Nine Heavens

Chapter 2498 Bi Body Qilin

"Hmph, Aunt Shenfeng, you are so beautiful!"

Qiqi saw that Liu Qianlang had ignored his fault of being able to use the Dafa Divine Art. If he didn't practice, he would be a loser when he became a beast.

However, Shenfeng Youhu is currently practicing and has no time to pay attention to him.

I saw that the right guard of the divine phoenix was bright red and fiery throughout his life. Among the original elements of the divine phoenix and fire, there were more golden rainbow entanglements, and the color was also tens of thousands of times stronger. All the gods in the body kept interacting with fantasy.

"Will! Will!"

While the thick red fire and golden rainbow were burning, the right body of the divine phoenix underwent strange changes, and then suddenly returned to the body of the bright red divine phoenix. It suddenly flapped its fire wings and made a crisp sound, like a phoenix bathing in fire.

"Congratulations, Shenfeng Youhu, you have been reborn from the ashes! You are such a terrifying divine ability!"

Shenlong Zuohu stared blankly at the change of Shenfeng Righthu, and shouted excitedly.

The blazing flames of Shenfeng Youhu's cultivating gods exploded at this moment, burning for hundreds of millions of miles, Liu Qianlang, Shenlong and Qiqi were all in the center of such a raging fire just like Shenfeng Youhu.

"Wow! Papa Langyuan's anti-energy Dafa is so miraculous, I said, Aunt Shenfeng, don't just care about your own beauty, we have to learn it too."

Qiqi pulled the bright red and magical flames all over his body, and shouted to Shenfeng Youhu who was still screaming.

"You two idiots, it's not that Renzu Langyuan doesn't teach you, he has counted on my ninth calamity of rebirth from the ashes, so he taught me first.

The purpose is to let you take advantage of my powerful robbery at this moment to reduce the pain of your cultivation and increase the speed of your cultivation. What are you waiting for, get into concentration immediately and practice the exercises. I will import the practice method for you, and the practice must be completed before our ninth kalpa phase disappears! "

Amidst the crisp cry of the divine phoenix, it flapped its fiery wings, and two golden rainbows blazed with fire, shooting towards Qiqi and Shenlong Zuohu.

"Hey, thank you, big sister!"

"Long live Aunt Shenfeng!"

Shenlong Zuohu and Qiqi, the old and the old, were so flattered and ashamed at this moment, amidst the shouts, they quickly turned into a human form, sat cross-legged in meditation, and performed the exercises.

"Ha ha……"

At this time Liu Qianlang stood in the center of the bright red fire golden rainbow. Although he was in the stump state of the blood halo wood god Wuhuang, he was still unrestrained and bold.

With more hands, more wine jars to carry, plus five mouths, this drinking style is naturally unprecedented. The wine waves and waterfalls fly, and the laughter is loud.

The sparks, the waves of wine, and the cultivation of the rainbow are so magical and dazzling.


The Beast Transformation God Wu Zhou, Absolutely Dark Territory, Beast Transformation Shrine.

"Woo! Report—"

The Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor, the golden-winged unicorn with a green body is sitting on the throne of the Beast Transformation God Witch Emperor in the shrine, a hundred thousand confident and domineering self-pourings, waiting for the scaled God Witch Emperor, the bird transformation God Witch Emperor, The arrival of the Wooden God Wu Huang and the Flower Hua Shen Wu Huang.

On his huge and mighty head, the seven-star god's eyes Lenghong glanced at the empty god guest seats on the left and right of His Highness, then raised his head and laughed, secretly thinking about how much benefit the Wooden God and Witch Emperor would get from the only this anti-Ming conference.

The golden-winged unicorn with a blue body and a few flowers and gods, Wu Zhou, had drunk the fine wine, and was humming a wicked song that he had written and composed himself, when he suddenly heard an order from the shrine.

"Ha ha……"

"Which god and witch emperor has arrived first, please come in!"

The Beast God Witch Emperor guessed that Zhou Huang, the Scale God Wu Zhou or the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, must have arrived first, and he couldn't help laughing and shouting to the outside of the palace.

