Nine Heavens

Chapter 2696

"Sanyuan Shenlong Guardian, I, the God of the Emperor, immediately input the power of the Haogu Sacred Stone to the Minglian God Venerable to replenish the energy that was swallowed!"

Liu Qianlang didn't have time to think too much, and before he finished his work, he quickly stopped, urged the nine Haogu sacred stones around him, and injected the energy of the Haogu sacred stones in the nine Haogu sacred stones into the body of Minglian Shenzun.

Minglian God Venerable, who was already sluggish, suddenly became pale, and then slowly opened his divine eyes, looking at Liu Qianlang with infinite gratitude.

"It must be my calamity, the God of Human Sovereign is going to waste the power of the ancient sacred stone! It's useless, the de-energy Gu of Emperor Shenguang, with the ability to swallow energy, the grains of light Gu split and proliferate infinitely, that is No amount of the power of the ancient god stone is useless.

The more you help me, the more dead body light essence grains will be produced by the scattered body of the natal lotus god.

However, the dead body light element god particle has always been ominous, floating in the world, it will be more alienated from the infinite element world.

Also, please stop the God of Human Sovereign, the natal lotus god was born to exist for the creation of Haogu Yuanzhou, how could he be willing to be a god of harming the world!

I also ask the God of Human Sovereign to see that you human race was born in my body and have some kindness, and immediately slaughtered the natal lotus god.

In this way, the natal lotus deity will have the opportunity to leave behind five bright yuan and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon beads!

Otherwise, if it is a little later, I am afraid that the entire divine body of the natal lotus god will be transformed into more and more light particles of the dead body! "

Minglian God Venerable regained the ability of divine words, with complicated eyes, looking at Liu Qianlang, and said with a wry smile.

"Shenzun Minglian don't want to talk too much, hurry up and keep your heart. I am confident that after some research and analysis, I will be able to find a way to destroy the decapitation Gu!"

Liu Qianlang did not listen to the advice of the God of Minglian, not only did not stop, but increased the speed of injecting the energy of the ancient sacred stone into the body of the God of Minglian.

"The God of Human Sovereign! Don't be confused, the power of the ancient sacred stone you injected into the body of the natal lotus god is no longer saving me!

The divine body of the natal lotus god, the soul universe has been destroyed, and the reason why he can still speak at this moment is because the god of the emperor forcibly injected the energy of the ancient god stone into the natal lotus god. Just a flashback! "

God Minglian shook his head in pain, and persuaded Liu Qianlang to stop.

"Hey... woo ha ha..."

"Minglian God Venerable, you should continue to be arrogant! Are you so easy to be insulted when you are the Emperor of Shenguang? You ruined my good deeds, hum! This is the price!"

Just as Liu Qianlang tried his best to save the God of Life Lotus, and God of Life Lotus tried to persuade Liu Qianlang to give up, suddenly the voice of Emperor Shenguang laughing and mocking came from the inexplicable space of God's Domain at the top of his heart.

"Chi Chi..."


At the same time, the sarcastic laughter was mixed with the flattering companionship and laughter of the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luo Xiang Realm Emperor.

"Emperor Shenguang is wise and miraculous. The moment he left the peak of his heart, he actually planted the decapitation Gu on Shenzun Minglian and Emperor Guangming Realm, but they didn't realize it at the time! Hehe..."

"The Emperor of the Dark Realm said it was wonderful, and the Great Emperor Shenguang was clever, otherwise how could he damage the ancient Yuanzhou, and now Gu Minglian God Venerable and the Emperor of the Light Realm.

Emperor Shenguang, the body of the Emperor of Light Realm has collapsed and turned into Shenguang Yuan particles. Should we keep collecting and playing with it, or should we pour it into the God Realm, the pinnacle of our hearts? "

"Well, let this Emperor Shenguang think about it first... let's pour it into the top of his heart.

Ben Shenguang hates these self-made smart gods the most, thinking of them is annoying, how can he appreciate it.

However, it seems that Minglian Shenzun and the god of humanity born in her body should like it.

