Nine Heavens

Chapter 2695 Decapitation Gu

"Could this be the question of the future universe that God Emperor Haogu Yuanzhou said when he collapsed?

God Minglian looked at Liu Qianlang up and down, although he couldn't understand the reason why the other party was born in his body but could surpass him, he finally stopped objecting.

"Hehe, everything is not important, we need to open up the world as soon as possible on this peak of the heart, and having our own foothold is what we need at this moment.

I, the God of the Emperor, think that we should attribute the entire Heart God Realm to our God Realm. "

Liu Qianlang spoke lightly, while speaking, his white hair fluttered, his divine robe was vast, and the Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountain and River scroll was held in Yang Fei's right hand. He chanted the mantra in his soul, and watched the Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountain and River scroll unfold by itself.

Will! Will!



The Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers scroll is slowly flying high, and at the same time it continues to expand and expand. At the moment of unfolding, infinite and beautiful rays of light burst out from within, making the sound of countless auspicious birds singing crisply, and auspicious beasts running and looking up.

The wind sweeps the sky, the clouds soar and the rainbow flashes, the rivers are turbulent, the streams are tinkling, and the endless fragrance is wafting...

"Ha ha……"

"Is this Haoguyuan Zhoufu coming back again?"

Minglian Shenzun was puzzled at first, and then as the map of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world continued to spread and tiled, all kinds of beautiful scenes appeared, especially when he saw the bright red sun rising into the sky, and the intoxicating blue moon, gradually being pulled by the willow Langzheng was attracted by the God Realm of Shenbu, and praised him endlessly.


Liu Qianlang just smiled happily, and continued to silently chant the divine art of expanding the world. While expanding the scrolls of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers in the great world, he began to integrate all the beauty of the scrolls with countless peaks of heart, and then he and Minglian God Venerable also naturally located in it.

In the process of Liu Qianlang's expansion of the world, the nine great ancient sacred stones in his soul universe seemed to be very happy, and they imagined Liu Qianlang's soul universe by themselves, flying around Liu Qianlang with excitement.

"Ha ha……"

"Master, we finally have our own home in this infinite element world. There are many divine peaks here and there, and I really like it. We will make our palace here in the future. Don't worry about it, okay?"

At the foot of Liu Qianlang, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, the Third Sword Spirit and the Three Fate Dragon, opened their teeth and danced their claws. Seeing the changes around them, they knew that they would not have to go through the Infinite Element Realm carelessly when they came in. They were very happy and shouted happily.

"Hehe, since I embarked on the immortal journey, this director has never liked any evil experience, it's all helpless and lost.

We are now using the mysteries of the past, coupled with our humanity and divine wisdom, to expand the realm of the gods. I hope it is as you said.

However, we settled here, and suddenly went out of the Infinite Element Realm 99999 God Realm, and expanded their realm in their public realm. I am afraid that at the moment of our Jieyao, they will all become ours. Enemy! "

Liu Qianlang folded his hands on his shoulders, and the vision of his eyes continued to expand as the scrolls of the Great Realm Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers continued to expand, and said with a smile.

"Hey, master, the Nine Great Great Ancient Origin Energy Stones are in your hands, and the five elements of light and the Dragon Ball Divine Lotus have also merged to become the God of Life Lotus. It is not a casual matter for you to jointly deal with them Son!

Besides, the countless human gods of our Langyuan Shenmen are now masters of the Infinite Element Realm. They can leave the master soul universe at any time and come here to become an army of the vast universe. How do we care about their little nine? Nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine God Realm! "

The Sanyuan Shenlong looked at the master's calm and calm appearance, and said confidently.

"Hehe, we are extraordinary, but don't underestimate the strength of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine god realms, especially the three god realms of Shenguang Yuanjie, Dark Yuanjie, and Luo Xiangjiedi.

They used to have the ability to plan the collapse of Yuanyuan and Haogu Yuanzhou, how could they be easy to provoke. In order to gain a foothold and deal with them now, we choose to expand the boundaries and open up the universe here.

This is not the development of our ultimate beautiful homeland, but our own placing ourselves at the center of all dangers! "

Liu Qianlang still said calmly, even when he said such terrible words, he still smiled.

"Oh! Master, I thought... Alas! Since this is the case, we might as well hide in the great world of the Sun, Moon, Mountains, Rivers and Universe like before, and be elusive. It's so safe!"

Sanyuan Shenlong tilted his head sideways with extremely strange eyes, and asked with a bitter face,

"Hehe, the infinite element world is so big, the world is born and the world is destroyed, if we continue to destroy the darkness and turn the bright universe like our previous thinking, we will never have the day when we will end the victory!

Rather than going on blindly with no end like that, it would be better for us to stand in the very center of the infinite element world openly and aboveboard, and let us become their most eye-catching opponents in the struggle for hegemony. "

Liu Qianlang was silent for a while, and still said lightly, but there was a little more sadness in his tone.

"You are really the master of my Sanyuan Shenlong, there is really a master of any kind of crazy artifact!

This kind of hegemony idea master can come up with, I Sanyuan Shenlong can say it first, I don't care about you at the critical moment, if one day you die like those other world emperors, I don't care about you! "

Hearing the words, the Sanyuan Shenlong was dumbfounded, and after being stupid for a long time, he finally said.

"Ha ha……"

"You are my artifact god dragon, even if I die and have no afterlife, I will never let you have any harm.

I am infinitely grateful to all the Taoist gods and friends around me. It naturally includes yours. Although you are an artifact of the God of the Emperor, in the heart of the Emperor, you will always be regarded as a brother. Haha... don't worry! "

Liu Qianlang smiled heartily.


Hearing these words, Sanyuan Shenlong was very moved, his eyes were moist, his throat was choked, and he called out silently.


"Three Fated Dragons, where is Minglian God Venerable?"

During the conversation between Liu Qianlang and Sanyuan Shenlong, he suddenly found that Minglian God Venerable had never moved, and asked in surprise.

"Her, her?"

Hearing the words, the Sanyuan Shenlong immediately raised his head and searched carefully on his dragon body, and found that Minglian God Venerable actually had a divine body, Danhong, and his aura kept weakening, sluggish and trembling.

At this moment, she was staring blankly in pain, unable to speak, her body was lying on top of her, shrinking non-stop.

The Sanyuan Shenlong was startled and shouted.

"Not good! She and the Guangming Realm Emperor must have been activated by the Shenguang Emperor for the decapitation Gu!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly recalled the strange look in the eyes of Emperor Shenguang when his phantom was destroyed by him, and suddenly realized.

"Then what to do!?"

The decapitation Gu, the Sanyuan Shenlong has also heard of it. It is a kind of energy-devouring glow cultivated by a kind of overbearing immortal god.

This kind of energy-devouring awn will form the signs of light particles, teardrops, blood beans, snow feathers, etc. due to the different specific characteristics of divine energy.

The body of the god who has been cast with the de-energy Gu will be devoured by the de-energy Gu in a short period of time, turning into countless teardrops, blood beans or blood feathers, and countless other bits and pieces.

The most typical symptom at the beginning of suffering from this kind of decapitation Gu is loss of speech and soul, and the rainbow outside the body and universe keeps collapsing until the body is scattered and the spirit collapses.

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