Nine Heavens

Chapter 2656 Infinite Emperor

"Father Lang'er, what should we do? Are we just watching those world god clan emperors being murdered by that black mandrill?"

Inside the Yinshu Elephant, in front of the waterfall curtain and cloud bed above the divine steps, Liu Qianlang stood up with a dignified expression, looking down at everything that happened below the divine steps, without saying a word.

Qiqi couldn't stand it any longer, so she raised her head and asked Liu Qianlang.

"Yeah, Langyuan Renzu, if this continues, the initial realm of the Infinite Yuan Realm will be over. Didn't you tell Mei Die that you want to seize the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, if you don't seize it now, let alone when.

Once he succeeds and stabilizes the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor this time, he will become the only unified overlord of the initial realm of the Infinite Yuan Realm. Then, we ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realm gods will never have a good life again! "

Seeing the miserable situation of the God Race emperors from all walks of life outside, the Thin-Winged Wingfly Emperor was angry and tormented, and also stared and shouted, running around in a hurry.

"The Thin-Winged Wingfly Emperor is safe, and he will kill himself if he does many unrighteous actions! Can I bother you, and immediately tell those gods and clan emperors who want to kill themselves one by one secretly, so that they can bear the humiliation for a while. Ren Zu will find their dignity back."

Liu Qianlang suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in an unusually calm manner.

"Langyuan Renzu means that you have a way to deal with him!?"

Hearing this, the Thin-Winged Wingfly Emperor was surprised and asked urgently.

"That's right, since he has no benevolence, why should we be righteous? Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine is Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, how can we let it continue to be dirty and elegant!

When he led the holy emperor's sword into the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, it was the time when Ben Langyuan's ancestors took his evil life, and it was also the day of great light in the initial realm of the Infinite Yuan Realm.

However, the success of this move depends on good fortune. Time is short and I don't have time to elaborate. I don't know if the thin-winged winged emperor can help! I will coat you with the magic of invisibility, even if you go boldly, there is no danger of your life! "

With a lot of thoughts in Liu Qianlang's mind, he roughly had an idea of ​​what to do next, and urged him.

"Thank you Longyuan Renzu. With your righteousness, what should I do if I am dead? I understand what you mean, so let's go!"

When the thin-winged Wingfly Emperor was in danger, he let go of the hatred of the protoss in the past for competing for hegemony, took a deep look at Liu Qianlang, the ancestor of the waves, and shot outside the invisibility seal of the waterfall curtain and cloud bed.

"Thin-winged wingfly emperor be careful!"

While Liu Qianlang waved his sleeves to clothe him with the magic of invisibility, he transmitted voices from his soul and repeatedly urged him.

"Langyuan Beauty God, I will go too!"

Princess Mei Ting was worried about her father, and when she saw her father's thin-winged winged emperor shooting himself into danger, she shouted coquettishly.

"Xiao Meiting, you'd better not go. If you go, your patriarch may be more dangerous because of paying attention to you if you don't say it's inconvenient!"

At the moment when Princess Meiting was about to shoot out the invisibility seal of the waterfall curtain and cloud bed, Qiqi reminded her.

"I, I... hum!"

When Princess Meiting heard this, she obviously thought that Qiqi was right, so she stomped her feet, turned back, and knelt down to express her hatred.

Liu Qianlang didn't bother to pay attention to Qiqi and Princess Meiting anymore, but secretly arranged some things nervously with the Sanyuan Shenlong, the holy emperor's sword in the hands of the Heidiao Realm Emperor.

When he finished talking with the Sanyuan Shenlong, he focused his energy on mobilizing the power of the nine Haoguyuan Zhoushen stones, and entrusted them to the emperors of the world gods who were still struggling to climb the steps.

"Hiss, Emperor Huanyan, what's going on, have we been taken away by the black mandrill? Why do I feel as light as nothing all of a sudden?"

All the emperors of the Hundred Thousand Worlds, who kneeled and climbed with great effort, suddenly felt as light as floating, and their bodies were crawling upwards without any effort, and they couldn't help being very surprised.

