Nine Heavens

Chapter 262

After discussions between Qing Gu and others and Liu Qianlang, it was finally decided that Qing Gu and other five guardians would accompany the interim peak master Liu Qianlang to attend the Yibao Conference, leaving Cang Yun and Xia Yuan as assistants and everyone. The elders manage the affairs of the mountain gate.

In order not to make this trip too shabby, Qing Gu and the other protectors and the two assistants brought more than 20,000 low-grade and mid-grade spirit stones of all levels, and they are going to buy some basic medicines. The rest of the disciples really need it, and second, they must not let other peaks underestimate Xiaotian Peak too much.

After everything was ready, Liu Qianlang and the others set up their aircrafts and flew all the way to Tai Cang Peak. In order not to draw people's attention, Liu Qianlang is still driving the ghost boat, while Qing Gu and the other five guardians are all wielding the blue light sword like Master Fufeng.

There was no talking all the way, two days later, the six people floated outside the grand palace of Yi Bao Que on Tai Cang Peak. Because Liu Qianlang is not familiar with all these things, he let Qing Gu lead the way along the way. Qing Gu didn't refuse, and the six walked through the bustling crowd. According to past habits, Qing Gu led Liu Qianlang and others to a separate courtyard where he was staying. But when he arrived at the gate of the other courtyard, he was actually stopped by two door boy disciples.

The two doormen glanced at the six people, and found that five of them were rustic old men in Guli, and the other was a New Territory disciple in white clothes who had just started, so they asked in a cold voice, "Where did you come from? What are you doing in the Feng VIP House?"

Qing Gu looked at the two door boy disciples who were only fifteen or sixteen years old and said angrily: "Don't you have eyes? We are Xiao Tianfeng who came to participate in the Yibao Conference. Hurry up and get out of the way, don't anger this protector, let us You can't eat and walk around!"

"Cut! From Xiaotian Peak, hahaha!" When the two doormen heard that the six people belonged to Xiaotian Peak, they couldn't help but look at each other with contempt, sneered a few times, and mocked: " Xiao Tianfeng, did you hear that there is only one immortal peak master left? But recently I heard that a new disciple named Liu Qianlang has been accepted. Well, Xiaotian has become Death Peak! Hahaha!" After speaking, there was another burst of mocking laughter.

Hearing the words, Guardian Qinggu was so angry that his beard trembled, his eyes burst out with cold light, and his fingers creaked loudly. He turned his palm, and his hand shone with green light, and suddenly slapped the two doormen. However, with a bang, the palm that was slapped was pushed back abruptly.

Then he saw three tall and arrogant figures coming out from the gate of the other courtyard. Liu Qianlang took a closer look and found that the leader was Ouyang Langlong. Ouyang Langlong looked contemptuously at the five old men including Qing Gu and Liu Qianlang, who looked weak, and said coldly: "I don't know where the wild dogs are barking in front of the other courtyard where my father is resting? It turned out to be a few beggars. This year is really special. I heard from Master Bing Po that the four major sects and people from all walks of life who participated in this year are all rich or noble, with outstanding strength. I have never heard of beggars participating! Why? Are you also here to participate in the Yibao Conference? Hahahaha!" Ouyang Langlong laughed wildly. Seeing this, the two people behind him and the doorman just now also cooperated wantonly.

Qing Gu and the other four protectors were shaking like chaff with rage, and quickly formed a joint attack situation. They were suddenly filled with dark blue body protection, ready to attack at any time. Although Qing Gu also thought that the status of Xiaotian Peak today is not what it used to be, but he never expected that the dignified VIP courtyard of Xiaotian Peak would be occupied, and what is even more exasperating is that even these unknown people dare to Feel free to insult. He was secretly ashamed in his heart that he was so easily irritated with his dignified position as a Dharma protector.

"Hahaha, why, there is still a fight, forget it, if you want to fight, you can also, tomorrow is the Appreciation Conference, the day after tomorrow is the Yibao Conference, and the last day is the Fighting Conference, if you have the ability to go to the Fighting Conference Let's fight! I don't have time to deal with you, and I don't want to dirty the cleanliness in front of this door. Oh! By the way, I heard from Master Bingpo that this year, because there are too many people participating in the Yibao Conference, the other courtyards They are all full, so I arranged your Xiaotian Peak to a cave in the back mountain. Hahaha, don’t go there soon, if you don’t go, there will be no room there! Hahahaha.” After finishing speaking, Ouyang Langlong glanced at Liu Qianlang and the others turned back and swaggered back.

