Nine Heavens

Chapter 2688 ready to break through

"You are so despicable! God Venerable Minglian is really blind and heartbroken, and he always thought you were a minister of Hao Gu!"

Minglian Shenzun said angrily.

"Hey! Deity Minglian, you are the God of Good Virtue in Haogu Yuanzhou, don't speak so harshly!

How should I put it, this Emperor Shenguang was never a minister of Haogu. However, Hao Guzhengchen let you and me get dead!

No! Nothing, besides being loyal to his duty, Zhou Sui defended the time order of the Haogu Yuanzhou, and also continued to expand the new time for the Haogu Yuanzhou God Emperor.

And every time the emperor Shenguang worked so hard to expand the good times of the new universe, enjoying its beautiful eternity will not be the emperor Shenguang, but the abominable ancient god emperor Haoguyuan Zhouhao!

Why! He didn't work a bit, so he enjoyed everything as he should.

You ordered God Venerable Lian to be enslaved by him, and to be submissive, but this Emperor Shenguang is by no means a follower of the crowd, to be enslaved by him! "

"So you designed Haogu Yuanzhou to collapse, destroy Haogu God Emperor, destroy Haoguyuan Yuanyuan Shrine, and make Haoguyuan Zhou, which has always been beautiful and peaceful, suddenly fall apart!

The Divine Venerable Lotus is very curious, you have destroyed Haogu Yuanzhou, so you have to taste your wish? It seems that you, Emperor Shenguang, have also experienced a lot of suffering from Yuan Yuan collapse!

Leaving aside, even the details of the Divine Light Treasure, the Ten Square Clock, could not protect it when Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed! "

Emperor Shenguang made an impassioned speech, and was very proud. God Minglian interrupted him and asked.

"Ha ha……"

"So what, don't you take the initiative to deliver it to your door now?"

Emperor Shenguang glanced sideways at God Minglian with disdain, and laughed.

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense, let the sisters of the natal lotus deity show up, and the ten-direction divine bell can be given to you!"

Minglian Shenzun also cast a disdainful look at Guang Dadi, not wanting to be with him anymore, so he stopped galloping and said in a cold voice.

"Oh! Old friend, I didn't make it clear what Emperor Shenguang just said. Your sister Shenhua'er is locked on the cliff at the top of my heart right now.

As the Emperor Shenguang explained, if the Emperor Shenguang reaches the peak of his heart, if you are not around, the Emperor Luo Xiangjie will immediately order them to be killed.

Therefore, whether they can still live, and how many more years they live, depends on your Minglian God Venerable.

Haha... I don't have time to tease you anymore, so I will go first! "

Emperor Shenguang shouted for a while, and suddenly accelerated his speed, leaving God Minglian behind in an instant.


Minglian Shenzun cursed furiously in his heart, so he had no choice but to speed up, flying beside him like a shadow.


The god of life lotus is in the body of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine layers of the world, and the core of the spirit is outside the body.

Under the leadership of Liu Qianlang, all the gods of Langyuan Shenmen have cultivated for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and all of them have possessed infinite divine power.

That is to say, at this moment, the human race of Langyuan Renzu can completely break through the 99,999 layers of the body of Minglian Shenzun and appear outside his body.

However, Liu Qianlang is not currently planning to do so. With his style, if he didn't have a detailed understanding of Minglian God Zun Zhou's body, he would never risk the comfort of the whole Wave Yuan Shenmen Immortal God.

There is another reason, that is, Liu Qianlang can roughly understand the current situation outside the body of the god Minglian through Song Zhen's divining technique.

At this moment, Song Zhen was sitting cross-legged in the sky outside the lotus garden.

All around him, the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk made a rustling sound, surrounded the master, and frequently released divine waves, shooting through the sky and shuttle with the star sword Jianhong, breaking through the universe, and sensing the situation outside the body of the god of life lotus.

"Third Brother, listen."

The Supreme Divination God Song Zhen suddenly used the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk and the Star Sword to receive the conversation between Emperor Shenguang and God Minglian, and then passed it to Liu Qianlang to listen.

"Oh! It turns out that Uncle Zhong Dead is the real god of protection of Haogu Ten Directions Divine Bell, Shenguang Taiyi!"

Liu Qianlang sighed after listening carefully to the conversation between Emperor Shenguang and God Minglian.

"What to do, third brother. God Minglian wants to dedicate the ten-direction divine bell of Uncle Zhong's death to Emperor Shenguang in exchange for the lives of the gods Minghua.

If we lose the Divine Clock of Ten Directions, it will definitely cause time to reverse, life and death will be chaotic, there is no one at the beginning, and there will be countless in the end, then everything we have worked so hard to manage until now will be over! "

Song Zhen also understood the next move of God Minglian, so he asked Liu Qianlang anxiously.

"Since the Divine Bell of the Ten Directions can be used to save life to the Hua'er sisters of God Venerable Lotus, we have to help them fulfill their wishes.

However, the Divine Clock of the Ten Directions is already a divine treasure of time that our Langyuan Shenmen's human order cannot leave, and it must not be given to Emperor Shenguang! "

Liu Qianlang thought for a long time and said so.

"Hey! Third Brother, isn't that what you said in vain? The problem now is that the Divine Bell of the Ten Directions must either be handed over to God Minglian, or we will keep it forcibly. We must choose one of the two!"

Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows, and said with a bitter face.

"Hehe, the fourth brother didn't understand the meaning of the third brother. The god Minglian wanted to offer the ten-direction divine bell is not willing, but just to save all sisters Minghua.

If we discuss it with God Minglian and hold the real clock and offer the fake clock..."

When Liu Qianlang said this, Song Zhen immediately shook his head, and then said:

"How is that possible? The Divine Clock of the Ten Directions is originally the Divine Treasure of the Immortal Realm of Shenguang. The Emperor Shenguang knows it very well. How could he use the fake Divine Clock of Time to deceive him!"


Liu Qianlang said with certainty.

"How to say?"

Song Zhen was puzzled.

"Now Shenguang Taiyi, the Master of the Ten Directions Divine Bell, Uncle Zhong Death, is the God of Light and our dear god.

And Minglian God Venerable is the mother of our human race, she will also lean towards us, besides, she is the god of goodness!

So as long as the third brother is carefully vortexing among them, and we cooperate tacitly, we will be able to deceive Emperor Shenguang, not only rescue the Minglian God Zun Shenhua sisters, but also keep the Ten Directions Divine Bell in our hands. "

Liu Qianlang said confidently.

"Third brother seems to have a calculation in his heart, I don't know what third brother wants to do?"

Song Zhen saw the third brother whose white hair was slightly fluttering, sitting cross-legged, with a calm expression on his face, his heart gradually calmed down, and then he asked.

"You Lao Zhong Dead Master took the ten-direction divine clock out of the universe to meet God Minglian, and the third brother also followed in stealth. At that time, it will be like this, like this."

What Liu Qianlang said later was transmitted to Song Zhen by his soul, and no one knew it except them.

"Third brother, although the method is good, but you have never been out of the universe of the god of life lotus, the fourth brother is worried whether your body can resist the infinitely powerful and dense divine power of the infinite element world!"

Song Zhenwen heard that the third brother was going to venture into the Infinity Realm again, and he couldn't help but said with a worried and distressed look.

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