Nine Heavens

Chapter 2491 Trust Wuguo

Wooden God Wu Zhou, Wooden God Palace.

Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi were warmly received.

However, they have been arranged to rest in the air of a wooden hall in the dark, and have not had any further contact with the upper layer of the wooded god Wuzhou.

"Father Lang'er, what's the matter? He also said that they were on good terms with us, but those two broken wooden stakes sent us here, and we were never heard from after we left!

No, I've had enough of my stay, I don't want to stay in this dark place anymore, I want to go back to our world of infinite sun and light. "

Qiqi flitted around in the dark space, restless, and shouted dissatisfied.

"Yeah, Prodigal Ancestor, this is really too much, I think they are deceiving us!"

Shenlong couldn't stay still any longer, and his dark golden eyes swept towards Liu Qianlang.

Although Shenfeng's expression is still calm, but he is also uneasy in his heart. The bright red and red fire clothes outside his body are fierce, like a ball of dark red flames in the darkness.

Demonic and mysterious.

"Hehe, be patient, everyone. Although the woody magic witch fruits they sent us are so beautiful and fragrant, it's not a waste to leave them alone!"

Liu Qianlang's expression was calm, and he kept sitting cross-legged in meditation, floating in the darkness.

Disappeared with his eyes slightly closed, breathing in his body, and after nourishing his energy, the psychic god's eyes looked at the plates of wood-turning gods and witch fruits flying around him one by one, watching with interest.

These magical witch fruits were all sent here by Liu Qianlang and the others after they were sent here by Huang Baiyunmuhua, and some other ceremonial witches from the wooden magical witch Zhou.

One fruit and one leaf, the green leaves are used to make a plate, and all kinds of divine fruits are fragrant. It seems that they have been carefully picked and processed. It is a sincere hospitality for Liu Qianlang and other infinite Yang gods.

But these details, Shenlong Shenfeng, Qiqi didn't think too much.

But Liu Qianlang is used to being calm, calm and calm when encountering situations, no matter what the environment is, and any difficulties he encounters, he can carefully consider and observe.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang raised his hand and beckoned to a slightly white, single-toned, somewhat distinctive woody witch fruit in the palm of his hand, and smiled carefully.

"My prodigal father, I really admire you, we are all imprisoned, you are still so comfortable, what do you think!"

Qiqi bald, landed on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, raised his neck and stared at Liu Qianlang's long white hair, which was also bright in the dark, and stomped his feet.

"Hehe, Ben Langyuan Renzu didn't think about anything. I have been sleeping just now. What are you doing? You are fidgeting. Look at how beautiful the god fruit is in this world of infinite darkness and anti-light, and those leaf.

If these beautiful and magical things are allowed to exist in our world of infinite sun and light, we will not know how beautiful they are. Ben Langyuan Renzu is really happy to be able to come to such an incomparably magical fairyland! "


Liu Qianlang actually gnawed the Wuji Yinzhou Wood Transformation God Witch Fruit in his palm.


"It's so delicious. In our world of Promise Sunshine, Ben Langzu has never eaten such a delicious fruit!"

Liu Qianlang sighed to himself.

Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi looked dumbfounded by Liu Qianlang's actions.

Their hearts quickly rose to their throats, and they frowned at Liu Qianlang, meaning they were waiting for him to fall down at any time.

However, Liu Qianlang gnawed more and more vigorously, and after eating one or two, he gnawed all the woody witch fruits all over his body.

"Well, what are you looking at, these woody magic witch fruits are very sweet, fragrant and refreshing, why don't you eat them?"

Liu Qianlang was full, wiped his mouth, and said casually.

"My God! Daddy Lang'er, are you crazy! How dare you eat anything, you will be poisoned to death!"

Qiqi was still in a daze like a sculpture, and it took him a long time to recover, and he exclaimed in astonishment.

"Ha ha……"

"It seems that the world of infinite darkness and anti-light really scares you. In fact, the anti-light world is not what we thought at first, and not all the anti-light divine powers here are incompatible with our light divine powers.

For example, this is the case with the divine energy of the Wooden God Wuzhou. The divine energy contained in the Wooden God Wuzhou fruit that grows here is different from our light divine energy, but there is absolutely no mutual restraint.

Moreover, after the analysis of Ben Langyuan's ancestors, it was discovered that this kind of divine power can also complement our bright divine power, not only making the bright divine power in our body stronger, but also giving birth to a new kind of divine power in our body of.

If you don't believe me, you can eat one of these woody magic witch fruits, and you will naturally know the beauty of it. "

Liu Qianlang smiled, then closed his eyes slightly, ignoring Shenlong Shenfeng and Qiqi, as if he was intoxicated by the delicious woody witch fruit aroma he ate just now.


Qiqi was originally a famous glutton. To be honest, he smelled the fragrant woody witch fruit around him, and he already had the urge to devour it, but he also learned to be rational. Knowing which one is more important is to eat a full stomach and enjoy your mouth than life.

Now even the prodigal father, who has always been convinced, has spoken, and all the willpower in Kiki's mind is instantly taken away by the fragrance of the woody magic witch fruit. Liu Qianlang gnawed on his shoulders, belly up.

When Shenfeng saw it, she swiped her slender hand, chose the nearest one that looked comfortable, and began to taste it. The look changed from tentative to informative to excited.

"Is it delicious? Is it poisonous?"

Shenlong asked Qiqi and Shenfeng successively.

However, Qiqi eats very attentively and doesn't hear anything at all. And Shenfeng didn't answer when she heard it, because it's not beautiful for her daughter to talk casually while eating.

Shenlong scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, drooling like a waterfall, and the nine dragon claws were unknowingly full of Muhua Shenwu fruit, and then gestured to his mouth, never daring to throw it into his mouth.

"I go!"

"What kind of broken thing is this, it's so hard!"

Qiqi suddenly pounced on Shenlong, snatched the woody magic witch fruit in Shenlong's claws, and pecked at it.


"It's still my old dragon who is smart, let you eat, and you will suffer to death!"

When Shenlong heard Qiqi's words, he gloated and shouted.


"Silly hat, you were cheated by Qiqi, if it's bitter, he will still eat it!"

Shenfeng ate to her heart's content and was not too greedy. Seeing that all the woody witch fruits in Shenlong's nine claws were robbed by Qiqi, Shenfeng laughed.

"Huh? Yeah, Kiki, you're going too far!"

At this moment, Shenlong turned around, and the nine dragon claws protected the only remaining woody magic witch fruit, avoiding Qiqi's greedy eyes, and threw it into his mouth with difficulty.

"Wow! It turns out that this woody witch fruit is so delicious!"

Shenlong was so fragrant that she was in tears, and regretted not eating just now! Beating his chest and stamping his feet, he shouted.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you for the trust of friends in the world of Guangming Immortal Realm. Now that we have eaten our trust fruit, we are friends!"

When Shenlong regretted in pain, a burst of hearty and vigorous laughter came from outside the space where they were resting.

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