformation God Witch Eagle King was very satisfied with the words of the Huang Baiyun Wood Transformation God Witch. On the dark eagle's head, there was a circle of bright red and sharp eyes, and he nodded slightly.

"Thank you Eagle King for your help! As long as the Eagle King helps our brother sit on the throne of the Wooden God and Witch Emperor, then the Wooden God Wu Zhou will belong to our brothers, which will be your Eagle King.

At that time, Eagle King, do you want the witch fruit, or the witch fairy? There is only one you didn't expect, and there is absolutely nothing you want but can't get! "

After hearing the words of the Eagle King, Baiyunmu Huashenwu put the stump body on top of the head that was whirling around, and the five faces were all flattering and smiling, fawning.

"Okay, the Eagle King knows your loyalty. It's a bit early to say these words.

Don't talk about killing that Langyuan Renzu, even killing your god, witch emperor, gold and silver gods is not that simple. You go back and continue to monitor their every move.

In the future, it will be enough to transmit voices from Zhou Yi. Without the summons from the Eagle King, you are not allowed to come to the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou. This will easily expose your identities! "

The Eagle King of the Zhouying Clan, the Bird Transformation God Witch, didn't seem to like the white-yellow halo and the Wood Transformation God Witch's face, so he issued an order to drive away the guests impatiently.

"Yes! Dear bird-like god, Witch Eagle King, is taking care of everything every day, and we two brothers will not disturb your holy peace. We two brothers will remember your teachings!"

Huang Baiyun's wood-like magician saw that the bird-like magician Zhou Shenwu Yingwang's face was displeased, and he immediately turned around, said goodbye and left.

"Wait a minute, this is the guide of God's Domain from Wuya Shenyuan, Wuya Shenyuan, the Qinhua God Wuzhou Law Enforcement Yuan. You find a reasonable opportunity to expose it to that Langyuan Renzu, and we will kill him first!"

Just when the two brothers Huangbaiyunmuhuashenwu were about to jump out of the palace gate of the Qinhuashen Wuying King's temple, the Qinhuashen Wuyingwang suddenly shouted, and at the same time raised his claws and shot at Huang Baiyunmuhuashenwu, a pitch-black universe If there is a detailed map information of Qinhuashenwuzhou Law Enforcing Yuan Wuyashenyuan, Wuyashenyuan, you only need to scan it with your spiritual sense to know it.


Huang Baiyunmu Huashen Wu shouted in unison, and then they all hesitated to speak, looking at each other, very entangled.

"Well, do you have anything else to say? It's important to say something quickly, and then go back to do big things!"

Seeing Huang Baiyun's hesitant appearance, the Qinhua God Witch Yingwang couldn't help asking coldly.

"Respected King Eagle, the God of Bird Transformation, we have always deeply admired you, King Eagle, so we also pay special attention to the affairs of the Zhou Eagle Clan of God of Bird Transformation.

The two of us brothers really want to ask about the current situation of the three eagle princes. If the Human Dao Renzu asks about them, we will know how to answer them. "

Bai Yunmu Huashenwu saluted, and then said.

"Oh! You want to ask them. Of course they are safe and sound. They are the three princes of the Wuying clan of the gods. Even if the Eagle King gets angry, he will not hurt them.

They are fine now, sealed in a mysterious place by the branch of the God Witch Eagle King, and let them practice anti-Ming magic. "

After hearing the words, the Bird Transformation God Witch Eagle King replied very casually.

"Hey, that's good! We have seen the majesty of the three eagle princes, and they are completely the shadow of the super-aggressive arrogance of the bird-like god, the eagle king.

If the three eagle princes are really punished, even we will feel sorry for them! "

Huang Baiyun's wood-like witch heard the bird-like witch Eagle King tell the true situation of the three eagle princes, and he didn't know if it was true or false, and they all looked very happy.

"Thank you for caring about the three princes, go as soon as possible, remember to expose the Zhou Yin God Ball to Langyuan Renzu, but don't let him feel that you gave it to him on purpose.

Once the Zhou Yin Divine Ball fell into his hands, he immediately sent a message to the Eagle King without delay! "

Qinhua God Witch Ying King thanked Huang Baiyun Muhua God Witch against his will, and then exhorted.

"But I wish the Qinhua God Witch Eagle King Shen'an, we brothers are doing things, don't worry!"

After Huang Baiyun and the wood-turning god and witch responded in unison, they finally left.

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