Seeing the mighty Ouyang Langlong and the other three disappear into the depths of the other courtyard, Qing Gu's face twisted, and with a wow, he spat out a big mouthful of blood, while the other guardians also frowned and looked angry. .

The two doormen saw it, glanced at it, and said nothing, but they all looked disgusted.

"Let's go!" Liu Qianlang said softly, and then the six of them supported each other and walked towards the back of Bieyuan Mountain. Soon after, they found that the so-called cave was just a damp cave with a height of one person, and it was a mess inside.

Liu Qianlang tidied up briefly, and managed to find a relatively better place. The six of them sat down, and then remained silent with each other, not knowing what to say. Seeing the embarrassment of the five former Dharma protectors shocked Liu Qianlang's soul, and the initial thought of coming to the Yibao Conference to go through the motions was swept away. Liu Qianlang got up and walked to the entrance of the cave, looking at the scene of people coming and going in the VIP courtyard outside the cave, suddenly two bright white lights shot out from his eyes, and there was a bang, and a hill not far away turned into powder.

Hearing the sound, the five protectors were all startled, and hurried to the entrance of the cave, just in time to see the sparkle in Liu Qianlang's eyes, and the scene of flying sand and rocks not far away, they couldn't help but looked at Liu Qianlang in horror, suddenly depressed A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he said excitedly, "Peak Master Dai, you!"

Liu Qianlang looked back at the five, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, the five guardians, although Qianlang is not talented, after this trip, he has worked hard, and he will never allow them to underestimate our Little Tianfeng again! "

The five protectors nodded slightly when they heard the words. Seeing Liu Qianlang has such strength, what he said was true. Although he didn't expect Liu Qianlang to do well, at least seeing the younger generation have such ambition is already commendable. All of a sudden, the six of them had a feeling of sympathy. Then silently returned to the original place, meditated one after another, and took a rest.

"Who is this, who is willing to spend all his energy blasting the mountains for fun?" Liu Qianlang heard an unusually familiar voice. Song Zhen, this is Song Zhen's voice.

"Don't worry about this, aren't you looking for Junior Brother Liu? I asked Master to ask all over, and it seems that Junior Brother Liu didn't come at all, and neither did his master!" A sweet female voice said.

This woman was Lan Shuang's voice. Hearing Song Zhen and Lan Shuang looking for her, Liu Qianlang was moved and wanted to rush out, but after some consideration, he gave up. It would not be a good thing if Song Zhen knew about the predicament he and the five guardians were in right now, so let's bear it for the time being! Liu Qianlang thought so while continuing to listen to the conversation outside.

"Isn't that right? Isn't it clearly written on the wall of the cloud wall in the Yibao Que participation announcement that there are people from the Sixth Xiaotian Peak attending, but I don't know if any of these six people are leading the way!" Song Zhen said.

"Oh! I neglected to publicize Yunbi. In that case, Junior Brother Liu still has a great hope of coming. I heard from Master that Xiaotian Peak is now withered and has no disciples." Lan Shuang said.

"I hope so. I haven't seen him for half a year, and I don't know whether the yin vein body that the peak master said is true or not. I don't know how he is now. You said that Qianlang is such a good person, why? What kind of yin veins would it be, really! Alas!" Song Zhen sighed.

"Don't be too sad, everyone has their own destiny, Junior Brother Liu is also in a lot of disasters, he was able to come over safely before, I hope he will survive this time!" Lan Shuang persuaded.

The two continued to talk, their voices getting smaller and smaller, and finally Liu Qianlang couldn't hear clearly at all, so naturally he didn't let go of his spiritual sense to follow up, because knowing that someone still cares about him is enough.

Liu Qianlang's heart is warmed by Song Zhen's concern for himself. At the same time, Song Zhen's strength has improved a lot. From this point, it can be seen that joining the inner sect, especially the sect masters of the peaks, will benefit The resources for cultivation are indeed abundant. Sensing that Song Zhen's progress might be related to the resources needed for cultivation, especially the supply of training materials, spiritual energy and elixir, Liu Qianlang suddenly thought that after passing the entrance exam, he would get a reward. So he took out the brocade box from his bosom, opened it, and saw that it was a round pill the size of a bean, the whole body of the pill was blue, shone with little fluorescent light, and exuded wisps of fragrance, which made people very intoxicated.

