Nine Heavens

Chapter 2492 Trust God Fortress

"Hehe, respected friends of Wuji Yinzhou Muhua Shenwu, since we are here, it represents our sincerity, why should it be so?

Please show yourself, the three gods of gold, silver and copper halos floating outside the prison. "

Liu Qianlang sat cross-legged, with his white hair lifted slightly, slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"Haha, you are indeed the ancestor of the Qihui Langyuan Ren Zu in the bright world of Lu Yuanzhou, the god of the infinite sun universe, and it is really amazing, even in our world of infinite Yin and anti-brightness, he can also psychic everything!

However, please don't misunderstand Langyuan Renzu, this is not a prison, but a trust castle that we secretly built for the four respected friends of the Guangming Immortal Realm.

There are two purposes, one is to facilitate our secret communication, so as not to attract the attention of other gods and witches in our world of infinite darkness and anti-magic world.

The second is to better protect Langyuan Renzu and your friends. Frankly speaking, we Muhua Shen Wu Zhou intends to make friends with you, but that is not the case for other Shen Wu Zhou in the Wuji Yin Zhou Anti-Ming World! For this reason, we have neglected the four friends of Guangming Immortal Realm so much. "

Outside the castle of trust, quietly entered three towering and huge wooded gods, witches, tree stumps, anti-ming fairyland life forms, one with dazzling golden light, one with silver light, and one with copper shimmering.

They are the three gods, witches and gods that Liu Qianlang called out.

The three wooden gods and witches saluted at the same time, and the golden halo god who was at the front said without any concealment.


"In this way, we are thinking too much. Hearing the words of the three gods and witches, they didn't seem to trust us before. But please understand one thing, the three gods and witches. We didn't come here on our own initiative, but your Huangbai Halo Wood Transforming God Witch pretends that you invited us here.

It is reasonable for my friends to feel uneasy about what you have done. Now this Langyuan Renzu is very disappointed that you have treated us like this, so farewell! "

Liu Qianlang's tone of voice was very cold, and he got up suddenly, and the flowers of Wujihe and Shenneng shone out from under his feet, calling Shenlong Shenfeng and Qiqi, and he was about to leave.


"I would like to invite the four friends from the Immortal World of Wuji Yang Guangming to stay, we are too cautious, and you have been wronged, and we will apologize!

If the four friends of Guangming Immortal Realm still can't let go of their hearts, if you have any demands, just say it! "

Seeing that Liu Qianlang wanted to leave, Sanmu Huashen Wuxiang's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly bowed to give Muhuashen Wu Zhou the highest welcome ceremony, and said sincerely.

"Okay, please invite your Wooden God, the Witch Emperor, to come and see us!"

Liu Qianlang heard the words, but did not move yet, and continued to speak in a cold voice.


Unexpectedly, when the three wooded gods and witches heard the words, they all looked sad, burst into tears, shook their heads and sighed.


Seeing this, Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, couldn't help frowning and sighing suspiciously, and then asked inexplicably:

"Could it be that there is something unspeakable hidden about the Three Phases of the Wooden God and Witch?"


The golden halo expression sighed again, and the hands of golden light all over his body wept together, and explained the current difficult situation of the wood god Wu Zhou. Of course, he also sincerely wanted to make friends with the bright world of Wuji Yangzhou and retain the wood god Wu Zhou. said.

"The three Wuji Yinzhou anti-Ming gods, please hurry up, the ancestors of Langyuan didn't know that the wood-turning god Wuzhou was so miserable, and he didn't know how great the wood-turning god Wuhuang was!

It was my ancestors who blamed you by mistake, my ancestors were wrong, and I apologize to you! "

Liu Qianlang bowed one by one to help Wuji Yinzhou Muhua Shenwuxiang who bowed and bowed his head one by one, and said with shame.

"No! We are too timid to imagine how other gods and witches will besiege us if they know that we are making friends with the Guangming Immortal Realm!

Our purpose is to protect ourselves through the power of your Guangming Immortal Realm, but if we are not careful, it will not only lead to the demise of our Muhua God Wu Zhou, but also implicate you!

So after repeated research by the three of us, we secretly opened this castle of trust. Beyond the Citadel of Trust is the God's Tower where we observe you.

Because we are not sure whether you will sincerely accept our friendship, and then help us, so we have been afraid to contact you in depth, and plan to treat you with the most precious wood god witch in the world, our wood god witch.

The purpose is to gain your favor little by little, and only after you dispel your guard and dare to eat our woody magic witch fruit, it means that you trust us, and we dare to have in-depth contact with you.

Don't want us to be self-defeating, but hurt your dignity! "

Jin Yun looked complicated, and sighed with tears.

"Let's just treat it as a misunderstanding between us, in our Bright Immortal Realm, everything is gone, so keep it in your heart!

Let's all relax. My ancestor said frankly, compared to your Wuji Yinzhou Anti-Ming Immortal Realm World, the strength of the few of us is simply negligible, so how can we help you? "

Liu Qianlang asked bluntly.

"I also invite four friends from Guangming Immortal Realm to trust the First Preface of the Great Hall and Fortress. Let's sit down and discuss the issues."

Hearing Liu Qianlang's tone gradually calm down, Jin Yun's expression did not answer Liu Qianlang directly, but led him to float in front of him.


"Three tree gods, isn't this the main hall of the Castle of Trust?"

Qiqi looked around at the pitch-black space, and asked about the appearance of the wooded god and witch.

"Hehe, this is just a resting hall, of course it's not the council hall where you talk and talk. Just follow us."

Jin Yun glanced back at the little black bird Kiki squatting on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Okay then, I'll have the three Wooden Gods lead the way, please!"

The other party didn't reply in a hurry, and Liu Qianlang couldn't ask questions, so he followed the three wooded gods and witches, flying all the way, and appeared in another equally pitch-black space after a long time.

"This is the Great Hall of Trust of Ancestor Langyuan, where Ancestor Langyuan can rest or deal with affairs in the future.

oh! We forgot that you can't sense the things in the world and space that we reflect. This is the magic mirror of infinite harmony. If you put it on your eyes, you can see everything just like you are in the bright fairyland. "

Seeing Shenlong and Shenfeng looking around in a daze, the three wooded gods and witches said with a smile.

Then he raised a silver branch and pointed towards Liu Qianlang, Shenlong, Shenfeng and Qiqi one after another, and the eyes of the four immediately became clear.

"Oh! A tall palace!"

Qiqi looked around and saw that he was squatting on Langer's father. The space he was in was really too big, the sky above was like a sky, and the bottom was like an abyss.

Directly in front of them is the high altar of the temple, and facing His Highness are dozens of thrones!

The appearance of the three wooded gods and witches seen in the darkness just now is very clear at this moment. Their branches and arms are actually full of flowers, bearing woody gods and witches.


Everyone's depressed mood just now passed, and both sides' expressions returned to normal. Hearing Qiqi's exclamation, the three wooded gods and witches felt that Liu Qianlang seemed very satisfied, and smiled knowingly.

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