Nine Heavens

Chapter 2680 The Great Empty Silence

"Little Lian'er, Long'er, where does the god behind you exist, it seems to be very close to you?"

Just when Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv nodded their heads and laughed happily, they suddenly heard Lian Yuan'er's cold questioning voice coming from Lian Yuan.

"Oh! Don't be afraid, sister Lianyuan, they are the brothers and sisters of the emperor's father.

The one with flying white hair is Daddy of the First Realm Emperor, and the one with flying five-colored hair and black and white eyebrows is Uncle Song, the Supreme Divination God.

This bamboo flute player is the eldest brother of the emperor's father in the beginning realm. The smiling monk beside him is Daddy's second brother, and they are Daddy's fifth, fourth and seventh younger brothers! "

When little Lian'er was happy, she forgot about the seven Juying sons who followed behind her, sighed softly, and then replied.

"What about the Emperor of the Beginning Realm, the seven sons of Juying, brothers and sisters, please keep them away from the lotus garden.

Also, you two little girls, please listen to me, don't call me Sister Lianyuan'er no matter how old or young you are.

You are nothing but small alien spirits, and you can only see the age of infants who are not more than tens of millions of years old. One by one, you call the ancient god Ben Hao, who is trillions of years old, as the sister of Lianyuan. How decent is this! "

Lian Yuan'er, the God of Haogu, said coldly when he heard the names of Liu Qianlang and others.

"Sister Lian Yuan'er, no, old lady Lian Yuan'er, don't be angry. Daddy and the others are much better than us, they won't disturb you."

Little Lian'er changed her mind and replied.

"Old woman? What is an old woman?"

Lian Yuan'er heard that Little Lian'er had changed her name, but it sounded even more awkward, so she asked.


When Xiao Longnv heard the question from the God of Haogu, she couldn't help but smile coquettishly, then covered her mouth and said:

"The old woman means you are ugly and ugly!"

"Hmph! Nonsense, is the ancient god Ben Hao ugly? I changed according to your appearance.

No, I can't be called an old woman, you should call me Sister Lian Yuan'er! "

There was silence in the lotus garden for a while, and the voice of God Hao Gu came out again.

"Ha ha……"

Song Zhen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Don't make noise outside the garden, ignore you, this lotus garden needs to be cleaned up."

Song Zhen's laughter made Lian Yuan'er extremely disgusted, and he reprimanded coldly.

"Fourth brother, since the god of Haogu, the core god, wants to practice in meditation, it's better for us to be quiet!"

Liu Qianlang originally wanted to ask Lian Yuan'er something, but felt that she was extremely unhappy, so he intentionally stopped Song Zhen's laughter, and said.

"Well, the words of this primordial human emperor are a bit pleasing to the gods. The ancient gods know what you must want to ask when you come here, so let you ask, otherwise there will be no peace."

Liu Qianlang's thoughtful words made the God of Haogu feel at ease, so he said.

"Liu Qianlang was secretly happy when he heard the words, and hurriedly saluted and said:

"The younger generation dare not ask the Haogu God senior what, the younger generation just wants to know, how can we help each other to cultivate better, and realize the maintenance of the nine god-mandated true lotuses early, so that the senior can restore the former Haoguyuan Eternal Goodness Almighty!"


Liu Qianlang's answer obviously surprised Lian Yuan'er, the God of Haogu, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

After a moment of silence, Lian Yuan'er hesitated and said again and again:

"If the Human Sovereign of the Beginning Realm really wants to help the ancient god Ben Hao, the ancient god Ben Hao would be grateful, but... oh!"

"Senior Haogu God, feel free to say something, don't sigh, the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm is by no means a boastful person."

Liu Qianlang felt that the other party must have some unspeakable secrets, so she sighed and confessed sincerely.

"To be honest with the Human Sovereign of the Beginning Realm, if the God of Haogu wants to fully restore the omnipotence of Haogu's divine life, he must first cultivate successfully for a universe of Taixu Jingkong.

However, I think it's up to me, so I have nothing to say! Even the ancient god Ben Hao restrained his spirit to ensure his tranquility.

But you other than me, as well as the time and space of the infinite element world outside the gods of the gods of the ancient gods, are still hard to keep calm.

Therefore, if it is possible, the ancient god Ben Hao really hopes that the Human Emperor of the First Realm will call on all the gods of your gods to be silent for trillions of years, then the ancient god Ben Hao will naturally succeed in cultivation. .

Even, if the god of the Human Sovereign Sect of the Beginning Realm also practiced silently with the ancient god Ben Hao, and cooperated tacitly, the time for practicing Taixu Jingkong could be greatly reduced.

When the void becomes quiet and empty, the ancient god of Ben Hao ordered to protect the divine realm, and he will also recover from it.

After that, not only will your celestial powers increase dramatically, but it will also restore the nine true lotuses in the core body of the ancient god of Benhao to life.

However, the ancient god Benhao is not an unreasonable god. I know that it is too much to ask you so, so I just hope that you will stay away from the ancient god Benhao! "

The God of Haogu hesitated for a long time in Yuanyuan Lotus Garden, and then apologized.

"Trillions of billions of silent universes, tranquility should go far! If the lotus god smashes again, my gate will line the garden of the gods!"

"God of Hao Gu, but don't worry, we can stop talking about this! The emperor of the original world promised you. Fourth brother, immediately pass the decree to the gods.

In the next trillion years of gods, all the disciples of Langyuan Shenmen, the upper and lower palace gods, will be silent, only the soul transmission and memories!

At the same time, Langyuan Shenmen will definitely do its best to cultivate Taixu Jingkong for the God of Haogu. "

Liu Qianlang heard the words, thought for a moment, and agreed.

"Third brother, this is not so good. In a trillion years, it is already a hundred thousand difficulties for us to keep silent at the gate of the waves, and to help her practice Taixu Jingkong is really too difficult for her!"

Hearing this, Song Zhen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, and the sound transmission of his soul thought reminded Liu Qianlang to say.

"Hehe, fourth brother, it doesn't matter if there is no sound or no sound, all the disciples of our Langyuan Shenmen sect are versed in the art of soul reading and sound transmission.

Maybe we can also cultivate a piece of emptiness and tranquility by ourselves after the waves of the gods are quiet.

Those who are too empty and quiet are also the realm where the gods and gods are born. This is the explanation that the third brother saw in the theory of "Taixu Jingkong" in the infinite element world.

If we also cultivate such a divine space, wouldn't it be the cradle of continuous creation of our Langyuan Shenmen! "

Liu Qianlang smiled.

"But, did Taixu Jingkong practice it as soon as it said it was practiced!

The fourth brother is worried that she has ulterior motives, taking advantage of our calm and silent environment, secretly playing tricks on us! "

Song Zhen was a little angry?


"Fourth brother, worry too much, the God of Hao Gu is definitely not Xiao Xiao's generation, she doesn't need to deceive us.

Liu Qianlang explained.

"Amitabha, good! Good! Hehe, if you talk about time and space, the fourth brother is the most powerful existence.

There is not only the powerful Xingchen Dao, but also the Infinity Disk of Light and Dark Luoxiang, the help of the Xingchen Shenlong, and the Xingchen Dao Cosmic Dragon, which is the strength of the fourth brother!

Therefore, the second brother also believes that it is feasible for us to help the God of Haogu or to cultivate Taixu Jingkong alone after we have experienced trillions of years of peace! "

Chasing the Buddha of the universe, the soul reads the sound, and sings the Buddha's name.

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