Otherwise, look, that idiot is still using the God of Salvation Lotus! Emperor Shenguang really laughed to death! "

"Why should Emperor Shenguang care about a little bud in the body of a little god of destruction, we threw the residual energy of the Emperor of the Light Realm to the top of our hearts.

To deter the other ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven realms, let's see who among them dare not bow their heads and listen to their ministers when our army is pressing down on them! "

"Hmph! What did Emperor Luo Xiangjie say? How could the current Emperor Shenguang have the leisure to accept their submission?

When we go back to the universe and go out this time, we will definitely be destroyed in every world. No matter how sincerely they surrender, just ignore them! "


Emperor Shenguang, Emperor Dark Realm and Emperor Luoxiang Realm were laughing and discussing, and had already thrown a divine bottle that was shimmering with divine light into the Peak of Heart God Realm from outside the God Realm.

The divine bottle is light blue and transparent, and inside it is like a star, with countless white light spots floating there.

The light blue divine bottle slanted in from the sky, and the target was aimed directly at God Minglian!

"Wow! The Emperor of the Light Realm!"

God Venerable Minglian, who had no hope of life in the first place, suddenly saw that Haogu Yuanzhou's god friend Guangming Realm Emperor had lost his life, and was killed first by the decapitation Gu, so he couldn't help crying out in grief and indignation.

"Ha ha……"

"Minglian God Venerable is still better than you, but, haven't you been bosom friends since ancient times, and now the Emperor of the Light Realm is done playing first, what about you? Haha..."

Suddenly, in the infinitely high sky above the heart, three huge and ferocious faces appeared, one was pitch black, the other was changing, and the other was flashing with divine light. They all gaped and laughed.

"Hmph! Damn Emperor Shenguang, Emperor Darkness and Emperor Luo Xiang, you don't want to be crazy!

So what if the old friend Guangmingjiedi and the natal lotus god are dead! Even if we die, we will be aboveboard, and we will live up to Haogu Yuanzhou before, and we will not tire the God of the Emperor in the future!

But you are different, the former is the sin-creating demon of Haogu Yuanzhou, and the latter is the hideous and evil thing that is colluding.

You are only gaining power for a while, don't forget that evil can never prevail, and you will perish sooner or later! "

Minglian God Venerable, holding the light source grain light source grain bottle of the emperor of the light realm, angrily refuted the three evil faces in the sky on the top of his heart.

"Cut! Evil cannot overcome good!? Deity Minglian, you are so cute. If there is no right and all evil in the Infinite Yuan Realm, how can there be such a fallacy that evil cannot overcome good!

Two Realm Emperors, this place will soon be the death tomb of Infinity Element Realm, let's go, this Emperor Shenguang will feel disgusting if he stays for a while longer! "

Emperor Shenguang, Emperor of Darkness, and Emperor of Luoxiang, their gigantic and ferocious faces suddenly appeared, and after they disappeared suddenly, his voice echoed for a long time in the sky above the heart.

"Hmph! Don't even think about it!"

"The God of Human Sovereign must be kind to Guangming Wuyuan, the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realm god beads, and the ten-direction god bell!

After Hitachi firmly established himself in the God Realm, don’t forget to search for the wreckage of the ancient universe. Restoring the supreme and beautiful infinite universe is your ultimate goal, remember! Remember!

The natal lotus deity has no blessing to continue to associate with the god of the emperor, and the emperor of the infinite realm in the future, take care! "



Liu Qianlang changed the figure of Wanderer Wuji, activated the nine ancient sacred stones, and has been providing God Minglian with the power of the vast ancient sacred stones.

Minglian God Venerable is therefore in a state of mind and soul, not only the shrunken body of the god has a great glow, but also persists, and it will soon return to its original state.

However, as Haogu Zhengshen, he regards dignity and friendship as the most honored gods. After the death of gods, there is no respect for life, so he ordered Lian Shenzun to say goodbye in sorrow, and he chose to collapse and die on his own initiative.

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