Smelling the fragrance, Qing Gu and other protectors opened their eyes at the same time, and seeing the pills in Liu Qianlang's brocade box, they exclaimed almost at the same time: "Lan Xiangpo!"

Seeing Lan Xiangpo, Liu Qianlang was also pleasantly surprised. This kind of elixir is a kind of precious elixir that assists in congealing pills. It is made of thirty-six herbs, and the most difficult to find is Lan Xiangpo. The main raw material is called elemi. Elemi comes from the legendary Elemi tree, which has been extinct for tens of thousands of years, and only occasionally one and a half trees can be seen in some weird areas. However, such areas are extremely mysterious and ordinary people cannot reach them. Therefore, there is almost no new elemi in the alchemy world, and there are not many left from the past. Even if there is, the elixir will put it on the shelf, keep it secret, and make it a treasure of the town store, so they are willing to sell it ! In this way, Lan Xiangpo is even more precious!

The senior officials of Xuanlingmen are willing to reward the new disciples with such precious things. It is not difficult to imagine how high the senior officials have high expectations for the new disciples.

However, Liu Qian just looked at it for a while, then threw it into his mouth and chewed it. The five guardians swallowed and cursed inwardly. , I just ate a lan champer. Seeing Liu Qianlang chewed it a few times and swallowed it, the five guardians shook their heads for a while, but they didn't dare to say anything. After all, things belong to other people, even if they are crushed or thrown away, I have no control over them.

"Are the people inside from Xiaotian Peak? Please come out, check the peak seal, check the number of people, and trade gold!" Liu Qianlang was tasting the delicacy of Lan Xiangpo, when a messenger came outside and shouted loudly .

Hearing the shout, Liu Qianlang and the five guardians came out, and saw two people in the costumes of elite disciples in their twenties standing in front of them, both of them were elegant and handsome.

The disciples of the inner sect of Xuanling Sect are divided into eight levels: ordinary disciples, elite disciples, direct disciples, house-entry disciples, silver seat disciples, golden seat disciples, crystal seat disciples and drill seat disciples. The color of the Huanxin beads is different for each type of disciple. Ordinary disciples, elite disciples, and direct disciples wear white clothes, and the Huanxin beads are white, orange and red respectively. The costumes of the disciples entering the house, the Ginzuo disciples and the Jinzuo disciples are yellow, and the corresponding Huanxin beads are blue, silver and gold. The costumes of crystal seat disciples and drill seat disciples are purple, and the corresponding Huanxin beads are black and brown.

Seeing Liu Qianlang dressed in white, but with a blue Huanxin Bead hanging on his waist, he felt amused, thinking that Liu Qianlang had picked up a Huanxin Bead from an intruder somewhere, and hung it narcissistically on the waist. Even if he is really the infiltrating disciple of the real Fufeng, he has no status in the eyes of the two of them. And the people behind Liu Qianlang were actually wearing costumes of unknown generations in the past, so rustic, it made people feel sad.

"Oh! You belong to Xiaotian Peak, show your peak seal!" One of them said with eyelids rolled.

Seeing the other party's disdainful eyes, Liu Qianlang didn't say anything after experiencing the previous embarrassment. When he turned his palm over, the Shading Seal immediately floated strangely on the palm.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's mysterious movements, the two of them were secretly startled. They couldn't help but look down at Liu Qianlang, then carefully inspected the cover of the sky, and nodded slightly. Then he asked, "Just the six of you?"

"That's right, it's just the six of us." Liu Qianlang said after putting away the Futian Seal.

"Report your name!" said another elite disciple who was holding something like a compass in his hand.

"Daifeng Master Liu Qianlang, Qinggu, Bingling, Yangdu, Yue'an, Tuifeng!" Qing Gu glanced at Liu Qianlang and said.

"Bone clearing? Are you talking about the five masters of Tianfeng more than a hundred years ago?" Hearing the name on the clearing bone report, the elite disciple who was in charge of recording asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Qing Gu nodded slightly, but didn't say anything, and then the elite disciple who was the first to ask the question asked again: "Hand over the transaction deposit!"

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