Nine Heavens

Chapter 2584 four in seven out

"Ha ha……"

"You are still angry at last, or you evil demons in the Dark Yuan Realm are inherently hideous and ugly, why do you have to pretend to be kind!"

Liu Qianlang felt that the dark evil spirit was getting angry, so he couldn't help laughing loudly.

"You don't seem to understand the situation you are facing, this dark evil spirit is here, and it seems that my other dark evil brothers are also on their way here.

In the face of our twelve evil spirits in the dark metaworld, you Guanghuizu will have a chance to live! ? Haha... You seem to be thinking too much! "

The dark and evil huge black body became darker and darker, with black magic smoke bubbling out, and sneered.

"Yes, Ben Guangming Huizu thought a lot, just now Ben Guangming Huizu summoned two helpers, your nemesis.

Dark and evil, do you want to know who they are? "

Liu Qianlang's demeanor was calm, and he didn't pay much attention to the dark and evil posture that became more and more ferocious.

"Your helper, why don't you tell me, I don't feel that there is any existence in your infinite sun universe that surpasses your divine power."

Dark Evil said with great interest.

"Hehe, little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv haven't come out yet. Didn't you bother you in the Muhui God Wuzhou, the blood-smeared Wood God Wu Emperor and the three wood God Wu Xiang uncles?"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, his soul was fluctuating, and he smiled.

"Oh! Daddy Renzu, where did they offend them? Sister Long'er and I behaved in Muhui Shenwuzhou.

The four Uncle Wu and Empress Huaxing always praised us for being beautiful and smart. "

As soon as Liu Qianlang finished speaking, two little goddesses of light suddenly appeared on the back of the Sanyuan Shenlong.

One is on colorful silk, holding a nine-color lotus in his hand, and has glazed eyes; the other is on a blue wave, wearing a pure white skirt, with ninety-nine or eighty-one dragon beads of various colors wrapped around his body.

These two are none other than Little Lian'er, the daughter of Huanfeng Shenlong and Princess Yinling, who was playing with the God of Muhui and Zhou Yidun.

Just now, the blood fainted, the wood god, the witch emperor, and the soul read the voice to beg Liu Qianlang. He and the three wood gods and witches really couldn't stand the naughtiness of the two little fairies, and wanted Liu Qianlang to recall him so that he could raise him I don't have a few beards anymore.

Liu Qianlang happened to have the intention of recalling him, and he readily agreed, so there was a scene where the two Langyuan fairy gods appeared on top of the Sanyuan Shenlong.


"Uncle Langyuan Renzu, little sister Lian'er is telling the truth, we are really, really good."

Xiao Longnv couldn't hold back her joy when she heard Little Lian'er staring at her eyes and talking nonsense in a serious manner, she smiled with a pair of blue dragon eyes that could speak, and her eyelids sparkled.

"Hehe, well, Uncle Langyuan knows, Long'er and Xiaolian'er are good boys, they never lie, it's your three god witch uncles who misunderstood.

That dark, smoking thing below you, know what that is? "

Liu Qianlang secretly laughed in his heart, but there was no sign of it on his face, and he smiled.

"Wow, hee hee, Uncle Sanyuanlong, tell us, what is that thing, why is it so ugly, so big, and still emitting evil smoke?"

The two little goddesses covered their foreheads with their small hands, leaned over and inspected for a while, and it took a long time to find the edge of the huge dark and evil body. They looked at each other for a while, and the little dragon girl called out.

"Sister Long'er, that doesn't seem to be a thing. He has powerful evil divine power inside, and he can move in all directions. He is a demon with thoughts!"

Little Lian'er filtered through the Nine-Color Divine Rainbow of the Nine-Color Divine Lotus, and saw the core body of his darkness. Discovering that Darkness Juesha is a dual soul, dual soul Zhou, a life body with nine orifices and seven limbs, he looked sideways and explained it to Xialongnv seriously.

"My God, there is such an ugly life body in this world, and it is still so big. Where did he come from?"

Xiao Longnv cried out in disbelief with eyes full of astonishment.

"He's from the Dark Yuan Realm, when we were recalled by Dad's Hunian just now, didn't you see Dad's recent Hunnian Huanbo.

Daddy's Hun Nian Hun Boke clearly stated that this thing is called dark and evil, and it is not a thing.

You are careless, no wonder Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong and Niang Yinling always say you are careless, really! "

Little Lian'er frowned, and took on the posture of a teacher admonishing a student, teaching Xiao Longnv the way.

"Well, it's all right, my dear little sister Lian'er. I knew you were here, so I didn't need to worry about anything, so I didn't watch it. I'll just pay attention in the future."

Seeing that little Lian'er was a little upset, Xiao Longnv hurried up the mountain, shaking Xiao Lian'er's empty hand, and begged.

"Okay, who made me like you, but don't be careless in the future. When we do things for God, what we pay attention to is integrity, down-to-earth, and serving God without complaint or regret..."

Little Lian'er reached out and patted Xiao Longnu's head, and said earnestly.


"Huh? Haha... This is the helper you said!?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang standing majestically on the head of the tossing and turning Sanyuan Shenlong, and the so-called helpers appearing on the back of the Sanyuan Shenlong turned out to be two children, the dark man couldn't help but burst out laughing and asked sarcastically.

"That's right, they are the helpers of Ben Langyuan's ancestors who are about to defeat you!"

With loving eyes all over Liu Qianlang's eyes, he turned his head to look at his beloved daughter Xiaolian'er and Long's niece First Longnv, then turned around, looked down at the evil darkness, and nodded slightly.

"The Supreme Occupation God, the prodigal ancestor?"

Seeing that Liu Qianlang actually conjures up the gods of wave fate, the two naughty spirits, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv, the red-eyed owl and the mysterious-eyed owl are all taken aback, and asked the five-color god with fluttering hair in puzzlement, The astonishing pupils are divine divination.

"Hehe, don't underestimate these two children, the two gods, what do you think their artifacts are?"

The Supreme Divination God Song Zhen was a little surprised at Liu Qianlang's actions just now, but when he saw the nine-color lotus that Little Lian'er used to hold in his left hand and the dragon balls around Xiao Longnv, he immediately understood what Liu Qianlang was doing. Reasonable, smiled.

"That's the Nine-Color Yuanming Divine Lotus!?"

"That is ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon balls from the infinite element world!?"

The Chi-eyed and Xuan-eyed owls could not help but exclaim in unison after taking a closer look.

"Well, the two god owls are right. Although the two young gods are young, they are the new masters of the two great gods of the infinite element world.

Although they are small and weak, the two infinite fetishes are infinitely bright and divine. You say, how can there be a more powerful helper than them? "

Song Zhen secretly praised Langyuan Renzu's third brother's strategy to deal with the enemy at a critical moment, and smiled.

"It's really unexpected that the two lost gods of the Infinite Element Realm are all in your Immortal Realm of the Promise Sun Universe.

This is really the blessing of the Wuji Yin-Yang Universe. The two great gods who have been lost for countless epochs finally reappeared. Our Wuji Yin-Yang Universe's future is saved! "

The red-eyed owl sighed.

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