Nine Heavens

Chapter 261 Temporary Peak Master

A month later, a gap suddenly opened in the huge stone gate of the Wanderer's Promise Mansion, and a strange cloud floated out from the gap, and this strange cloud drifted around for a while.

Then it suddenly turned into a refined white figure. When this white figure slowly became clear, if you look carefully, you can see a relaxed expression on the stern face, eyes full of confidence, and the corners of the mouth grinning in satisfaction.

This white figure is Liu Qianlang who has been busy in the alchemy room for a month, no one knows what he has been busy with, whether he has practiced the elixir, of course no one asked. Liu Qianlang glanced around for a few times, then floated to the top of the huge rock protruding obliquely, stepped on the waves stirred up by the huge waves under his feet, folded his arms, and stared at the clouds floating in the sky. Thinking about something.

After an unknown period of time, Liu Qianlang suddenly felt a tremor around his waist. He leaned over and saw that it was the Huanxin Bead jumping. Then I heard Master Fufeng's words in my mind: "Teacher, five days later will be the three-day Yibao Conference held at Taicang Peak Yibao Que, and I will be retreating on Wenya Island in the Southern Ocean for my master. I can't go back, and all the peak masters of the Yibao Conference must participate, and there is only one disciple like you as the teacher, so I have to let you go for a while on behalf of the master. My seal of the peak master has been sealed in your Huanxin bead inside, take it out when needed.

But when you participate, no matter how much the top leaders and disciples in your sect despise you, don't pay too much attention to it, just take it as a formality. Well, I won't say much as a teacher, because I am afraid that you will forget, I specially sealed a few words to remind you in the Huanxin Bead, go, my poor apprentice! "

Hearing Master's message, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, thought for a while, then raised the Soul Evoking Excalibur, and shot it in the direction of Xiaotian Peak's Wangchen Palace like lightning, flying all the way at high speed, it only took a day and a half Then we arrived at the place.

When Liu Qianlang was walking through the Wangchen Palace, he found that it had not been seen for a month. The Wangchen Palace had changed from the previous scene of broken walls and ruins. There were fresh pavilions, terraces and pavilions everywhere, neat corridors and courtyards, and countless majestic buildings. The palace shone in the sky.

Liu Qianlang inspected the Wangchen Palace under his feet, and guessed that Pharaoh Qinggu and others might be near the palace where they gathered last time, so he put away the soul-calling, replaced it with a ghost boat, and turned into a thin cloud and slowly drifted towards the palace. At the same time, let go of your spiritual consciousness to find the specific location of Elder Qinggu. But an hour later, Liu Qianlang was surprised to find that none of the more than ten thousand fellow disciples appeared in Wangchen Palace.

Liu Qianlang had no choice but to take the Wangchen Palace as the center, fly around the periphery, and carefully analyze it by area. Finally, he found the bone clearing guardian and several other high-level information in a valley. Liu Qianlang was floating on a cliff, urging the white light to shine, and looking down, he saw a few groups of people on the gentle slopes in the valley who were cultivating intensively, Qing Gu and the other six people he saw that day The position also stands on one of the hillsides, inspecting the cultivation of those disciples.

Under such circumstances, Liu Qianlang couldn't decide for a while how to show up is more appropriate, when he was hesitating, he only heard Qing Gu shouting in his direction: "What are you doing hiding on the cliff, and you haven't shown up yet?"

Hearing this, the other six people and all the disciples on the nearby hillside followed the sound and glanced at Guardian Bone, and then looked towards a cliff following the Guardian Guardian Qingqing's line of sight.

Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, inspecting the bone-clearing guardian who was already a powerful mid-stage alchemy, and saw that his eyes were right on him, obviously he found his trace. Looking at the others, although they are not weak, they are obviously below the alchemy stage. In terms of strength, the bone clearing guardian is the highest among the seven. Liu Qianlang guessed that maybe this was the reason why the others treated him with respect.

Now that he was discovered and had no choice but to show up, Liu Qianlang suddenly showed a slender and elegant figure, controlled by the willow branches and fell gracefully in front of Qing Gu and other high-level officials, and then bowed in disrespect.

"I left without saying goodbye that day, I don't know where you went?" Guardian Qing Gu stared at Liu Qianlang and questioned.

"I'm not going to hide it from you, Senior Dharma Protector, because the white-clothed immortal fought with the lava fire dragon and destroyed the cave that master gave me. Recently, I went to find a place to open up a cave." Liu Qianlang said truthfully.

"Well, that's the way it is. Why didn't you just show up and hide on the cliff? As the sect master of this sect, you can do things freely. Why are you so?" Qing Gu said angrily.

Liu Qianlang felt the dissatisfaction of Qinggu Dharma Protector, and quickly explained: "The disciple came here in a hurry, and saw his fellow disciples practicing, so he didn't want to show up suddenly, so he had to wait on the cliff until all fellow disciples rested before daring to disturb him."

Hearing this, Qing Bone Protector's expression softened a little, and he said, "That's right, it's true. Seeing that you are in a hurry, but if you need help from your fellow disciples, just come out. In addition, recently, disciples from the same sect are all training intensively. I hope you don't go too far, concentrate on practicing during the day, and you can be free at night."

Liu Qianlang hurriedly nodded in agreement, and then tentatively asked: "I heard from Master that the Yibao Conference of the Four Great Schools will be held in the Taicang Peak Yibao Que in three days. I wonder what the seniors are planning for this year's Yibao Conference? "

"Oh, from your tone, it seems that Senior Brother Fufeng told you something before leaving, why not tell me!" Guardian Qing Gu said a little unhappy when Liu Qianlang asked such a question. After all, as a junior, I feel very uncomfortable if I dare to talk to myself in such a questioning tone. The behavior of the other party doesn't seem like a junior, but a little bit like an elder asking a junior.

