Nine Heavens

Chapter 2637 Ancestor Forged Sword

"Huh? What is the purpose of calling Time Traveling God?"

When the ninth-level forging head led the group of demons to shout, Liu Qianlang had already disappeared in the sky above them, and when he heard the words, he appeared floatingly, looked down from a high altitude, and asked in surprise on purpose.

"Thank you, Time Traveling God, for instructing us to forge the Holy Emperor's Sword. Don't tell me, we think about it, the material of this chaotic mountain comes from different time and space, and it is also the holy treasure of Time Traveling God. If it is cast into a holy sword, there is no It's such a pity that God presides over it!

Therefore, this ninth-level head forging has resisted all opinions and decided to let you become the number one god of fire forged by the Holy Emperor's sword. What do you think? "

How did the ninth-level forging head know that Liu Qianlang not only knew the materials for forging the Chaos God Mountain like the back of their hands, but even everything they experienced in God's Hit was clear through their memories.

"This is not good, all you black children in the dark metaworld, you have to think about it. Forging the divine sword is not a problem, the problem is that the divine sword is born, and that is the recognition of the master.

If you let this Time Traveling God forge swords for you, wouldn't this Time Traveling God become the Lord of the Sword of the Holy Emperor?

No, no, there is a principle for the time-wandering god to be a god, how could he do such an unrighteous thing because of a temporary deal? "

Liu Qianlang pretended to listen to the faltering request of the ninth-level trainer, thought for a long time, then shook his head and said.

"But, god, you clearly said before that if we encounter difficulties in making swords, you will help us, and you even taught us eight-character spells!"

The ninth-level forging head was in a hurry, and forgot to take care of his own face, and said quickly.

"Hiss, indeed! This Time Traveling God said it, but this Time Traveling God thought about it afterward, that's not good, so let's forget it.

After all, this Time-Wandering God is an Outer God, and once the Holy Emperor's sword comes out, if you don't believe your Emperor of the Dark Yuanjie, but obey the call of this Time-Wandering God, how embarrassing will your Emperor of the Dark Yuanjie be! "

Liu Qianlang waved his hands again and again, firmly disagreeing.

"Ahhh, Grandfather of the Holy God of Time, I beg you, without your divine power of light, we would not be able to burn the Chaos Divine Mountain!

Just ask the Holy Spirit of Time to help us once for the sake of our sincere cooperation. You can join our ranks of casters first, and temporarily condescend to become a caster. Just help us forge the Holy Emperor's sword successfully.

As for the recognition of the master of the divine sword, that is a later story. It is too early for us to speak before the divine sword is released. Even if the Excalibur recognizes its owner, we can still declare to the Dark Shrine that you are the God of Sword Protection accompanied by the Holy Emperor's Sword!

You don't know, in fact, our Dark Metaverse is also full of fun. It is said that there is a Light God Pavilion in the Dark Shrine, where there are countless light treasures collected by the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm.

If you join our Dark Metaverse and become the patron saint of the Holy Emperor's Sword, that doesn't mean that all the treasures of the Dark Shrine belong to you. You can see what you want! "

Hearing that Liu Qianlang was not willing, the ninth-level forging head came up with some temptations out of desperation.

"That's right, Shi Guangyou God has always regarded immortal arts as floating clouds, and only loves gold, silver and treasures in this life, all kinds of divine treasures!

There are really so many light gods in the Dark Shrine, have you seen them with your own eyes? "

Liu Qianlang searched through the memory of the ninth-level head forging, and found that he was just a laborer with a very low status in the Dark Yuanjie Shrine, and he had never been to the Dark Shrine, so he asked.

"That's natural, this ninth-level blacksmith is the first swordsmith, and has enjoyed many lucky rewards from the palace and the palace.

Guided by the envoy of the shrine, this ninth-level forged head soul has visited the shrine many times. Although he has never entered the palace, he is no stranger to everything in the shrine! "

Facing Liu Qianlang's question, the ninth-level forging head quickly searched the memory of the soul, and did not let go of any experiences that could be put on him. The only purpose was to let Liu Qianlang help him.

In fact, Liu Qianlang had long wanted to take this opportunity to join the foundry team. However, Liu Qianlang played hard to get, and still said seriously:

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way! If this Time Traveling God uses his identity as the God of the Holy Emperor's sword and sword, and has bad intentions, wouldn't it make this Time Traveling God suffer in his heart.

How about this, the Time Traveling God sees that you are all gods of darkness, so I will help you once.

This Time Traveling God has principles no matter how much he loves Shenbao. This Time Traveling God always regards friendship as the first priority. If Shenbao and friendship must be a choice, this Time Traveling God will choose friendship without hesitation.

And because of the connection between us on the Chaos God Mountain, you have long been reliable friends in the heart of this Time Traveling God.


"So Time Traveling God decided to help us?"

Tears filled the eyes of the ninth-level forging head, and he continued with tears of gratitude.

"Hmm! Saving a god's life is better than creating a great cause in the universe; helping friends is like a thousand universes ascending!

This Time Traveling God has decided, so let's help you once, but this Time Traveling God has principles in being a god.

Now that Chaos Divine Mountain is yours, then Time Traveling God will use the soul-changing technique to position you as the God of the Sword Guard of the Holy Emperor's Sword.

In the future, if you walk through the Dark Yuanjie Shrine for the first time at the ninth level, what good will happen, just think about it as a time-wandering god. "

After some tormenting words, Liu Qianlang said this.

"Wuuu... Holy God of Time, you are really my dear grandfather... Don't worry, if this ninth-level forging head can really become the sword guardian of the Holy Emperor's sword and walk in the dark palace, my benefits are your benefits .

Whatever you want, as long as this ninth-level forging head can be loyal, you will never be ambiguous! "

The ninth-level forging head became more and more grateful, with tears in his three eyes, and saliva flying around.

"Well, it's all right! Please also pass on my god's order to the ninth-level blacksmith, so that all the fire makers and swordsmiths will listen to my god's order and protect the law for this time travel god. This time travel god will forge the holy emperor for you!" Sword!"

Liu Qianlang brushed the dust in the darkness with a clean white whisk, white hair fluttering, squatting strangely on his shoulders, wrapped around the Sanyuan Shenlong, with deep eyes, and smiled.

Hearing the words, the ninth-level forging head, how could he not obey, and immediately gave up the commanding position to Liu Qianlang who came stepping on the spoon, and turned around to join hundreds of Dharma protectors who were the same as the fire provider and the caster, clamoring for a while. Fan.

In the end, Liu Qianlang stepped on the pitch-black divine spoon and flew over the chaotic mountain, surrounded by hundreds of fire makers and sword makers, forming a huge circle of guardians.

Then, Liu Qianlang bluffed, covered his body with pure white waves, swung his whisk around, and spoke divine words.

I saw that Chaos God Mountain was under the control of the white holy palace rainbow thrown out by his white whisk, and the white holy flame was rising ragingly. .

With this formation, Liu Qianlang started the so-called process of casting the Holy Emperor's Sword.

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