Nine Heavens

Chapter 2616 sudden change

Empress Nuwa, Peixian, and Prince Jiebo successively were born in Rainbow God Mountain, Du Demon Sword Mountain, Heavenly Dragon God Sea, and returned to the realm.

Liu Qianlang smiled for a while and watched his mentor and Uncle Zhong Shi bicker for a while, and felt amused in his heart, and planned to leave.

However, just as he turned around to leave, he suddenly saw his teacher Du Mojian's ancestral eyes with black lights, his face distorted and ferocious, with a fierce and painful look.

Liu Qianlang felt chills all over his body for a while, and his secret path was not good. When he looked closely at Master Zhong Shishu, he was also covered in pitch black and evil rainbows looming, entangled in demonic poison.



The two Primordial Heavenly Venerates, their bickering has been upgraded to fighting skills, and their moves are endless. The moment Liu Qianlang saw that they were wrong, they had already fought into a ball.


"I can't see that the two old guys are fighting, and the power is still the same as before! Fight, fight to the death, destroy the Great World Wujiu! Haha..."

"Hmph! Why didn't the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm scare us with the Twelve Jue Sha, now with the addition of nine demon gods, can't we deal with them!"

"The darkness is absolutely evil, you don't understand this, wouldn't it be more interesting to let them kill each other.

This black mandrill world emperor just left, but threw a few wisps of dark energy waves to the old thing, no, they became the puppets of this black mandrill world emperor, let them do whatever they want. "

"Oh hey..... I have to say you, the Heidrill Realm Emperor, more than wickedness. This trick is really good. I am as wicked as I am dark and evil. If anyone refuses to accept it, I will obey you, the Heidrill Realm Emperor!"

"The Emperor of the Black Drill Realm is amazing!"

"The wisdom of the black mandrill realm emperor!"

"The Emperor of the Black Drill Realm is the most wicked!"


Outside the boundless universe of the Great Realm, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill and the Twelve Absolute Shades laughed at each other for a while.

Liu Qianlang heard the evil words of the evil spirits outside the universe, and immediately knew that the two original gods were fighting each other before. They were not joking at all, but were controlled by the dark element energy wave.

"Hmph! Black Mandrill Realm Emperor, don't want to run away. The ancestors of this Langyuanren rescued the two primitive gods, and then killed you!"

Liu Qianlang flew into a rage, swept his sleeves away, and in an instant, a whirlwind of light and divine energy blew up in the infinite sky of the great world, and poured it towards the direction where the black mandrill realm emperor outside the universe was speaking.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang instantly summoned Xiaolongnu and Xiaoxiaolian'er, and the three moved together. The son stared blankly, turned into a palm with his small hand, and pushed the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus violently.

In an instant, Liu Qianlang, Little Lian'er, and Xiao Longnv surrounded the two primordial gods in a triangle, and the light, divine power, and rainbow were like a sea, rushing towards the Demon Sword Ancestor and Zhong Zhan in the middle.

Because of such a big commotion, Empress Nuwa, Peixian, Prince Jiebo, Qixiang Zhoushen, Sirius Zhoushen, Supreme Divination God, Darkness-seeking Emperor God, Yang God Ouyang Langlong, Yuemeng Cheng Poetry style, 9981 dragon, phoenix and so on.

All of a sudden, Wuji Zhoushen, who had just left back to the palace, flew into the sky to help Liu Qianlang.

"Qianlang, don't waste time rescuing me and your uncle. We were careless just now. Both you and I have been poisoned by the dark essence. Hurry up and kill us, otherwise we will soon turn into dark demons." Yes! Quick! Quick! Lead the waves! Don't hesitate—”

"Qianlang! Listen to your master, don't let me, Zhong Sheng, become their puppet! I was teased by him before Zhong Sheng, and I really don't want to do it again!"

Du Mojian Zu and Zhong Zhan in the center of countless bright rainbows shouted in pain while fighting fiercely.

