Nine Heavens

Chapter 2615 Boundary map return to energy

"Yeah, we should really make some adjustments, continue to strengthen ourselves, and meet a better journey in the future, which requires ability and price.

Now that the infinite universe is completely bright, it is better to redistribute the titles of trillions of gods and gods, do you see? "

Song Zhen raised the urgent problem to be solved and asked.

"Nowadays there are countless disciples of Langyuan Shenmen, and there are many holy gods and venerables, so it's time to carry out a grand seal.

However, this matter cannot be decided in an instant, let the old master Yaya, Yangshen Langlong and Yuehou Shifeng lead the relevant gods to make preparations. When the preparations are complete, hold a Divine Conferment Conference. "

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and then said.

"Fourth brother, now that I know, are we going to fix ourselves in the Trillion Shrine in the Wuji Yinyang, Sun, Moon, Mountain, and River Universe, or rebuild the Waves Shrine?"

Song Zhen asked again.

"Hehe, fourth brother, take a closer look, is there any difference between everything in the Wuji Universe we are in and the Wuji Yin Yang Sun Moon Mountain River Tu Zhou?"

Liu Qianlang laughed when he heard the words.


Song Zhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and his five-color eyes immediately looked around, and he couldn't help but suddenly realized:

"Third brother is saying that the infinite universe of yin and yang, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, is also this infinite universe!?"

"What the fourth brother said is right. Fourth brother still remember Wei Er, the emperor of Huizhou Zhou. He tried his best to protect him, and then gave us the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the Wuji Yinyang Great Realm, which is actually the ancient original face of the Wuji Yinyang Universe. A picture of divine power.

The reason why the third brother was able to gradually see through the conspiracy of the Emperor of the Black Mandrill, apart from some reminders from the scrolls of gods, witches, and gods, the most important thing is to understand its various mysteries.

The Infinite Yin-Yang Great Realm Sun Moon Mountain River Map is the Infinite Yin-Yang Universe, and the Infinite Yin-Yang Universe is also the Infinite Yin-Yang Great Realm Sun Moon Mountain River Map. God's energy will eventually return to its source, and the magnificent mountains and rivers are only God's pictures. "

While Liu Qianlang was speaking, with a twitch of his soul, the picture of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the infinite yin and yang world that existed in his soul universe floated in the sky above him.

Then, I saw it stretching continuously, filling the sky, and finally splitting in the middle. In the picture, the divine clouds floated up in the sky, and the mountains and rivers on the earth fell, slowly merging with the infinite Yin-Yang universe.

And the countless Langyuan Jingu buildings on it also floated in the void for a while, and settled down steadily.



"That's our shrine!"


Seeing this, Immortal God Lang Wuji, who was crying with gratitude before, was instantly excited and amazed and cheered endlessly.

"Dajie Wuji relatives and friends, we have successfully fulfilled the wish of Emperor Wei Er Zhou, we have recovered this Wei Er Zhou Hui Zhou!

Weiming Huizhou, the great world of sun, moon, mountains and rivers, how beautiful this place is. In the past, there were countless life forms here, but now we are the only ones here.

Let's all go back to our own shrines, and always remember a respectable god emperor in our hearts, that is Emperor Weier Zhou.

It was his great sacrifice that gave us the opportunity to come to this beautiful new home..."

Liu Qianlang was full of emotion and talked a lot, remembering the past, mourning the god of death, encouraging the god of the universe, and then ordered all the gods to return to their palaces.

However, Empress Nuwa, Dumojianzu, Peixian, Zhongsheng and Prince Jiebo kept smiling and nodding, looking at Liu Qianlang and the other Langyuan saints who hadn't left with appreciative eyes.

Liu Qianlang appeased Quan Zhou's eyes, leaving the rest to the head of Yaya and a group of capable gods, and then turned his attention to the four primitive gods.

"Just now, Qianlang neglected his benefactor, Mrs. Nuwa, and the second junior brother. Please forgive me."

Liu Qianlang straightened up and saluted.