"Reporting to the King of the Golden Winged Qilin with a green body, it is the Wuhuang, the blood-smeared Wooden God Wu Zhou, who came here. He, if he doesn't go in, he asks the God Emperor to greet you personally, otherwise he will go back!"

The ceremonial officer outside the Golden Winged Qilin Palace of the Beast Transformation God Witch Palace replied.


The stump of the broken tree is not dead yet, yet he still dares to come. Wasn't it the golden halo god who came this time?

The golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body murmured in his heart that for many years, the golden halo god had come to participate in the anti-Ming meeting instead of this old tree stump that was about to fall.

Why did he come here suddenly this time? Could it be that his God Witch Emperor Ba Youshen has recovered! Impossible, the golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body looked at the wood-like god Wu Zhou's Bayu Nengpan in his body, and denied himself.

What about him?

The golden-winged unicorn king with a green body pondered for a long time, but he never thought that the blood-smeared wood-turning god Wu Huang, who was connected to the wood-turning god Wuzhou, would come to participate in each other's anti-Ming meeting, and he was the first to arrive.

Not to mention, he dared to let himself out of the palace to meet him! Is this broken tree stump stupid? What do you think this anti-Ming conference is for? It’s a meeting for your family, but you’re still playing tricks with Ben Bi’s golden-winged unicorn king !

Come on, seeing that you Wooden God Wu Emperor Zhou will become the colony of our Beast God Wu Zhou, Scale God Wu Zhou, and Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou, it's okay to give you some face before killing you.

Killing you with a smile is better than bullying you coldly.

Thinking of this, the King of Qilin with blue body and golden wings laughed out loudly outside the palace and said:


"It turns out that the Wu Huang, the blood-smeared wood god, arrived first, and he was far behind. It's a sin, a sin!"

The King of Qilin with blue body and golden wings was talking and laughing, his towering and huge body flashed inside the palace, but it was outside the palace.

The golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body strode forward, took the initiative to salute first, made an appearance of incomparable etiquette, led the way, and respectfully invited Liu Qianlang, who had transformed into a blood-smeared wood god, into the palace.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for many years, but the King of Qilin with the blue body and golden wings is much more polite. This is the first time he has come out of the palace to welcome guests. It's a great honor for me to become a witch king."

Liu Qianlang sized up the blue-body golden-winged unicorn emperor, who was so powerful against people, and secretly sighed in his heart for its strength, but he said it in such a funny way.

"Um, this?"

The King of Bi-body and golden-winged unicorn did not expect Liu Qianlang to say such a sentence. After being taken aback for a moment, he quickly laughed and said:

"Ha ha……"

"The blood-smearing wood god Wu Huang is still the father-in-law of the beast god Wu Huang, the bestowed daughter-in-law of the beast, and the beast god Wu Huang came out of the palace rationally to greet him in person!"

The golden-winged unicorn emperor with a green body smiled like this, but he was cursing in his heart: I will let you groan for a while longer, you are still so beautiful. Today is the day when you will die.

"Sacred Emperor, what is this, why is it so ugly, it looks so disgusting!"

This is Qiqi squatting between the arms of Liu Qianlang's transformed blood-smeared wood god Wuhuang, tilting his head to look at the blue-body golden-winged Qilin Emperor, and screaming deliberately.

"He is not a thing, he seems to be some kind of beast. I seem to have seen him in this area before. It's been too long, so I can't remember!"

Shenlong Zuohu floated on the left side of Liu Qianlang with his own body, ignoring the golden-winged unicorn emperor, and said to Qiqi.

"Look at the knowledge of the two of you, what kind of thing is he! He seems to be called a beast with a green body, and I vaguely heard that the god witch of the scaled god witch Zhou and the god witch of the bird-like god witch Zhou called him that."

The bright red flames danced all over Shenfeng's right guard, and the golden rainbow flowed, flying on the right side of Liu Qianlang's body. Mingli scolded Shenlong Zuohu and Qiqi, but he was actually scolding the bi-body gold-winged unicorn emperor.

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