Nine Heavens

Chapter 2497 The fixed soul

When Qiqi heard Liu Qianlang's words, he seemed to understand a little bit, didn't say anything, and forgot his sadness without the teacup, leaned on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, hugged a wood-changing magic witch fruit, and gnawed again .

"I said Qiqi, no matter how delicious this woody magic witch fruit is, don't you get tired of it? Why can't the fruit leave your claws?"

Seeing Qiqi's gluttonous appearance, Shenlong couldn't help asking.

"Cut! What do you know? I'm practicing the magical art of anti-Ming World Immortal Realm.

Didn’t you find out that the more we eat these woody witch fruits, the stronger the anti-mystic energy in our body will be, and then we will not always be protected by the prodigal father. "

Qiqi yelled out a justified reason for binge eating the woody magic witch fruit.

"Oh! No way, it has this effect, why didn't I discover it?"

Shenfeng heard this and exclaimed.

"Of course you can't find out, because you eat too little. Now the more I eat, the more I feel that the anti-myokish power in my body is stronger!"


Qiqi didn't want to waste any effort, and gnawed on the woody magic witch fruit while talking.

"Langyuan Renzu, is that what he said?"

Shenfeng didn't believe it, so she asked the white-haired Liu Qianbanglang.

"Hehe, it's true, of course, that's the reason why Zhou Qun Wu, the Wooden God Witch, regards the Wooden God Witch fruit so preciously.

This is also the only way to maintain the basic divine power for survival after the wooden god witch Zhou Ba's power disk was stolen by the beast god witch Zhou.

However, the anti-Myokami power increased by eating the Muhua Shenwu fruit is very limited, and our anti-Myokami power cannot be allowed to grow without limit.

In order to truly strengthen our anti-Myojin energy, we need another method, and this method is originally from Renzu..."

"You have found this method, right? Renzu Laolangyuan quickly taught us, we are your protectors, always ask you to protect us, after we meet the Yang God, this face will be gone!"

When Shenlong heard Liu Qianlang's words, he shouted excitedly.

"Well, that's right. I have just figured it out and matured, so I will teach you. But before I teach you this method, I need to re-fix the souls of the three of you!"

Liu Qianlang smiled and nodded.

"Re-set the soul! What does this mean? Please forgive my ignorance, and ask the ancestor of Lang Yuan to explain it clearly."

Shenfeng didn't understand Liu Qianlang's so-called fixed soul, and asked with a frown.

"Hehe, it is to let your soul of the soul universe conform to the yin and yang infinite universe, just like me, the soul is divided into yin and yang, the left is the infinite yang soul, and the right is the infinite yin soul.

Then, your soul energy can be moved according to the domain. When we are in the bright fairyland of the infinite sun universe, we seal the Yin soul universe. On the contrary, when we are in the powerless Yin universe, we seal the Yang soul universe.

If you are in the realm of Wuji Hehe Divine Energy, you can open both souls, and use the Hehe Divine Energy to be free. Another point is to use the anti-energy Dafa magic formula that I want to teach you, and you can convert Yin-Yang Wuji divine energy at will.

Yang is used by Yin, Yin is used by Yang, arbitrary self, yin and yang resonate, divine power is endless! "

Liu Qianlang said with an unpredictable smile.

"My God! What are you talking about, Longyuan Renzu? My old dragon fainted to death. Well, if you want to fix your soul, you can fix your soul. If you want to teach us the anti-energy Dafa magic formula, we can do it. We just need the result , regardless of the process."

Shenlong Zuohu, with nine dragon claws scratching the scales and ears, stared and shouted.

"Okay then, take a look inside your Soul Universe, the Yin-Yang Promise Soul-fixing method that I taught you, and start to fix your soul.

But remind you, it must be done in one go! The slower the process, the more painful it is. If it fails once, it will be painful to re-execute it!

And you have to fix your souls, otherwise you will not be able to enter the Beast Transformation God and Witch Universe with me if you are not strong enough to fight against the God of Mystery. Take a step back, even if you go in, you will be swallowed by the terrifying anti-myokami there! "

Liu Qianlang's expression became very serious, staring at Qiqi and said.

"What do you mean, Father Lang'er! Why are you looking at me like this? I can't get my mind right now!"

Qiqi was inexplicably looked at by Liu Qianlang, and Liu Qianlang was looking at the woody magic witch fruit that was being thrown into his mouth with one paw, and stammered. Then quickly look inside to find the soul-fixing formula that Liu Qianlang said.

"Langyuan Renzu, when did you teach us the art of fixing the soul?"

Shenlong Zuohu was about to concentrate on looking inward when the big golden light flashed his eyeballs and asked.


"Thanks to Renzu Langyuan, this god Feng Youhu has successfully fixed the soul. Thanks to Renzu Langyuan for reminding, it is true, I was a little slow in performing the formula just now.

It's so painful, it's like the heart was cut, the liver was cut, the scales were pulled, and the hair was pulled out... Oh, let's not talk about it, now the ancestor of Langyuan can teach me the magic formula of anti-energy. "

Shenfeng only closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them, and said without knowing the truth.

When she was talking, Shenlong and Qiqi felt goosebumps when she said what to touch, it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake, and then they saw Liu Qianlang.

"Well! Shenfeng Youhu is talented and intelligent, and he has already felt that when we were drinking at Lizhou Peak, Ben Langyuan Renzu made a solid decision for you and all the wooden gods and witches in the entire Wooden God Wu Zhou. Soul God Art.

Now that you have successfully fixed your soul, Ben Langyuan Renzu immediately injected the anti-energy Dafa into your yin and yang infinite soul universe. With your talent, you only need a little induction to complete the cultivation. "

Liu Qianlang ignored Shenlong Youhu and Qiqi's astonished eyes at all. When he raised his right hand, a group of red and blue surges appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Shenfeng Right Protector Art!"

Liu Qianlang let out a clear whistle, and the red and blue auras in his palm instantly turned into two auras that were no more than the thickness of a finger, and they shot right into the eyes of Shenfeng Youhu.

"Thank you, Ancestor Langyuan!"

After receiving the tactic, Shenfeng's right guard immediately saluted and thanked her, then took advantage of the trend and flew cross-legged to the right of Liu Qianlang, forming the tactic with both hands, and began to practice.


This process was quick and mysterious, Shenlong Zuohu and Qiqi were skeptical, asked Liu Qianlang and ignored it, so they had to look inside.

Not long after, they really found the soul-fixing formula in their own soul universe, and they began to practice it.

Because they listened to what Liu Qianlang and Shenfeng said just now, they couldn't concentrate during the cultivation process, and they really suffered a lot.

But fortunately, they didn't spend too much time and successfully practiced the Soul Fixation Art.

"I implore the ancestors of Langyuan to teach us the anti-energy Dafa magic formula!"

Shenlong Zuohu and Qiqi were sweating profusely, watching Liu Qianlang with white hair flying wildly, stepping on the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, shouted in unison.

"Well, it doesn't work now. We have already flown out of the edge area of ​​the Wooden God Wuzhou, and Ben Langyuan Renzu needs to become a blood-swollen Wooden God Wuhuang.

Because this Langyuan Renzu has never changed into his appearance, I need to figure out his characteristics repeatedly, so from now on, I must concentrate on imitating him, and I can't teach you the anti-powerful magic formula.

If you are in a hurry, let Shenfeng Youhu teach you! "

As Liu Qianlang was talking, his body shook, and he suddenly turned into a huge bright red tree stump, then shook his head, shook the branches and trunk, and stopped paying attention to Shenlong Zuohu and Qiqi.

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