Nine Heavens

Chapter 2636 Bazi Spell

"Master, we are not at a loss. Exchange such a beautiful chaotic mountain for such a dark, cold and uncomfortable broken spoon?"

In the western part of the dark space-time sky of Yuanjie, Liu Qianlang, Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong re-controlled the Chaos Divine Disk and galloped.

During the flight, the Sanyuan Shenlong floating in the void felt disgusted when he saw the pitch-black magic spoon that Liu Qianlang was holding in his hand with the magical art of shrinking the pulse, and asked.

"Hey, Sanyuan Shenlong, you don't understand the intention of Langer's father, why do we want their disgusting things?"

Qiqi was still habitually squatting on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, and also looked down at the pitch-black magic spoon in the master's hand, which he was studying over and over again, and continued after hearing the words of the Sanyuan Shenlong.

"What does the master mean?"

Sanyuan Shenlong saw that his master was concentrating on studying the pitch-black magic spoon, but he didn't seem to hear what he said, so he had to ask Qiqi.

"Of course the master means, hi! You'd better ask Papa Lang'er, I can't tell."

Qiqi half-spoken, didn't know what the meaning was, and suddenly stopped talking, which made Sanyuan Shenlong feel depressed.

"Hehe, what Ben Langyuan Renzu means is that we want to infiltrate the swordsmiths and become one of them, and then it will be easy for us to infiltrate into the Dark Yuanjie Shrine."

Liu Qianlang weighed the pitch-black spoon in his hand, and said with a smile.

"No way, master! If we want to sneak into their team, then we have a chance just now, and you can ask that nigger leader directly.

It's a good thing now, we've all left the house, so where's the chance? "

Hearing the words, the Sanyuan Shenlong sat cross-legged in front of Liu Qianlang, staring at the bright red eyes, looking at Liu Qianlang and Qiqi's mysterious expression, regretting.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang raised her head and laughed loudly, then said:

"Don't worry, they will summon us within tens of thousands of years. Without Ben Langyuan Renzu, they will never succeed in creating the Holy Emperor's Sword!"

When Liu Qianlang said these words, his expression was full of mystery.

"Could it be that the master did something in the Chaos Mountain?"

Sanyuan Shenlong felt something in his heart and guessed.

"It's about the same as what you said, but it's not a trick.

The Chaos Divine Mountain was originally a sacred mountain that accumulated infinite light and divine power. No matter what kind of artifact is cast, it should be forged with the divine control of our God of Light and the divine fire of light.

And those fire providers and casters of the dark metaworld all use the divine power of the dark metaphysical world, and the light divine power is contrary to the divine power of the dark metaphysical world.

If they forcibly forged it with the fire of the Dark Yuanjie, the result would be either that the materials of the Chaos Mountain would collapse, or they would not be able to activate it, and then carry out the step-by-step procedure of casting.

The latter is not a problem for the powerful ninth-level forgers and ninth-level fire providers, but the most helpless problem they face is that if there is no help from the God of Light, the ancestor of the waves, they will repeat the same mistakes this time .

They are not stupid. When they found out that there was still a state of energy during the casting process, you said, can they not look for us. Until then, hehe..."

At the end of the sentence, Liu Qianlang left a suspense.

"Damn it! How good are you, master!"

Sanyuan Shenlong understood that the master was leaving clearly, but in fact he had to condescend to invite the other party when he was forcing him to come, so he couldn't help but joked.

"This is called wisdom, not bad. Father Lang'er didn't do this to find the bright five yuan as soon as possible, so that he can truly see the light of the world!

Father Langer, then we just need to wait quietly. "

Qiqi first refuted Sanyuan Shenlong a few words, and then asked Liu Qianlang.

"That's right, but instead of waiting, we'll fly stealthily near them and wait,

While paying attention to their dynamics, and then..."

Liu Qianlang's last words were spoken through sound transmission from the soul.

"Well, haha..."

"This method is good, we will do it this way, there must be a chance to enter the Dark Yuanjie Shrine."

The Sanyuan Shenlong raised its eyebrows, patted its nose, nodded and laughed in a blink of an eye.

"Since it's good, Xiao Chao, let's fly quickly, hehe."

Liu Qianlang, thinking about the next plan alone in his heart, said with a smile.

"Okay, Renzu, Qiqi and Brother Sanyuan, we'll be there right away!"

Chaos Divine Pan was also very happy to hear the conversation of one person, one eagle and one dragon, and responded, and then there were bursts of miraculous flying.


"Reporting to the ninth-level forging head, this Chaos God Mountain is much more powerful than the strange power contained in the previous Chaos God Plate. We have tried our best, and no matter whether it is a fire provider or a forger of all levels, there is nothing to do with it!

As you have seen with your own eyes, it has been hundreds of thousands of years, and seeing his beautiful appearance in all colors is still there, we just can't melt it into shape! "

Previously, on the holy land of sword casting in the Dark Metaverse in the west, hundreds of first-class swordsmiths and swordsmiths were blazing with fire and fire, and they shot at each other, swallowing the Chaos Mountain. .

However, what made them extremely annoyed was that after spending tens of thousands of years of effort, they were unable to melt the Chaos Divine Mountain and throw it into the Sword Forging Divine Furnace.

After repeated tossing and making no progress, hundreds of fire suppliers and swordsmiths were all downcast, struggling not to fall.

One of the fire suppliers came to the ninth-level forging head and reported helplessly.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Without saying a word, the ninth-level forging head waved his hand and slapped the fire giver, and then cursed:

"You idiots are just a chaotic mountain, and you can't even refine it, look at me!"

Immediately afterwards, the ninth-level forging head suddenly drove the pitch-black divine spoon and shot it into the sky above the Chaos Divine Mountain. There was a clamor, and he swung the magical hammer with the strange hand around him, and smashed wildly.


However, the ninth-level forged head was also unable to shake the Chaos God Mountain in the slightest, which caused the fire purveyors and casters who watched the excitement to chuckle.

"Aha, that, this, everyone who worships the fire and casts the heads, come here immediately, do you all remember that the Time Traveling God said to stay.

Didn't he say that if we need him to make swords, as long as we call Grandpa Qiqi, Master Shenlong, they will show up to help us!

That being the case, why bother to forge the head of the ninth level, and forge the sword by yourself! "

In order to conceal his inability to forge the strength of Chaos God Mountain, the ninth-level forging head deliberately put on airs, and shouted to the head of the next step.

All the heads of the ranks were amused in their hearts, they looked around and squinted at each other, but they all pretended to be serious.

Among them, the slapped fire giver didn't want to be despised by the ninth-level forging head, so he quickly said flatteringly:

"The ninth-level forging head sage, that Time Traveling God did say so, but are his words credible?"

"Hmph! It's not believable, we have to verify it before we know, listen to my order, everyone shouted the spell together:

Grandpa Qiqi, Master Shenlong's horoscope spell, call me! "

The ninth-level blacksmith was very satisfied with the flattering fire provider, but he still sneered and shouted.


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