Liu Qianlang naturally knew that if he asked such a question, it would definitely make the other party disgusted, but after all, he had to ask. As long as you are asking about such an important matter in the peak as a junior, no matter how you word it, it is a taboo at the upper level. That being the case, as for the wording, there is no difference in effect, so Liu Qianlang said the above words out of desperation.

Under the displeasure of the seven seniors, Liu Qianlang went on to say: "Please forgive me, seniors. It's not that the juniors don't know the dignity and ask things that should not be asked. It is because the master told the juniors before he left. Nan Tianyang asked Ya Dao if he couldn't come back in time from retreat, let the junior take him to the Yibao Conference. Because at that time, I was the only one under our sect, so there was no choice.

But right now, seniors and many fellow sects have resumed the affairs of the peak, but the master has not yet known about these. And the younger generation shouldn't be good at making claims when the seniors show up. So this junior came here for no other purpose, just wanted to convey to the seniors about Master's participation in the Yibao Conference, please make a decision! "

Hearing this, Qing Gu and the others looked around at each other, then Qing Gu smiled wryly: "How can we not care about such an important thing as the Yibao Conference? You don't know that to participate in the Yibao Conference, you need to be personally led by the Peak Lord. Or they are only eligible to participate by virtue of the peak master's seal, and now the peak master is not here, what should I do if I wait! Alas!" After finishing speaking, Qing Gu and others shook their heads and sighed.

After hearing this, Liu Qianlang gently stroked the Huanxin Bead, and suddenly a seal of Tianhe Blood Jade appeared in his palm, shining bright red in the sunlight, and a lifelike strange spirit beast was engraved on the top of the seal.

"Fu Tian Yin!" Qing Gu and the others exclaimed, and at the same time knelt down in unison, bowing their heads and not daring to look directly.

"This, this!" Liu Qianlang really didn't expect the sudden actions of several senior executives, and he was surprised for a moment and didn't know what to do.

After stabilizing for a while, Liu Qianlang said eagerly: "Seniors, why is this? This is what Master sealed in my Huanxin Bead before he left. I only found out from Master's seal two days ago. A few days ago A senior said that there is no master coming, but the Sky-Fuying Seal must appear before you can participate in the Yibao Conference. Master kept it so that I can participate in the Yibao Conference smoothly. Now I will take out the Sky-Fuying Seal , leave it to the seniors, with all the seniors representing Xiao Tianfeng attending the Yibao Conference, everything will be logical."

"When you see Fu Tian Yin, it's like seeing the peak master!" Qing Gu said in a loud voice with his head lowered.

"Seeing the Futian Seal is like seeing the Peak Lord!" All the disciples on the hillside knelt down in black, shouting in unison. The sound shook the four fields.

Liu Qianlang stared blankly at the covering sky seal on his palm, and at Fang Yanhong, secretly said: "Master, what should I do?"

Qing Gu, who was kneeling on the ground, and several other senior executives were shocked at this moment. They really thought that, as Liu Qianlang said, Senior Brother Fufeng only took him as a disciple because he sympathized with the weak and bookish junior in front of him.

But right now, the Futian Seal is in his hand, which means that he has already received the divine skill Lei Tianjue from the peak master himself. This is a magical skill that only the successor of the peak master is qualified to practice. It's very meaningful.

Taking a step back, even if Senior Brother Fufeng sympathizes with his situation as he said, it will never go to the point of giving him Futianyin to represent him in the Yibao Conference and be exclusively enjoyed by the Peak Lord.

When Qing Gu and the others were kneeling on the ground anxiously, Liu Qianlang also knelt down suddenly, holding the Futian Seal with both hands, and said: "Seniors, please get up quickly, this junior is really ashamed, please protect Dharma Qing Gu and take the Futian Seal." !” Liu Qianlang said as he handed the Futian Seal over.

However, Qing Gu didn't raise his bones and said: "I don't dare to protect the Dharma. Since Fu Tianyin is in your hands, then please temporarily act as the Peak Master and arrange matters related to the Tai Cang Peak Yibao Que Yibao Conference in three days. !” Bone Guardian suggested.

Liu Qianlang was shocked when he heard the words, and flatly refused: "How is this possible? This is not only disrespectful to the seniors, but also disrespectful to the master. What's more, what virtue and ability do I have to take on such a heavy responsibility? Wouldn't it be a success in this way? joke!"

Qing Gu and the others naturally agreed with what Liu Qianlang said, but right now, the Futian Seal, which symbolizes the supreme authority of the Xiaotian Peak of the Xuanling Gate, any high-level Xiaotian Peak has no guts or qualifications to follow . Otherwise, wouldn't it be the instigator who fanned the mutation and usurped the throne.

Because of these concerns, Qing Gu and the others saw that Fu Tianyin was in the hands of the junior Liu Qianlang, but they dared not go beyond it in the slightest. In the end, Qinggu said firmly: "If Shaoxian does not accept the position of interim peak master, I would rather kneel and die in this deep valley and never get up!" . While the other elders and everyone around including Liu Qianlang bowed and knelt.

For a while, the valley was strangely quiet. From a distance, the endless valley was full of kneeling figures, motionless. It was unimaginable that such a state lasted for a day and a night.

Finally, when the first ray of sunlight came out in the eastern sky the next day, Liu Qianlang succumbed and accepted the request to be the interim peak master, and everyone stood up.

Time is already very tight, because it takes at least one day and one night to reach Tai Cang Peak, Liu Qianlang entrusted Qing Gu to arrange the affairs in the peak, and then released Xiaotian Peak to participate in the Yibao Conference's information transmission spiritual pet - Yun Swan fish.

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