Nine Heavens

Chapter 2655 black mandrill succeeds

On the countless Luoshen pillars, the god clan emperors of the hundred thousand realms were shocked to see the thin-winged winged emperor being escorted away by the twelve gods, but they dared not speak out!

It's not that their strength is too weak, it's that they are all concerned about being outside their home universe, in the dark metaworld, the Heidrill Realm Emperor must have ambushed, otherwise how could he be so arrogant and openly arrest the Thin Winged Wingfly Emperor .

Every god clan emperor thinks this way, and they are fighting each other for hegemony in the initial realm of the Infinite Element Realm year after year, so naturally they will not take risks for their opponents out of a moment of anger.

The reason why they were angry was just because the God Emperor who was also invited to participate in the Sunshine Sword God Association was arrested, and they felt a little uncomfortable when they thought about their own roles.


"Hehe, Ben Hao's ancient source Zhou Shande Shrine Emperor has always been on good terms with the god emperors of all worlds, and has never had any intention of fighting for hegemony in the infinite element world.

This time, I sincerely thank all the emperors for coming to join the exhibition of the sword gods. Don’t say too much. The sword of the gods is now on the top of the gods. There are many gods from the world clan to watch step by step. Zhou Shande Shrine!

Of course, Ben Hao's Guyuan Zhoushande Shrine Emperor didn't intend to force anything, if there were any Realm God Clan Emperor who didn't want to join in, he could turn around and leave immediately! "

The Thin-Winged Wingfly Emperor was taken away, and after a strange and oppressive atmosphere, the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor suddenly broke the silence in the darkness under the divine rank, and said coldly in an irrefutable tone.

"This this……"

The words of the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the god clan emperors of all the worlds on the countless pitch-black divine pillars. If it is a simple recognition of the soul and sword, they are ready to accept it.

However, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm actually asked the Emperor of the God Race of the Hundred Thousand Worlds to step up, and even demanded to kneel down with his sword and bow his head! Isn't it obvious that he is surrendering himself!

The gods of the hundred thousand realms are all the mighty gods of the universe in the infinite element realm, how could they bear such unreasonable demands.


Therefore, as soon as the words of the Black Mandrill Realm fell, hundreds of God Clan Emperors from the Realm snorted coldly, turned around and shot into the air.

Seeing this, all the gods and emperors in the back immediately followed in large numbers.


boom! boom!

However, the Emperor of the Realm God Clan, who first flew into the sky, had not yet stabilized his flight in the vault, and the Holy Emperor's sword let out a series of roars in the hands of the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor, and then he slashed towards the pitch-black sky. Afterwards, those hundreds of world god clan emperors were all killed.

Those who followed behind, who dared to continue to leave, were all shocked and forced to fall back to their original places.

"Ha ha……"

"See a true friend at a critical moment! Ben Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine Palace Emperor has always hated hypocrites on weekdays.

Of those emperors who were slain by the holy emperor's sword just now, which one is not a friendly guest of Ben Hao's ancient source Zhou Shande Shrine.

However, they harbor evil intentions and are extremely selfish, blindly asking for nothing in return, so what's the use of keeping such an evil emperor.

The holy emperor's sword represents the world and protects the world, eliminates evil and defends the good. From then on, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!

If there is anyone who doesn't want to die in Luoshenzhu, one hundred thousand world god clan emperors, immediately bow down and climb up the steps, step by step, and come to kneel down to worship Ben Hao's ancient source Zhou Shande God Emperor and the Holy Emperor's sword! "

With the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor Xiao Sword in his hand, he simply did nothing and kept going, changing the original intention of testing the world with the Holy Emperor's sword before the Sword God Meeting. Finally, he couldn't suppress his madness and viciousness, and directly exposed his naked dominance of the infinite element world The initial realm, that is, the ambition of Xiaohuan's dark metaworld and the surrounding Haogu light forces.

The God Clan Emperors of the Hundred Thousand Worlds were not cowards. They were forced to fall behind the Luoshen Pillar. They were all filled with righteous indignation and clamored for dissatisfaction.

However, they were ready to attack, but they dared not make a move, because the holy emperor's sword covering their heads was too terrifying.

As a result, the God Realm fell into a tense situation where the battle of gods was on the verge of breaking out.

Above the god ranks, the Heidiao Realm Emperor became more and more powerful, and there was no room for the Hundred Thousand Worlds God Race Emperor to resist and refuse to accept.

And below the rank of gods, how could the Emperor of the Hundred Thousand Realms of the God Race be willing to accept the fate of being recruited by the commander-in-chief and bowing his head as a minister.

Therefore, their respective divine powers are constantly accumulating, and their bodies are already in a state of flowing with vast power images.

"Reporting to Emperor Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine, the twenty-one tone officials were fortunate enough to fulfill their mission, and all the gods of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds have obtained all the towns and gods.

Ask the Emperor, whether the subordinates should destroy them immediately, or hand them over to the Emperor for safekeeping! "

At this critical moment, suddenly there was a burst of evil conch voices from the dark sky in the trillions of gods, and then I saw the twenty-one magic voice officials in the dark metaworld, all wearing bright robes, stepping on the ground. Shenyin Guangfu, three rows, lines of finished characters, slowly falling.

While they were falling freely, the leader of them, the Evil Voice Officer, looked at the situation up and down the gods with his eyes, and cooperated with the Heidiao Realm Emperor very tacitly, and said.

"Well! The twenty-one voice officials have worked hard, you are worthy of being the powerful bosom friend protector of this black mandrill realm emperor, good! Good job.

99999 Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine towns and realms are so precious, how can we destroy them at will.

Thank you twenty-one tone officials for handing over all the 99,999 treasures of the town world to the emperor of the black mandrill world, and you will step down and rest for the time being! "

The Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm was determined no matter what, and took advantage of this opportunity to expose the sword gods to suppress the 99,999 gods of the ninety-nine realms to death. The heart immediately became a reality, and he simply resumed the comfortable address of himself as the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm, and said in an infinitely proud tone.


"Black Mandrill, you, you, you..."

Before the emperor of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realms came, it can be said that they all guessed something ominous, but what they never expected was that the other party was so insidious. Take the opportunity to steal his own town treasure.

How can the God Realm stay forever when the Divine Treasure of the Town Realm is no longer there! This tactic of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot is really too ruthless. The emperors of the gods from all over the world watched their own gods and treasures flow down the sky and draw rainbows one after another, and fell on the huge palm of the king of the black mandrill above the gods, and their hearts were dripping. Blood and soul are spinning.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine world god clan emperors no longer had the confidence to be strong, and they all shook their heads dejectedly.

Finally, one of the emperors of the world god clan trembled and flew down to the lowest point of the god steps, knelt down and climbed the steps, bowed every step, tears in his eyes, trembling physically and mentally, and crawled towards the black mandrill world emperor and the holy emperor's sword with infinite shame.

Concentrating on the land of a hundred thousand world god clan emperors instantly fell into a terrifying silence, all of them were full of pain in the eyes of gods, hated and sympathized with this first emperor who showed softness, wished to shoot the rainbow with all palms, and smash him to death ugly and bowed his head look.

However, they didn't after all, not only didn't they, and then, the second, the third...

On the top of the god ranks, gradually filled with God Emperors who chose to crawl at the feet of the Emperor of the Infinity Element Realm.

Of course, there are also mourners who can't bear the insult and bow their heads, and choose to collapse themselves or laugh at each other to kill each other!

"Ha ha……"

Above the God Realm, the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor looked down at this, shaking his sword and shaking his body, and let out bursts of triumphant laughter...

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