Nine Heavens

Chapter 2694 Haogu Continent

"There will be a period later!"

Liu Qianlang stepped on the dragon's head, his white hair flew, he held his wrists high, and sent the Emperor of the Bright Realm with a smile.

"The Infinite Yuan Realm is vast and boundless, but it seems that there is no place for you, the God of Human Sovereign, just now you..."

After Liu Qianlang and Minglian Shenzun watched the Emperor of the Bright Realm go away, Minglian Shenzun's lotus god's eyes flickered, and he looked sideways at Liu Qianlang's white hair for a long time, a little puzzled Liu Qianlang rejected the Bright Realm The reason for the emperor, asked.

"Instead of us parasitic in the universe of another world, why not expand the universe and open the world ourselves!"

Liu Qianlang looked fullly at the countless divine peaks around the Infinite Yuan Realm whose peaks of the heart plunged into the universe, and said leisurely.

"If this is the case, but in this Infinite Element Realm, we have no Divine Power of the Great Ancient Origin Universe, nor any Divine Realm of Infinite Element Realm that belongs to us.

No matter how well we think, how can there be any possibility! "

Deity Minglian shook the head of the lotus and sighed.

"No! We have it! This peak of the Infinity Element Realm is the God Realm that we can open up. Not only do we have the Divine Power of Hao Gu Yuan Zhou, but it is also very powerful!"

Liu Qianlang said with certainty.


Minglian Shenzun heard the words and sighed suspiciously.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Minglian God Venerable asked:

"If you want to talk about the peak of the heart, it is also a God Realm of the Infinite Element Realm that can be opened up. Because this is the common domain of the Infinite Element Realm, it does not belong to any realm of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine god realms.

But this is the gathering commons of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods, how could they allow the god of the emperor to develop here.

In other words, even if the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods allow the god of the emperor to settle here.

However, where can the mighty Hao Gushen mentioned by the God of Human Sovereign be? Doesn't the God of Human Sovereign mean that we go to the 99,999 God Realm to plunder! "

"Hehe, of course not. The Haogu Divine Energy mentioned by the Emperor God refers to the Haogu Divine Energy contained in the nine Haogu Divine Stones."

Liu Qianlang said with a smile when he heard the question from the Deity of Minglian.

"Haogu Sacred Stones, does the God of Human Sovereign know their whereabouts?"

Minglian Shenzun heard Liu Qianlang mentioned the nine lost stones of divine power in Haogu Yuanzhou, and couldn't help asking Liu Qianlang excitedly.

"Well, the god of the emperor not only knows about them, but also their whereabouts."

"Where are they?"

"Hehe, it's in the soul universe of the emperor's god!"

"How is this possible! The Divine Stone of Chaos, the Divine Stone of Great Desolation, the Divine Stone of Hongmeng, the Divine Stone of Cangyuan, the Divine Stone of the Sun, the Divine Stone of Taiyin, the Divine Stone of Pangu, the Divine Stone of Nuwa and the Divine Stone of Stars are such powerful divine objects.

And the God of Human Sovereign is just the god of the body of the natal lotus deity, even if the divine power is stronger than the natal lotus deity, how much stronger can it be!

Frankly speaking, the God of Human Sovereign said that all the sacred stones of Haogu are in your hands, and the natal lotus god can't believe it.

Because if this is true, even if the natal lotus god was in a state of silence before, he shouldn't have no sense at all. "

"Of course what Minglian God said is correct, however, there are many wonders in the world of immortals and gods, not to mention Minglian God can't understand.

The god of the emperor himself does not understand until now. The god of the emperor did not get them in the world of immortals and gods when he got them, but got them in a gate of worshiping immortals in the first human world in the chaotic world that sprouted near the central core of the God of Minglian. "

"The God of Human Sovereign is becoming more and more miraculous. I don't know if the God of Human Sovereign knows the sacred status of the Haogu Nine Great God Stones in Haogu Yuanzhou?"

"Naturally, I don't know, and please ask God Lian to enlighten me."

