Nine Heavens

Chapter 2591

"Daddy, can Xiao Luo really stay with Daddy for a while? Mother said that Daddy is too busy and tired, so just ask Xiaoluo to look at Daddy from a distance, and don't let Xiaoluo disturb Daddy."

Hearing Liu Qianlang's greeting, Xiao Luo's eyes were full of surprises, but he was about to move forward, looking uneasy. After a long time, he slowly walked up to Liu Qianlang, and as he approached, tears were shining in his eyes.

"Daddy's good daughter, it's because Daddy is not good, he doesn't have much time to accompany you, so you are wronged."

Xiao Luo's words made Liu Qianlang feel uncomfortable. It's only natural for a child to miss his father, especially Xiao Luo and Liu Chian, he didn't have much company with them in the first place.

"Soon, Daddy will brightly complete the entire Wuji Yin-Yang universe soon. At that time, Wuji will return to the perfect state of the bright world. Daddy will definitely accompany you well."

After Liu Qianlang suffered a lot, he promised emptyly.

"No, daddy? Mother said, daddy is the god of goodness in the universe, as long as there is any uneasiness in the universe, daddy's footsteps can't be stopped.

Xiao Luo watched from a distance as her father came and went in a hurry, admiring her father very much. Especially when Xiao Luo heard the words of praise from all the mothers and classmates who came and went, Xiao Luo was very happy.

Dad, you are so great, Xiao Luo is working hard to cultivate, brother and sister-in-law Xiao Yuer are too, and Tianling sisters, we all learn from you, and hope to become a great god like Dad in the future..."

Seeing Liu Qianlang's loving eyes, Xiao Luo immediately relaxed her mood, and her voice was crisp and sweet, as if she couldn't bear to stop.

Liu Qianlang nodded after listening.

"How are your ladies doing lately?"

Listening to what my beloved daughter Xiao Luo said, after she finished speaking happily, Liu Qianlang asked softly.

"Well, they are all fine, but they are always worried about Daddy. They said that Daddy has hardly had a good rest since he entered the Wuji Universe, and he will be exhausted if this continues.

So I always told us to take good care of my father when he came back, but don't disturb him too much and let him have a good rest. "

Xiao Luo said happily when she heard that her father cared about all the mothers.

"It's not easy for your mothers. You share a lot of divine affairs with Yaya. Daddy can't stay with you for a long time. You must take good care of your mothers."

For the understanding and care of your beloved wives, Liu Qianlang felt heartwarming, but at the same time felt guilty, so he had to tell Xiao Luo to say.

"Third brother, why don't you go back to Langyuanyuan to have a look?"

When Song Zhen heard Xiao Luo's words, his eyes turned red, and he suggested.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang had the urge to go to the Langyuan Garden where your beloved wives live, but in the end he said:

"In the future, now, sister Juan, in the distance, looking for darkness, and Huanfeng have not returned. I don't know the situation of the Qinhua God Wuzhou and the Beast Transformation God Wuzhou. Let's go to the Qinhua God Wuzhou first to have a look.

At this moment, it is estimated that Qiqi and Xuanmu Daxiaohuang should also go back. "

"Well, that's fine. It's just..."

Song Zhen looked at his niece Ai who was about to be thrown away by Liu Qianlang when he came to his side, and said very sadly.


"Uncle Zhen, Daddy, you guys go, Xiao Luo is very happy to be able to talk to you a few words, very happy, mother said, Daddy and Uncle Zhen can't stop now.

Daddy and Uncle Zhen should pay more attention to their health, you go, Xiao Luo wants to watch you leave, and then go back and tell your mothers, Xiao Luo is so happy today, seeing Daddy and Uncle Zhen, and talking to you. "

Xiao Luo's eyes were obviously full of reluctance, but she reluctantly smiled in a very sensible way.

The two holy gods saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts. They looked at each other for a long time and were speechless.

"Xiao Luo, Daddy gave this to you. If you miss Daddy or want to talk to Daddy in the future, just press it."

Liu Qianlang raised his hand, and a pure white fossilized pear flower appeared in the palm of his hand.

Although they are not real pear blossoms, they are lifelike. The petals of the flowers are slender and the fragrance is light. Not real flowers are better than real flowers.

"Wow! What a beautiful pear blossom, hehe! Daddy really gave it to Xiaoluo!?"

Xiao Luo obviously liked it very much. She tilted her head left and right to inspect the stunning white pear blossoms, bouncing and clapping her hands in amazement.

"Hehe, of course, how could Daddy lie to Daddy's good daughter? It's not only beautiful, but if you push Daddy a little bit to teach you the power of prodigy, the pear flower will spit out fog and fog the illusion, and the place where Daddy was at that time will appear in the environment of the situation.

If you want to talk to daddy, you can read the sound of the soul, and daddy can hear you and talk to you. "

Liu Qianlang saw that my daughter finally looked satisfied, and felt relieved for a while, and then reminded.

"Daddy, where did such a beautiful baby come from? Why does Xiao Luo look like Li Huaer, the body protector of Mother Pa'er and Mother Zhiqin?"

Xiao Luo was clever, pressed her upper lip with her right hand, and asked Liu Qianlang curiously.

"Well, Xiao Luo has good eyesight, that's right, your mother-in-law knows best about the origin of this pear flower, you can ask her in detail.

Xiao Luo also needs to take care of herself, your Uncle Zhen and I are leaving now! "

After Liu Qianlang said this, he sent his eyes to the direction of Enqing Palace, shook his head apologetically, and said in his heart, Qian'er, Xiao Yu'er, I hope you understand Daddy.

Then, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen suddenly jumped up and shot towards the sky.

This time they were flying with phantom swords, and they were not willing to wake up the Sanyuan Shenlong and Xingchen Shenlong who had returned to the sleeping palace to rest.


"Uncle Zhen—"

"You must take care of yourselves!"

Hundreds of millions of miles below, Xiao Luo is already a small shadow, with white pear blossoms shining in her hands, staring at the phantoms of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, and exhorted.

"Third brother, after the Wuji Universe matter is completed, there are some things that should be let the children do.

Xiao Luo's strength counts as their sisters, and the weaker brother has broken through the basic space realm now, which is really formidable for future generations. "

Song Zhen stepped on the main body of the Star Sword, his five-colored eyes were shining brightly, and his black and white eyebrows twisted and said.

"The fourth brother is right. The third brother has already had such an idea. They will use it to a great extent.

We are about to complete the light transformation of the infinite universe, which means that we will break through the infinite universe sooner or later to deal with the dark metaworld outside the universe. They are the most powerful generals of the new generation of Zhoushenqiong in the Langyuan Shenmen! "

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, agreeing very much.

"By the way, third brother, will sister-in-law Pa'er be unhappy if you give Sister-in-law Pa'er's fossil pear flower to Xiao Luo?"

Song Zhen suddenly thought of Liu Qianlang's gift of white pear flowers to Xiao Luojie just now.

"Hehe, yes. Your sister-in-law Pa'er has a temper, but it's good to make her angry, otherwise I'm afraid they will forget who I am."

Liu Qianlang's eyes were moist, a little bitter, a little helpless, and smiled wryly.

"It seems that Third Brother also misses them very much. I hope that the matter of Wuji Universe will be over soon, so that we can be at peace for a while!"

Song Zhen looked at Liu Qianlang's rare bitter expression, looked at the endless universe, and sighed.

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