Nine Heavens

Chapter 2689

"Although Minglian Shenzun is safe in his body, my goal of Langyuan Shenmen is to fix all the universes in order to achieve the peace and beauty of Haogu Yuanzhou, so no matter how dangerous it is, the third brother will take risks.

The third brother's preliminary plan is that if we can successfully help God Minglian to rescue his sister Hua'er, then we will move closer to the Yuanjie of Infinite Light.

Because in the infinite element world, it seems to be the only one that truly inherits the universe of great virtue. "

Seeing Song Zhen's expression, Liu Qianlang was moved in his heart. So relieved.

"From their conversations, we can clearly hear the general trend of the Infinite Element Realm at this time. Broadly speaking, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realms stand side by side.

What the novel is about is the battle for hegemony between the four heroes of Shenguang Yuanjie, Luo Xiangjie, Dark Yuanjie and Guangming God Realm.

Minglian God Venerable Although Dexin is our God of Fertility. However, she is alone, and now there is no cosmic world that is her power.

It is still difficult for her to settle in any one of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine God Realms, but the third brother wants to get close to the Bright God Realm, which seems to be even more difficult! "

Song Zhen knew Liu Qianlang very well in his heart, and knew that he was comforting himself, and his third brother must be more adventurous, so he looked deeply at Liu Qianlang for a long time, and said.

"Hehe, the third brother can't hide anything from you. As you said, the fact is exactly the case. In fact, even if the four great gods wanted to allow us to join the Langyuan Shenmen, the third brother would not be willing."

"So the third brother will definitely do his best to stand the banner of Langyuan Shenmen Qizhou in the infinite element world, right?"

"Those who know me, the fourth brother also! Yes, it is better to be strong and majestic than to be contemptuous and overwhelmed by them. This time, the third brother passed the matter of the ten-direction divine bell to let them know that we are the human race in the universe of the god of life lotus." The existence of Shenmen Langyuan Shenmen."

"However, third brother, although the infinite element world is huge, where is our foothold.

Their ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine yuan world is still at stake, and we are not enough, so how can we exist in the infinite yuan world! How to talk about the world of Shenzhou Opera Group! "

"Just rely on the map of the infinite sun, moon, mountains and rivers behind the third brother. After the third brother completely controls the Haogu ten-direction divine clock, the third brother will float the map of the infinite sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the world of infinite yuan. , we will fight against the world with the Promise God Universe!"

Liu Qianlang had long planned to break out of the body of God of Life Lotus, so he was full of confidence in his words.

"Forget it, since the third brother has great ambitions, the fourth brother should no longer worry about it. Let's talk about the third brother, how can the fourth brother cooperate with the third brother this time?"

"As long as the fourth brother leads the Manzhou disciples to stay safely in the third brother's mind, Hunzhou, and continue to practice the supernatural powers of the infinite element realm.

After the third brother first established the great world of infinite sun, moon, mountains, rivers and universe in the infinite metaverse, the third brother immediately summoned you to come out. From then on, we will fight for hegemony in the era of the infinite metaverse until the rebirth of the ancient universe! "

Liu Qianlang said with a clear goal.

"Well, I guess the third brother also plans in this way. However, the benefactor, the wife, the uncle Zhong Zhan and the empress nuwa are all the gods of Haogu, and they should be able to help the third brother profoundly.

Well, the reason why the third brother can still be full of confidence in the face of the vast existence of the infinite metaworld is precisely because the third brother controls the Haogu Shenju Jinlou, and now they help the third brother decipher the Haogu Shenhui, we should be The real beautiful messenger of Infinity Metaverse. "

"Third brother said so, and fourth brother finally has some confidence. Although fourth brother can't directly accompany third brother to cooperate and fight against the enemy together.

However, if the third brother needs to deduce anything, he must transmit his soul thoughts to the fourth brother in time, so that the fourth brother can deduce the necessary divine breath for the third brother in time. "

"Hehe, that's natural, the third brother is busy, and the fourth brother will not be relaxed.

In addition, there is another big event that needs to be prepared by the fourth brother. After I break the universe, the fourth brother will instruct Yaya to count the roster strength of all the disciples of the gods of the waves.

When we gather again in the great world of the Infinite Yuan Realm, Sun, Moon, Mountains, Rivers and Cosmos, it is necessary for the third brother to become a general.

Because from now on we will face the general trend of the Infinite Element Realm for a long time, and the third brother alone, or us high sages, cannot cope with the huge and complicated situation of the Infinite Element Realm. We need a powerful Infinite Element Realm Promise Warrior The army of space array. "

"Okay, the fourth brother understands, third brother don't worry, the third brother will never let you down when the sun, moon, mountains and rivers are in the great world of the third brother."


Minglian Shenzun is outside the body of the god, the peak of the heart of the infinite element realm.

The reason why this place is called the peak of the heart is because after Haogu Yuanzhou collapsed, Haogu Yuanzhou spewed out a god peak as high as trillions of gods here.

This peak has a mysterious shape, like a peach, and it shines brightly day and night, and it is located in the center of the infinite element world, so the gods of the infinite element world are used to calling it the peak of the heart.

At this moment, at the top of the heart, with the robes fluttering, there stood four huge and indescribable divine ministers of Haogu.

Seen from a distance, these four Haogu gods are really eye-catching. One is as dark as a giant tower, the other is bright and white as a snowman, the other is blue like ice sculpture, and the figure of the third is constantly changing like chaotic clouds.

The four of them have no idea how many eyes each have, but at this moment, they all shoot several cold rainbows of eyes from their bodies that look like heads but not heads, and stare at another divine peak opposite the peak of the heart.

"Hmph! Emperor Shenguang, you are really despicable and shameless! You actually killed Mingdan Shenzun and them long ago!

Don't dream anymore, even if the natal lotus deity falls, he won't give you the ten-direction divine bell..."

On the wall of the Shenfeng Peak they were looking at, a God of Haogu was tightly locked by countless Taoist locks, and she was struggling and cursing.

While she was struggling, her body was covered with countless poisonous dragons of various strong colors such as pitch black, ghost green, and horrible red, biting her non-stop.

Every time those poisonous dragons bit her, she would let out a heart-piercing wail of pain.

"Hmph! Minglian God Venerable, since you have fallen into the hands of this Emperor Shenguang, do you think I still have the right to speak?

If you still want to continue to live, quickly hand over the ten-direction divine clock to the leader of the Great Realm of the Infinite Element Realm!

Otherwise, this evil dragon, turbid phoenix and cliff will be your destination in the future, let you be eaten by the evil dragon every day, and pecked by the phoenix at night, see how long you can endure!

Haha... Come on! Luoxiang Realm Emperor, Bright Realm Emperor, and Dark Yuan Emperor, let us drink one at this summit of hearts! "

The four world emperors all held a sacred wine in their hands, and when Emperor Shenguang cursed the bound Minglian God Venerable, he turned his head and said to the three world emperors behind him.


Among them, the Guangming Realm Emperor, who was all white in body, heard the words, and at the same time staring coldly at the Shenguang Emperor, he suddenly threw the wine master in his hand on a nearby peak, and then sneered:

"It's not good for Emperor Shenguang to call himself the leader of the Great Realm just now, isn't it? Our alliance has not yet been selected through a referendum. Who will be the leader of the Great Realm is yet to be determined. Why do you proclaim yourself the leader of the Great Realm!?"

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