Nine Heavens

Chapter 2585 Evil Escape

"It's great, it's great! Our Promise Sun Universe has a chance to go to the light again, haha...haha..."

Xuanmu Daxiaohuang was emotional, thinking about his father, queen mother, emperor's wife, and traitorous brother, he said with a vicissitudes of life.

"However, the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus has not yet fully recovered its multi-colored and illusory state in the Infinite Elemental Realm, but it should be enough to deal with the Dark Elemental Realm.

What's more, ninety-nine eighty-one Infinite Element Realm God Dragon Balls have been completely purified! "

This sentence was told by Nian Yaoyin from Song Zhenhun to Chimu Daxiao and Xuanmu Daxiaohuang.

"This is impossible. Back then, the two great gods of the Infinity Universe were destroyed by the Dark Primordial Emperor Hei Man long ago. How could the destroyed things be revived again!"

After seeing the artifacts of the two little goddesses on the back of the Sanyuan Shenlong with concentration, the maniac laughter stopped abruptly. There was a moment of shock at first, and then he shouted.

"You are absolutely right, according to the calculations of the Supreme Divination, the two gods of the Infinite Element Realm have indeed lost or died.

However, they were not destroyed, but suffered a thousand evil seals, and then were abandoned in the primordial universe of our origin.

Compared with the dark metaworld, there is an extremely remote and desolate place, and the gods thought it was supreme. The original abandoners must have thought that after sealing them and abandoning them there, they would surely be eternally silent.

However, he was clearly wrong, in fact quite the opposite. The two great gods of the dark metaworld, among which the nine-colored lotus is the life of the infinite metaworld, and they are in their prime.

And ninety-nine eighty-one dragon balls are simply the source of the bright soul energy of the original body of the infinite element world.

Although the Nine-color Divine Lotus was sealed and difficult to break out, but after countless years of Nine-Nine-Eighty-one Divine Dragon Balls gradually broke the seal, the light of life began to shine on the Nine-color Divine Lotus, and finally let the Nine-color Divine Lotus Shenlian returned to nature.

Then, under the interaction of the two miraculous gods and gods, the primordial universe we existed in quickly changed from a barbaric to a magical and beautiful universe, and began to give birth to the primordial gods of the primordial universe...

Later, still under the enlightenment of Empress Nuwa, coupled with the fundamental role of the two major deities and fetishes, the original Langyuan Renzu and countless Langyuan Renxian gods, Langyuan Shenzhou, were born. "

For tens of thousands of years, Liu Qianlang has been questioning his own origin in his mind, and it suddenly dawned on him at this moment, since he is clearly a god, Liu Qianlang said in a loud voice.

"How could this happen!?"

The darkness is evil, although the instinctive resistance in my heart wants to try my best to quibble that Liu Qianlang is talking nonsense, but it is actually the case, as evidenced by Guangming Huizu, who is full of light and divine power on his head, so the words of excuse turned into exclamations of astonishment .

"Hehe, the darkness is evil, now you should understand that between darkness and light, between life and death, light and life are the real strengths, and your evil vision of the dark metaworld will eventually perish.

The universe is so vast, you only thirteen dark demons want to devour all life and light, and control the entire infinite universe. Facts have proved that you are wrong, that is absolutely impossible!

That's okay, aren't you all the twelve evil spirits from the dark metaworld on their way? This time, let's have a life-and-death showdown, a thorough fight between light and darkness, and let you be convinced in defeat! "

Liu Qianlang looked dignified and at ease, while talking, the waves of light all over his body kept turning into rainbows, lights, and clouds spreading far and wide.

Swallow all the dark and evil smoke bubbling around the dark evil spirit.

"No, it's impossible, not to mention the Absolute Darkness Emperor Black Mandrill in our Dark Metaverse, there are also our Twelve Absolute Shades, each of which can change your life situation arbitrarily, and change the light.

As long as we are here, you Bright World will not be able to be at ease in Chang'an! "

The dark evil spirit obviously didn't want to listen to Liu Qianlang's provocation, so he retorted wildly.

"Ha ha……"

"Dark and evil, do you think that if you come, there will be a possibility of continuing to exist? The nine-color lotus swallows the evil soul, and the nine-nine-eighty-one dragon ball swallows the darkness. You are doubting the energy of the two gods. Isn't it enough?"

Liu Qianlang didn't have a clue in his heart at first, he wasn't sure whether the current divine power of Nine Colors Divine Lotus and Nine Nine Eighty One Divine Dragon Ball could suppress the divine power of the Dark Yuan Realm, but seeing the dark and evil spirit finally getting angry , I felt at ease immediately, and couldn't help laughing.

"Guangming Huizu, you are so unfair. We compete with each other and use two great gods as bargaining chips. It's really shameful!"

Dark and evil can be described as infinitely evil, and he suddenly yelled unfair words.

"Oh! Third brother, it's so awkward to say these words from its mouth. To be fair, Xiao Lian'er, Xiao Longnu is not ready yet. The ancestor of Langyuan gave the order to control the life artifact and companion first." Dark evil play for a while.

But remember, the darkness is evil and infinite, so don't be too kind. Cutting off ears, cutting off legs, blinding eyes, pulling beards, pulling out teeth, piercing noses, pumping... You use all these tricks in fighting monsters, and the dark and evil ones like them. "

Song Zhen couldn't help laughing as soon as the dark and evil words came out.

"Well, little Lian'er, Xiao Longnu listens to the order! Immediately activate the Divine Artifact, and perform powers on the spot to entertain the evil spirits of darkness."

After Song Zhen shouted with a smile, he sent a few words to Liu Qianlang through the sound transmission of his soul, and Liu Qianlang understood it, and immediately ordered.

"Bah! You think I'm dark and evil! You don't rely on your real skills, but you use two great gods to deal with me. I don't want to suffer. You wait for me, I will go to the dark Yuanjie Jueyuanhuang !"

As soon as Liu Qianlang's voice fell, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv responded crisply and floated up.

One stepping on the silk to urge the lotus, the nine-color life soul rainbow shining on the dragon gate, one nine-nine-eighty-one dragon pearl swallowing the sea, and then the nine-color divine wave, nine-nine-eighty-one bright rainbow, and suddenly two little goddesses As the core, majestic and swaying, the vastness is like the raging waves of the ocean.

Seeing this, the huge dark octopus-like demon body was afraid of being "poisoned", so it shrank suddenly, and disappeared in place just like Darkness Juesha, and ran away cursing.

"Cut! Daddy, the big black devil down there is so annoying. When we dealt with all kinds of monsters before, we could torture them for a long time.

We haven't even dug out one of its eyeballs to make a necklace. You see it ran away, why is it so annoying. "

"That's right, Uncle Langyuan Renzu, Miss Lian'er and I discussed it just now, we dug out the bright eyes around the big black devil's body, and the rest of its body that I like is mine. Woolen cloth.

He ran away like this, I'm so unhappy, Uncle Langyuan Renzu, please tell us where their lair is, so we can chase after them! "

Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnu were instructed by Song Zhenhun's sound transmission, and they both shouted loudly and grandly on purpose.

"Ha ha……"

Song Zhen and Liu Qianlang, as well as the Scarlet Eyed Owl, the Xuanmu Owl Emperor, the Three Fate Dragon, and the Star Dragon all laughed out loud.

"Hmph! Find our lair, don't even think about it, just dream, we will hide deeper—"

Amidst the laughter of the gods, a dark, evil and angry voice suddenly came from the inexplicable space.

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