Nine Heavens

Chapter 2614 Don't Regret Your Choice


Liu Qianlang looked at the hard-won world of Wuji Zhou Guangliao from far away, and nodded with a smile.

However, after a short pause, Liu Qianlang, the ancestor of Langyuan, broke through God's eyes, and said again with an infinitely profound look:

"We can't be too optimistic, we can only say that we have saved this catastrophe in the Yin Yang Wuji Universe.

It is true that he won this battle, but Hei Drill is still doing evil in the dark metaworld, and now he has mastered the casting method to create nine demon gods and gods. If we don't kill him as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will still be endless troubles.

The depth of its city mansion is fully evident from the fact that it has been transformed into a thirteen valley old man. I am afraid that the target of our future struggle will be him for a long time! "

"Hehe, so what, the third brother also heard it just now, he didn't get the five yuan of light, I'm afraid it won't be easy to mix in the dark metaworld in the future, besides, once we get the return of the Nine Baby Star God's tracking, we can get the light immediately." Wuyuan Qiming has entered the dark metaworld.

At that time, we Wuji Zhou, the new and old Zhou Gods, will be neck and neck, so why are we still afraid that we will not be able to win the battle against him! "

The Supreme Occupational God Song Zhen is obviously full of confidence, the god Bi Guanglong is in the blue sky and white clouds, looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers, breathing out the fresh divine wind, and his ambition is strong.

"If everything goes well, that's what we hope for. However, it's not easy for us along the way. The more we are at the critical moment of success, the more cautious we should be.

When we were against the sky, it was just your and my little human life. No matter how miserable things are, the most we can lose is our personal life. What is left is nothing but the human grief of relatives and friends.

However, it is different now, I am the ancestor of Langyuan Ren, and I control the entire Wuji Yin-Yang universe. The fourth younger brother is the supreme god of divination, and even breathing is related to the fate of the infinite yin and yang universe that has just merged with countless rifts.

We are like this, the other old and new Zhou gods are all in charge of the gods, and they can't be careless in the slightest. "

The prodigal ancestor Yangfei flew to the palm of the god of protecting the universe, and gently caught a white floating cloud, staring at it infinitely and cherishingly for a long time, said.

"Thank you third brother for ordering, fourth brother understands. Everything in this Wuji Yin-Yang universe is the crystallization of painstaking efforts of our old and new gods.

The holy spirit is the way, the virtuous immortals are the rules, the hundreds of millions of gods and spirits are the sons of the way, and countless great scenery and beautiful sites are the country.

The Tao lies in Xianzheng, and Xianzheng leads to enlightenment, then the Ming body prospers, and the body prospers before the scene is beautiful. The country is also the family, and I can only be eternal if I am careful! "

Song Zhen savored Liu Qianlang Fuyun's cherishing demeanor, and suddenly realized some reasons why the respectable third brother was great, and said with deep shame.

"Hehe, as expected of my Wuji Shenzhou's Supreme Occupation God, the enlightenment of Dezhou became clear in an instant. The fourth brother said well, we should cherish it while doing it."

Liu Qianlang turned the huge three-element dragon, stood firmly on it, and praised Song Zhendao facing all the infinite gods floating under the blue sky and white clouds.

"What does the third brother mean, is he wants us to leave Wuji Shenzhou and only me ascend, or..."

Song Zhen had already guessed the decision of the third elder brother at the moment when Liu Qianlang slowly turned the faucet, so he asked this question after Liu Qianlang stabilized the Sanyuan Shenlong.

Liu Qianlang's white hair is flying in the sky, her face is as pure as jade, and her eyes are resolute. After looking deeply at Song Zhen, she looked at all the infinite gods one by one, from near to far, from young to young.

Mouhong stays deeply on each face for a long time, the so-called words are silent greetings and blessings to each other.

Liu Qianlang's divine eyes were moist, and all the immortal gods of Wuji were full of emotions and burst into tears, especially Liu Qianlang's ten married wives burst into tears.

Liu Qianlang's look is full of humanity and affection.

Looking at Liu Qianlang, it shows that the road to immortality is full of vicissitudes.

When Liu Qianlang looked at it, he felt that there were so many affectionate gods and gods.

Looking at Liu Qianlang, how could he let go of both tears.


Looking at Liu Qianlang, countless immortal gods have lived for countless years.

"Dear ones, the reason why the ancestors of this wave of fate embarked on the road of immortals and gods is to find the road of longevity and happiness for all living beings. If there are no more sentient beings, why should waves of fate exist!"

Countless years later, this was the first sentence Liu Qianlang said with tears streaming down his face.


Just this one sentence immediately caused Manzhou to cry bitterly with gratitude.

On the road of immortals and gods, every victory and triumphant return is naturally when the supreme and great are ascending, and the universal beings should see off guests.

Of course, the gods floating in the blue sky in front of Liu Qianlang understand this kind of natural truth in their hearts.

The great Wave Yuan Renzu in sight saved Wuji Yinyang Zhou, but when it came time for him to ascend again, no matter how reluctant he was, he only had regrets.

However, this great Prodigal Ancestor once again violated common sense, saying this, which is obviously telling the gods that he will choose to ascend in the universe!

Such a choice, is it not what all the Everlasting Gods expected, how could they not be excited. Who can not be grateful for the virtuous heart of the ancestors of the waves, so the eyes of the immortal gods of Manzhou are full of tears, and there is no mercy everywhere.

"Ha ha……"

"My dear third brother, the fourth brother knows what's on your mind. The third brother once led the way of humanity to the immortal gate to ascend to the immortal way, and when he looked back, he led the mortals.

At that time, we went through a total of seventy-seven forty-nine layers of poisonous hell, and then entered the cloud realm, broke through the nine heavens, and all human beings became immortals.

Now, the Wuji Yin-Yang universe is already a dazzling and beautiful universe that we once could not reach, it should be the end point that we no longer expect better.

How unimaginable it is to ascend the whole universe, the third brother is definitely like this now, and the fourth brother really cannot express the gratitude in his heart! "

Song Zhen couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and in his mind and soul time and time again, the figure of the prodigal ancestor third brother engraved in his heart in the past, burst into tears and laughed loudly.

"The Ancestor of the Waves! The Ancestor of the Waves..."

Song Zhen was like this, and Manzhou Wuji Immortal God was even more like this. He didn't have a word to express the kindness in his heart, so he had to shout for a long time.

Liu Qianlang was also very excited in his heart, looking for the figures of his parents in the world, his sister Liu Juan, his younger sister Shifeng, and the distant figures of his brothers.

I said to myself over and over again, parents, Shifeng, sister, far away, now, Qianlang can still see that you can exist safely, it's great!

Liu Qianlang is precisely because of such a deep-seated complex of relatives and family, that he will push himself and others, which made him resolutely choose this unimaginably difficult path of ascension.

Quanzhou Ascension is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do. At this moment, Liu Qianlang has no idea, but he did not hesitate to choose this way.

Amidst bursts of shouts, in eyes full of tears, and on happy faces, Liu Qianlang knew that his choice was right, it was his wish, and it was also their wish.

"Hehe... don't get excited, the gods, the universe of the infinite gods has just been split and reunited, and the beauty in front of us is just the beginning.

We might as well stay here for a while, enjoy a free and peaceful life, and then we will be fully prepared, and it will not be too late for us to ascend to the universe. "

Liu Qianlang didn't want countless infinite gods to share the difficulties and sorrows of ascension in the whole universe, so he still looked calm and said with a smile.

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