"It's not a matter of giving advice. This Jiuhao Ancient Divine Stone is the source of all divine energy in the Haogu Continent. For example, the peak of the Infinite Yuan Realm Heart under our feet is a part of its Haogu Divine Energy.

Later, when Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed, although the Haogu Continent also fell apart, its core energy, Haogu Nine Stones, still existed for a long time, and it was guarded by twelve Haogu energy gods.

Later, the twelve Hao Gu Neng Gods who guarded the Nine Dahao Ancient Sacred Stones suddenly disappeared, and the Nine Dahao Ancient Sacred Stones have never been found since then.

No matter where the Nine Dahao Ancient Sacred Stones are now, they should continue to be protected by their patron saints. How did they get into your hands? "

"It's strange to say that these nine Haogu Sacred Stones were all obtained from the Xuanling Sect of the mountain gate by the god of the emperor who worshiped the teacher of the immortals in the world.

And they are all deeply sealed in the tomb of the immortal ancestors of the mountain gate! "

The younger generation was instructed by the real Bing Po, the previous head of the mountain gate, and entered a mystical space, and got them one after another. "

"Hehe, it's impossible! Impossible! The Divine Venerable Benminglian thought that the God of Human Emperor must have made a mistake, and that the nine divine stones were not the nine Haogu divine stones.

How could it be possible for Haogu Divine Stone to appear in the mortal world you mentioned! "

"Hehe, if it's not easy to tell the difference between yes and no, I'll summon one from the god of the emperor, and let the God of Life Lotus check it out!"

Liu Qianlang said with a smile after exchanging with God Venerable Minglian.

"Ha ha……"

"Forget it, why should we argue about the impossible."

Minglian Shenzun couldn't help laughing when he heard Liu Qianlang's words.

"Ha ha……"

"Shenzun Minglian let's see if this Cangyuan stone is one of the ancient sacred stones."

While Liu Qianlang was laughing, with a thought in his soul, an incomparably white divine light immediately appeared on the scroll of the Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers clutched in his right hand.

After the Bailiang divine light stabilized, it condensed into a bright white jade the size of a hill.

This white jade stone is crystal clear and radiant with rainbow light, which is obviously the appearance of infinite light and divine power accumulated in it.

"It, it, it is really the stone of the ancient Cangyuan!"

Just after such a scene appeared in the sky above the scroll of Liu Qianlang's Great Realm of Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers, God Minglian stared blankly for a long time, then stammered in vain.

The fact is already in front of your eyes, but Minglian God Venerable is still full of doubts in his eyes, doing his best, staring suspiciously at the Cangyuan Divine Stone, one of the pure and white Haogu Divine Stones.

"Hehe, that's good. In this way, we can use them to create our own infinite element world on the top of our hearts.

Our Infinite Element Realm aims to eliminate all the evil and filth in the Infinite Element Realm, and because it was built by us, it can be called the Great Ancient Realm or the Infinity Realm. "

In fact, Liu Qianlang has already confirmed from countless Haogu divine scrolls that the Nine Great Divine Stones are the Haogu Divine Stones.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang already knew the truth in his heart, and now seeing the expression of God Minglian and hearing her words, he was even more sure of the result of his confirmation, and couldn't help but smiled happily.

"The Great Ancient Realm!?"

"Could it be that the God of Human Sovereign has also seen Haogu Yuanzhou and Haogu Continent's configuration of Shenzhou!?"

Liu Qianlang's words made God Master Minglian more and more surprised as he listened to them. Hearing the word Haogu Continent, he asked Liu Qianlang in astonishment.

"Hehe, I have never seen the god of the emperor. However, I have read countless ancient god scrolls, and I can roughly outline one or two in my heart.

Therefore, after being endowed with imagination by the god of the emperor, I used the map of the great world, the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers in my hand to simulate and create the vast ancient continent of the vast ancient source universe at the time of the vast ancient source universe! "

Liu Qianlang is calm and confident, and still talks frankly.

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