Nine Heavens

Chapter 2592 Great Changes in the Bird Universe

"Hehe, how could it be? The relationship between the third brother and the fairy sisters-in-law is the source of human love, and it will never fade away forever."

Song Zhen laughed when he heard this.

"The third brother is not talking about this, the three are saying that I hope they don't think of me as superior, but just an ordinary relative, otherwise we will have concerns about each other.

What Xiao Luo said just now made me very guilty. Now they are always considering my status and god affairs and suppressing their feelings.

In fact, the third brother doesn't want this, and I still like that in the past they only cared about the relationship with the third brother and ignored my spiritual affairs.

Just like your sister-in-law of Jinling, frank and reckless, but now, even she is cautious, afraid of disturbing me by showing up! "

Liu Qianlang sighed softly.

When Song Zhen heard this, he felt the same way, and the two gods remained silent for a long time.

"Third brother, recently I have been studying some of the content in the "Complete Book of Destroyer World" and "Smoke Book of the Demon World" that you passed on to me from your soul thoughts, and found that the so-called "destroyer world" means infinity, and in the "devil world" "Magic" is not the "evil" thought that we understood in the past.

The words of the devil here mean infinite illusions. The two god scrolls can be described as one god, the brilliance and color of the two gods, and the nine-color god lotus, ninety-nine and eighty-one god dragon beads have the same effect. "

Song Zhen intentionally changed the subject.

"That's right, the fourth brother has some spiritual enlightenment, and the divine power of good fortune should be a deeper level. We have come all the way to the present, and we should find that all the evil thoughts we have experienced before and the universe controlled by evil thoughts are by no means infinitely far away. The initial state of the infinite universe.

In other words, there were no non-beautiful factors in the original infinite universe, everything was harmonious and beautiful, peaceful and peaceful, and everything grew and flourished.

It's just that there was a mutation at a certain time point in the infinite element world, and then the Wuji Yin-Yang universe was polluted and mutated, giving birth to the Black Mandrill and the Twelve Absolute Sha.

And because of the abnormal change of the infinite yin universe, the bright world of the infinite yang universe was also affected. Then the universes of all levels that we have experienced in the infinite sun universe are naturally also affected.

That is to say, at present, the Dark Metaverse is the source of heresy such as pain, death, disease, evil, filth and so on in all the universes we have lived in.

Annihilation is boundless, there is no solution to boundaries; magic is the interpretation of great illusions, what kind of miraculous state should the infinite element world be? "

After Liu Qianlang answered Song Zhen's words, he sighed to himself.

"Does the vast infinite universe we are currently in belong to the new sub-universe of the infinite metaverse, or does it exist side by side with it? What is the relationship between the dark metaverse and it?"

Outside the infinite yin and yang universe, the sky of the infinite yin and yang universe was dark everywhere, and Song Zhen also looked around and asked.

"You sisters-in-law are right, I am afraid that if we want to know more, we will not be able to stop.

Now our divine power and mana have far surpassed Nuwa Empress and other primordial gods of the chaotic universe, and there is no magic guide on the road ahead, and we can only rely on ourselves. "

Liu Qianlang's eyes were deep and deep, and in his soul, Zhou Yao looked at the beautiful and beautiful Nuwa Empress who is now at ease and harmonious, and said.

"We are chasing the ascension to break the universe, and the confusion in our hearts may also be the worry of the empress Nuwa. Can we respectfully invite the empress Nuwa to come and ask Zhou?"

Song Zhen had been thinking about it for a long time, so he brought it up now.

"Oh! So the fourth brother thought about it too?"


"The third brother can't wait for it, but the third brother is worried that this will make Empress Nuwa step into our infinite bumps from the peaceful and beautiful divine realm again. We do this for fear of harming her."

"Yeah, maybe she made the right choice at the beginning, and the safety of the whole universe, isn't it the most desirable thing!

It's just that I don't know how much time has passed since Youyou Zhou Sui, maybe her thoughts have changed, and I don't know.

There are also mentor Du Mojianzu, teacher wife Peixian, second senior brother Prince Bo Jie, and senior uncle Zhong Sheng, etc., maybe it was Chu Zhou's idea. "

"How about this, I will disturb them with the sound of Hun Nian Yao, and express our thoughts. As for their choice, we must respect it."

"That's natural. Although the fourth brother hopes that they will come out of the universe, how can we force others to make things difficult for us?"

"Since that's the case, I'm going to fly with my soul, and it's good to inquire about it."

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were flying, Liu Qianlang urged Lang Yuan's soul, divided the invitation into several paths, and sent out the soul universe in his mind.


The divine rainbow flew randomly in the sky above the Qinhua God Wuzhou, the divine owl and the strong eagle screamed continuously, and the two factions of the divine eagle and giant owl were engaged in an unprecedented civil war.

The two sides in the war are the real royal family forces who are pro-Xuanmu Daxiaohuang and Chimu Daxiaohuang, and the other is the Qinhua Shenwu Palace power of the newly ascended Green-eyed Daxiaohuang.

The Green-Eyed Owl's power is dominated by the Green-Eyed Owl's direct descendants and descendants. They lead the Green-Eyed Owl Emperor's Guards newly organized by the Green-Eyed Owl Emperor, and are carrying out the tasks left by the Green-Eyed Owl after he left. The mission of bloodbathing the clan forces of Chimu Daxiao and Xuanmu Daxiao.

Their goal is to eliminate all remaining old forces, the Chi-eyed Owl and the Xuan-eyed Owl, and they have reached the status of the Green-eyed Owl, the only one in the new palace dynasty.

As for the forces of Chimu Daxiao and Xuanmu Daxiaohuang, apart from some old ministers, they are currently mainly the old forces led by the three eagle princes, Bai Xiao and Huang Xiao.

This civil strife in the Bird Transformation God Wu Zhou was very tragic, and the pro-green-eyed Great Owl Emperor's forces, because of the countless years of preparation by the Green-Eyed Great Owl Emperor, were powerful, vicious and brutal, so they clearly had the upper hand.

In the period since the green-eyed owl left Qinhuashen Wuzhou until now, they have wiped out most of the forces of the red-eyed owl and the mysterious-eyed owl.

"Will! Will! Will..."

"Huang Xiao - Bai Xiao -"

Suddenly, the three eagle princes, Da Wu, Er Ya and Xiao Hei, heard the mournful cries of the two princes at the same time, and then watched them being torn to pieces by countless owl soldiers of their father, the green-eyed big owl, and swallowed them alive body.

The three eagle kings were extremely ashamed and angry, and deeply hated the ruthless father, the green-eyed owl, who launched the bird-turned-sorcerer, which caused the two king brothers, the son of the mysterious-eyed owl, to be killed.

In grief, the three eagle princes cried out in pain.

"Three princes, we don't regret our death, don't be sad!

Don't make unnecessary sacrifices anymore, you run away, go to the Muhui God, Wu Zhou, and ask for help from the Wuji Yang Zhou Guanghui God, Wave Yuan Renzu.

Both the red-eyed big owl emperor and his father have been killed by the green-eyed big owl emperor, whether the Qinhua god Wu Zhou can have a peaceful and beautiful future depends on you! "

Huang Xiao and Bai Xiao's primordial spirit made use of Jiang Wu's last power to let out a sad laugh, and then exhorted in pain and helplessness.

"Understood! Two brothers, you can rest assured!"

Seeing Huang Xiao and Bai Xiao's bodies being devoured by the mad demon, the three eagle princes cried bitterly and cried bitterly.

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