Nine Heavens

Chapter 2617 light yuan was taken

"Oh! The Ancestor of Langyuan is smart, one point, nine demon gods, twelve Juesha, you all learn a little bit, otherwise when you kill him in the future, don't let him play smart and run away!"

This battle between light and dark suddenly resurfaced, and it was obvious that the Emperor of the Black Drill had the upper hand at the beginning because he had obtained the five yuan of light.

The Black Mandrill Realm Emperor got an advantage, and his words were full of sarcasm and sarcasm towards Liu Qianlang.

"Hmph! I'm so pissed off that I dare to ask for my Nine Colors Divine Lotus and Sister Long'er's ninety-nine and eighty-one Divine Dragon Balls!

Sister Long'er, let's go, go and grab it back! "

Little Lian'er saw her precious artifact being summoned by her father, Lang Yuan Renzu, together with the golden Yuetian Longmen, the fiery and lively Fenghu, the white and dazzling Heart of Darkness, and the Jiujiu of Long'er's sister. Eighty-one dragon balls are flying towards the infinitely high and far outer boundary of the universe, how can they be willing to part with it.

A pair of eyes were rounded by anger, first he looked at his father dissatisfied for a while, and found that his father ignored him at all, so he shouted angrily.

"Let's go! There are villains who dare to bully Little Lian'er's sister, let's clean it up. Dare to take our baby, hum! Let's tear down his nest!

By the way, little sister Lian'er, does that villain live in a bird's nest or a fish hole? "

Xiao Longnv has always been the answer to Little Lian'er's every call, upon hearing her sister shouting, she immediately flew to the vicinity of Little Lian'er on the blue waves, the two sisters looked at each other tacitly, but then shot towards the sky .

"Little Lian'er, Long'er, don't be reckless, don't you want to see the two masters fall?"

Liu Qianlang couldn't get away, and his soul sent a voice transmission to his beloved daughter Xiaolian'er and his beloved nephew Xiaolongnvdao.

"Us, this?"

Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv have both flown into the sky, staring at their artifacts and treasures and following them all the way, but suddenly hearing the helpless voice of Lang Yuan Ren Zu, they couldn't help but send their eyes to Du Mojian Zu and Du Mojian Zu in pain. Bell died.

The two young immortals are usually naughty to the limit, but their hearts are infinitely pure and kind. They bent down high and looked at the two primitive masters who were still leaking the dark essence poison from their bodies. , Floating back to the original position.

"The sacred weapon is away from the master, so how can it be used if it is closed. The divine lotus should be sealed, and the dragon ball has no light!"

Empress Nuwa saw the actions of Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv while she was controlling Cui Lian and transmitting the power of purification to the two primitive gods, and she reminded them through sound transmission from her soul.

"Hee hee! Thank you, Empress Nuwa!"

Little Lian'er heard from the Goddesses of the Waves that this Nuwa Empress was once reincarnated in the human world as her father's daughter, her name was Lian'er, and she was also her older sister, so she responded happily.

"Hehe, what a smart sister, you know how to do it."

Empress Nuwa saw that little Lian'er was almost in harmony with her, she liked it quite a bit, she followed her heart and said with a smile.

"Yeah, I got it, Sister Nuwa!"

Little Lian'er was very happy when she received such a response, and then hurriedly told Xiao Longnv, the two young immortals floated and sat among the colorful clouds, and without anyone noticing, they did something that later made Hei Qi furious.

Outside the Great Realm, the twenty-one tones of the Dark Yuan Realm are still confusing the evil snail sounds, and the bright five Yuan controlled by Liu Qianlang's soul is also gradually floating towards the direction where the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor is located outside the universe.

Both sides are very careful, for fear that the rhythm will be different and let the other party take advantage.

"Langyuan Renzu has another divine moment, and the dark element poison in the bodies of the two old things will be completely drained, so shouldn't your light five-element flying speed be faster?"

Outside the boundless universe of the Great World, the Heidrill Realm King carefully calculated the synchronization time of each other's transaction completion, and found that the flying speed of the Guangming Wuyuan controlled by Liu Qianlang was a little slower, and reminded him very dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, I will do what I said, and I am no worse than you dark demons, who speak without faith and have no roots in doing things!"

After listening to the other party's words and analyzing the bodies of the two original gods, Liu Qianlang already had a bottom line in his heart, but instead slowed down the speed of Guangming Wuyuan even more, and replied lightly.

"That's good! The twenty-one bewildered evil snails are the divine voices of the infinite universe, and the three seven-tones are the stable divine voices, which share the spirit of the lost heavenly snails with the infinite universe.

I don't need to say much about their divine power, I hope Langyuan Renzu will keep his promise, otherwise..."

The Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm was still worried that Liu Qianlang would play tricks at the most critical moment, so he said in a threatening voice.

"You're so unashamed! Ben Langyuan Renzu is the lord of the infinite universe, how could he play tricks with evil creatures like you? It's simply unnecessary.

This time, Jiu will give you five yuan of light, and he said that it is enough to take it back. Ben Langyuan Renzu also needs to remind you that if you get something, roll as far as you can.

Otherwise, after the transaction is completed, Ben Langyuan Renzu will snatch it immediately without breaking the rules of the game! "

Liu Qianlang said this in a leisurely manner, which made Hei Yao feel numb for a while.

The Heidrill Realm Emperor was silent for a moment, and then said without confidence:

"Langyuan Renzu thought too much, if it wasn't for the bright Wuyuan, the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor wouldn't be bothered to stay outside this bright and dazzling Infinity Realm.

Don't worry, you will be able to fend for yourself in the future. With Guangming Wuyuan, we will seek development from the infinite element world. Who cares about you! "

"Ha ha……"

"Stupid thing, it seems that you are scared and want to run away. Do you think that you will be arrogant after getting the five yuan of light?

Pooh, I think you are born with dirty foundations, no matter how good the treasure is in your hands, it is useless. I want to use the five elements of light to open up the world for you, but you think you are us! "

Song Zhen, the Supreme God of Divination, said angrily after taking the words of the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor.

"Oh ha ha..."

"You don't need to worry about this, how to use the bright five yuan is our own business, and the only thing left to you is to be useless.

You Langyuan Humane Human Race are just new gods, I believe you will never know more about the Infinite Element Realm than we do.

You naive guys who don't know the depths of the universe, if you don't have the five yuan of light, you will die.

oh! What's wrong with me, my head is really confused. If you don't have the divine ability of the five elements of light to protect the light in the universe, your great world of the infinite universe can't last for a few epochs, and the divine universe will collapse, and the whole god will be wiped out!

Wow, come on, this black mandrill world emperor's baby! "

Seeing the five yuan of light floating to the edge of the universe, the emperor of the black mandrill world grasped all the five yuan of light in the devil's claw with a swipe of his giant claw, then put the five yuan of light on the edge of the devil's mouth and kissed it And said:

"Bye, my ancestral palace of Langyuan people! It's a pity to say it. The fairy gods of the universe are going to die soon. I don't say anything. I wish you a happy death.

Nine demon gods, twenty-one tone officers, and twelve absolute evil spirits, let's go! "

"Ha ha……"


"Hee hee hee hee..."

When the Dajie Wuji Zhou Neidu Demon Sword Ancestor and Zhong Zhan returned to their original state, the Heidrill Emperor of Zhou Outer and his minions left with the bright five elements.

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