One of the Emperors of the Realm God Clan asked the Imaginary Face God Emperor of the Yanyuan Fantasy Realm beside him.

"I don't know why Huanyan, let it be, our town treasure is in his hands, accept fate!

Recently, my Yanyuan Fantasy World has been full of disasters and disasters. Not long ago, the Magic Face God Orb, the magic treasure of my world town, was stolen by Duoyan, the commander of Judgment Zhou. Fortunately, my friend Zhu Yuan Zhou Buddha met and took it back, and now... Hi!

Could it be that I, Yan Yuan, have exhausted all energy in the fantasy world, and will perish no matter what! "

The Huanyan Realm Emperor sighed.

"I am about to perish, and what I say is good. To tell the truth, I have been concentrating on the entire universe of the instant world, including me, the emperor of the instant world. I have always misunderstood that your Yanyuan illusion world is a hypocritical universe. , is to hide evil intentions and intentionally imitate the true morality of Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine!

However, the emperor of this instant is blind, seeing the true and the good as poisonous and evil, and seeing the poisonous and evil as a virtuous king, ashamed, ashamed! "

The Instant Realm Emperor, who claims to be the Realm Emperor of the Condensed Light Instant Realm, sighed while crawling to the top of the god steps.


"The Infinite Emperor, the Sword of the Holy Emperor! There is only one Lord in the God Realm, only the Great Emperor!"

"The Infinite Emperor, the Sword of the Holy Emperor! There is only one Lord in the God Realm, only the Great Emperor!"


In the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm is in high spirits, wearing an infinitely white emperor robe, sitting majestically on the throne of the palace emperor, with the holy emperor's sword floating on his head, and accepting the climb into the Haoguyuan Zhoushan together. There are more than 90,000 worshipers of the emperor of the gods in the initial realm of the infinite metaworld in the Deshen Palace.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm supported the seat of God with his left hand, and twirled his long fluttering beard with his right hand. He was ecstatic in his heart. He watched His Royal Highness crawling to the gods of all the worlds, and watched the evil officials left and right, laughing uncontrollably.

"Haha... I'm really happy to be the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor, where are all the complacent looks of conquering the universe and dominating the universe in the past, why are you so obedient today?

This Township Divine Treasure Divine Bead is really a good thing! You said, before, the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm tried his best to deal with you, so why didn't he think of making plans for you, the gods of the town! "

The Black Mandrill Realm Emperor, lamenting to himself, also ridiculed bursts of laughter among the more than 90,000 Realm God Clan Emperors who still dare not stop praising.

"The Infinite Great Emperor, majestic on the seat of the gods, respecting the Holy Dragon Dynasty! Now that these world god clan emperors have already prostrated under the sword, the holy emperor's sword is also shaking the palace and setting the treasure. So they?"

On the right side of His Majesty Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine, the first of the Twelve Jue Sha, the dark Jue Sha hoarsely reminded the happy Black Mandrill Realm Emperor.

"Kill! Kill, kill! Kill them all, our evil land has been unreal for an infinite number of years, and now we can finally justifiably kill the protoss of the Haogu Yuanzhou Light Realm!

Nine demon gods, twenty-one sound officials, thirty-three believers, and others immediately assist the twelve utter evil spirits to move all the gods and royal circles of His Highness to the evil land, slaughter and take the gods, and then bring them to the palace to celebrate the black It is a joy for the Emperor of the Mandrill World to step on the throne of the Infinite Emperor! "

The Heidrill Realm Emperor coldly glanced at the Divine Race Emperor at his feet, and roared.


Nine demon gods, twenty-one voice officials, thirty-three believers, and twelve juesha heard the emperor's decree, and immediately responded in unison! Then all kinds of evil tortures were carried out, and the emperors of the gods of more than 90,000 realms were forcibly forced to turn around and crawl out of the palace of the gods.


However, at this moment, outside the gate of the Divine Palace, there was a sound of screaming in the sky.

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