"Ha ha……"

"Don't you gods of light pay attention to harmony and etiquette, this Black Mandrill Realm Emperor is tired of those hypocritical things!

Haha...haha... Seeing you all killing each other makes me really happy.

You guys thought that the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor was so easy to deal with, and you said you would drive me away, so you drove me away! I bother!

How about Langyuan Renzu, how about we make a deal, exchange the lives of these two old things for Guangming five yuan! "

Liu Qianlang heard the pained cries of his mentor and uncle, and the evil smile of the Emperor of the Black Demon World.

In the soul universe, the soul tide surges, and the divine wave washes away.

"Okay! Ben Langyuan Renzu agrees to you, but you, the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor, has always done all kinds of evil and never kept his word. How can you make Ben Langyuan Renzu believe you?"

The lives of the two primitive gods were dying, and they might turn into dark demons at any time. Liu Qianlang had no time to think about it, so he had to agree to the conditions of the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm.

"Haha...that's simple, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm only needs twenty-one voice officials to play the evil snails in unison, and call out the dark essence poison in their gods.

I believe that with your God of Light's powerful light divine power, it is still possible to devour a few wisps of dark primordial poison from the body.

If you don't say it, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill has forgotten, how can the Emperor of the Black Mandrill believe in your sincerity. "

Because of the opportunity to control Langyuan Renzu once, the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor couldn't help being very proud, and shouted in an insulting tone as he put on airs.

"The Five Yuans of Light are floating in the sky, as long as you keep your promise, once the Ancestors of the Waves Fate have no desire to control the Five Yuans of Light, the Five Yuans of Light will immediately belong to you, the Emperor of the Black Demon Realm.

Ben Langyuan Renzu also believes that you, Hei Mandrill, can still obtain the five yuan of light that gradually flies to the edge of the universe by casting spells.

However, Ben Langyuan Renzu reminds you that if there is any unruly intention, Ben Langyuan Renzu will destroy Guangming Wuyuan at all costs. At that time, not only will you get the Unbright Five Elements, but you will also be devoured by the powerful spiritual energy contained in the Bright Five Elements! "

Without hesitation, Liu Qianlang explained his method of handing in the Bright Five Yuan, and reminded the other party.

"Well, this method is fair. Don't worry, Renzu Langyuan, no matter how wicked we are, we will never make fun of our own lives.

It seems that we have made a deal, so why don't we send Guangming Wuyuan to the sky soon! Twenty-one confused evil conch sound officials, let's play! It's rare for us to speak our word once. "




The Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm is really not long-winded, reminding Liu Qianlang, while urging his twenty-one evil voice officials.

Outside the boundless universe of the great world, twenty-one evil voices sounded, and the sword ancestor and Zhong Zhan, who were in the fierce battle of pain, immediately calmed down. They saw pitch-black poisonous smoke bubbling out of their gods like a torrent.

"Langyuan Renzu, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm wants to remind you, don't play any tricks, if the sound of the conical sound of the 21st confusion is reversed, the two old things will die immediately!"

Outside the universe of the Infinite Realm, Black Mandrill has already seen five radiant rainbows slowly rising into the sky from Liu Qianlang's head, one gold, one red, one silver, one blue and one nine colors. Heart, ninety-nine eighty-one god dragon ball and nine-color god lotus light five yuan.

His heart was bursting with ecstasy, and he finally saw the real bright five yuan, but he was still worried, suppressing the excitement in his heart with all his strength, and reminded Liu Qianlang with a trembling voice.

"Hmph! The ancestor of this wave is naturally clear, so don't bother!"

Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, her divine robe was fluttering, and she was pinching the magic formula with both hands. Most of her energy was devoted to releasing the divine power of light, constantly devouring and destroying the dark primordial poison leaked from the bodies of Du Mojian Zu and Zhong Zhan. up.

When he heard the reminder from the Emperor of the Black Mandrill, he replied coldly.

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