Nine Heavens

Chapter 2681

"However, it's been too long. I'm afraid Cailing won't even open my mouth after trillions of years!"

Cai Ling heard that the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the fifth brother and the sixth brother all nodded in agreement, and the fourth brother Song Zhen also nodded slightly, no longer objecting, and couldn't help laughing.

"Ah! That's not good, why don't we talk, it won't suffocate little Lian'er, I don't agree.

You like to talk or not, anyway, Sister Long'er and I don't care about the emptiness. If you use this method to cultivate Taixu Jingkong, what kind of ability is it! "

However, the unanimous decision of the seven sons of Juying was absolutely opposed by Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv.

"That's right, little sister Lian'er is right, although we can use our soul thoughts to transmit sound for billions of years, we can force ourselves to speak without feeling.

But that's too irritating, we can talk and pretend to be dumb, and even our basic primitive expressive ability is not allowed to be used. Are we making progress? Don't be a fairy!

Also, is it useful if we just don't talk? The situation in the entire vast universe is changing, and there may be a sudden sound of God at some point! "

Although Xiao Longnv was not as fond of talking as Little Lian'er, for her to keep silent about Zhaoyi Shennian, it was like killing her, so she hurriedly cooperated with Little Lian'er's words.

"Hehe, what the two grandchildren said is reasonable, and the seven sons of Juying should take it seriously.

Regarding the question of Taixu Jingkong that you mentioned, Wei Shi, Peixian, Zhong Shi, and Nuwa Empress have just deciphered a book called "Liankong Juxue".

It talks about how to cultivate all kinds of time and space, which can be roughly divided into two directions: the practice of sound and space and the silent space. The former is called Shengkong Dao, and the latter is called Jingjing Shidao.

The difficulty and complexity of the former cultivation can be described as unfathomable, but the latter is relatively much simpler, to a certain extent, it is similar to your creation of the universe.

My teacher thinks that I can tell you the method of Taoism at the time of tranquility, and it is best to use it to clothe one side of Taixu Jingkong, and then give it to the God of Haogu.

As for you, after Taixu Jingkong is sealed, no matter how loud you are, it will not affect her anymore. "

The voices of the seven sons of Juying, Little Lian'er, and the little dragon girl's conversation alarmed the four gods of Haogu in the Huijin building, the god of ancient gods in Zhou Zhonghao.

Sword Ancestor Du Mojian said this after savoring what they were discussing.

"Thank you, mentor, for the crossing. This is naturally the best. By the way, mentor, thanks to your auspiciousness, now our seven brothers and sisters of Juying who were separated in the past are all reunited!"

Liu Qianlang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and replied happily.

"Well, I saw it as a teacher. Congratulations. Back then, I was haunted by demons and arranged for you four brothers and sisters to be sworn brothers. It's really evil. I don't want to be influenced by the relationship between the human race and the human race, but it made you such a lovable sworn brother. Affection.

We are deeply happy for you. Keep working hard, maybe there will be more things ahead that will turn your regrets into surprises!

We will talk about the words that touch our hearts later, the seven sons of Juying are ready, and Bendu Demon Sword Ancestor is going to receive the Taoist Art of Quiet Time for you! "

Du Mojianzu sensed that the God of Haogu in the lotus garden was quite painful, so he kept the gossip short and went directly to the topic, reminding the seven sons of Juying.

"Thank you, teacher!"

The five sons of Juying also honored Du Mojian Zu as their teacher, shouted in response together with Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, and then instantly stood in the Tiangang Seven Star Receiving Formation.

call out! call out!

Then I heard nine crisp sounds that pierced the tranquility of the sky, and nine magical faint green lights shot out from the universe of Liu Qianlang's eyes, and then shot into the other sons of Juying and Xiaolian'er, Xiaolongnv in the eyes.

One of the gods coiled in the void and returned to Liu Qianlang's eyes.

"Well, as a teacher, I have already taught you the Dao Shen Gong Jue at the time of Jing Jing, and the method of cultivation and the problem of attention are also included.

With your strength, it should take only tens of thousands of years to refine into Taixu Jingkong. During your cultivation period.

As the teacher, I specially gave little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv three points each of the master's successful cultivation of Taixu Jingkong divine power, so that they can temporarily guarantee the tranquility of the ancient god, and at the same time protect you temporarily.

Hehe, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv, you can say whatever you like, but it doesn't matter. Promoting Grandfather Du Mojian's tranquil magic skill, no matter how loud your words are, if they reach any god's ears, there will be only divine will but no divine voice, just say it happily.

Of course, you little sisters want to hear each other's voice, as long as the glottis is secretly used between the two of you.

Alright, I won't bother you anymore, we still have countless ancient scrolls to decipher, and we are very busy, so ignore you! "

Sword Ancestor Du Mojian passed on the Dao Shen Jue when creating a tranquil state, and he didn't waste much time. After explaining some funny words, he stopped talking.

"Congratulations to the teacher!"

The seven sons of Juying saluted together, without looking at the shadow of the gods, they were moved by their spiritual thoughts, and they loudly saw off the Dumojian ancestor.

"Hehe, sister Long'er, let's stop being dumb with billions of spiritual thoughts?"

"Hee hee, we can still say whatever we like, I won't do it if I'm dumb!"

"Then let's practice the Taixu Jingkong magic skill quickly, or sister Lianyuan'er will be unhappy!"

"Okay, let's start now, hee hee... giggle..."


Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv finally retained the "right to speak," not to mention how happy they were, after cheering for a while, they immediately urged Du Mojian Zu to teach them Taixu Jingkong.

I saw them both stepping on the colorful silk, the faint blue waves slowly rising to the height of the billions of gods, and then they sat cross-legged, holding the magical formula with both hands, and began to mutter words in their small mouths.

"Thank you little sister Lian'er and sister Long'er. The ancient god Ben Hao finally has a moment without any noise interference!"

After the actions of Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv, words of gratitude from the God of Great Ancient came from the lotus garden below Yiwanshenli, and then a mist of fairy mist suddenly appeared in the sky above it, and then the lotus garden turned into a piece of tranquility The unwavering Moon God Lotus Lake.

Thousands of lotuses are in full bloom in the lake, the moon is beautiful in the sky and the sun is setting, and the lotus flowers in the lake are colorful.

The seven sons of Juying also floated into the sky, quietly looking down at the lotus lake transformed into the lotus garden for a long time, and then their figures flew through, changing unpredictably, making the image mysterious and beautiful, and after a period of time, they slowly sat around in silence...

"The eldest brother is elegant and elegant, with a green bamboo flute to make Cheng Xiaoyao immortal; the second brother is kind and benevolent, with a golden light wheel cassock covering virtue and kindness, and Buddha beads in his palm to hold heaven and earth; the fourth brother holds the source of heaven with the star sword, and the fifth brother touches the world building with green pens. The younger brother's whisk sweeps away the evil, and the seventh sister's Linglan cloths the air.

Let's use our respective Qingcang Divine Treasures to cultivate the image, and cast Taixu Jingkong as the God of Haogu! "

After some actions, Liu Qianlang said with emotion.


The sons of Juying reunited after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers. This is the first new tacit cooperation. It is full of ups and downs and emotions. The word "good" expresses the unity of bosom friends. .

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