"Ha ha……"

"Qianlang, look at our god who cares about some red tape. The great world god Zhou is stable, and the gods are free and happy. This is what we want to see most, and everything else is fine."

Du Mojian Zu has been quietly examining this apprentice who went to the Mortal Realm to find him, and smiled happily.

"Well, Empress Nuwa is so foresighted to make a wave of heavenly spirits so powerful! Longyuan Renzu, I must thank her very much!

She is not only the creation god of the chaotic universe, one of the infinite universes, but also the leader of the great universe! We just moved because of her. "

Zhong Sheng looked up to the sky and laughed, full of pride, full of praise for the Nuwa Empress who was wearing a rainbow dress and holding a lotus in her right hand.


Empress Nuwa laughed and said:

"Demon Sword Ancestor, Sister Peixian, look, your senior brother has changed so much, you can even praise others!"

"Zhong Shi praises people, the supreme god!

Empress Nuwa doesn't know, it's not that the second junior brother doesn't praise others, it's just that the only person who can make him praise him now is you, besides his mentor, junior sister, and Qianlang.

This Du Demon Sword Ancestor has never had such an honor, haha..."

Demon Sword Ancestor Jiebai had a fluttering beard, and smiled at the words.

"Don't be sour, who made my second senior brother's magic and immortal skills better than you.

The second senior brother has led countless god battles, and you know how to forge a god sword. If I were the second senior brother, I wouldn't praise you. "

As the god of etiquette for immortal gods, Peixian likes to wear a simple and elegant dress, with high bun, dignified and beautiful, with beautiful eyes looking around Dumojianzu and Zhongsheng, and said with a smile.

"Xian'er, it's not fair for you to say that. You can ask the second junior brother, is there any divine sword in his god team that I didn't forge?"

Du Mojianzu said amusedly.

"Cut! Isn't it just a few broken swords? It means that Qianlang treats your divine sword as a treasure, and my generals just use it and throw it away.

Do you have the ability to build me my ten square clock for me to see? "

Zhong Xing curled his lips, and holding ten squawking chickens in his palm, he said provocatively.

"Why, the second brother is not convinced. Do you think that only the master can make a ten-square clock? Just wait, I will make a twenty-square clock for you to see, lest you underestimate your elder brother."


Du Mojianzu and Zhong Xing talked and laughed, and even raised the bar. The more they talked, the more interesting they became. Several times Liu Qianlang thought about interjecting, but he didn't have a chance.


"Nuwa Empress, Master Mistress, Second Junior Brother, let's not bother them for the time being, let them have fun.

Although this great universe is good, it is not as comfortable as your divine palace. Let Qianlang build a palace for you now, I hope you like it. "

After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he was about to cast a spell with a flick of his sleeve.


"Shen Lang is free, you don't need to worry about this, we are taking care of each other at the Shenshan Shenhaishen Palace.

Even you, Jiebo, and Zhan'er's cultivation sword sea are brought. In the future, it will be very convenient for the three of you brothers to practice swordsmanship. "

Peixian laughed.

"Yes, Qianlang, we have long been used to our own shrine, you don't need to be distracted by it, we are born right now.

It's just that we don't know where Qianlang arranges us in this great world of gods? "

Empress Nuwa also laughed.

"It's so good, Qianlang is still worried that the gods will miss the Forbidden City after leaving their former mother.

The five primitive gods were the most respected and most powerful existence of Langyuan at that time, and they should be the heart of Yangzhou.

It just so happens that this is where the sky is blue and the clouds are clean, the divine sun is in the sky, and the blue divine moon is beside it. "

Liu Qianlang was quite happy when he heard the words, and said.

"Well, Empress Nuwa, let's just listen to Qianlang, but Qianlang is a God Lord of the universe and should have the shrine in the center, so we might as well be at a higher level."

Peixian agreed, Empress Nuwa smiled and nodded, and Prince Jiebo had no objections. Du Mojian Zu and Zhong Shi were still bickering.


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