Nine Heavens

Chapter 2701

Soon, the more than 30,000 emperors of the God Realm under the Shenguang Yuan Realm God Palace were divided into three groups.

Its expression is very different. A group of realm emperors who were sent to hunt down the land-core gods of Haoguyuan Zhouhaogu Continent had solemn expressions, but there was a look of expectation in the eyes of their gods.

Those who were about to attack the You Canglong Realm looked sad.

Only a group of world emperors who fought side by side with Emperor Shenguang were left behind, all of them beaming with joy and relaxed.

"The wine has been enjoyed, the title has been conferred, all the emperors of the world should keep their promises, choosing the day is worse than hitting the sun, this Emperor Shenguang will see you off!"

Emperor Shenguang sat on the throne of the Jingu Palace, and after a burst of noise, he conferred the title, and then continued.

"Hmph! What if we don't accept the order?"

The original intention of Emperor Shenguang's arrangement was obvious, and one of the 10,000 God Realm Emperors sent to attack You Canglong Realm finally couldn't bear it anymore, and retorted coldly.

When Emperor Shenguang heard the words, he found that the group of world emperors all looked angry, so he said bitterly:

"The thoughts of Emperor Liufeng are not what this Emperor Shenguang expected. If we can all enjoy peace and happiness, why would this Emperor Shenguang find trouble for nothing and make you troubled.

You Canglong Realm is so powerful that everyone in the Infinite Yuan Realm knows about it. However, for us, the time is also the situation.

If we don't devour them, sooner or later we will be devoured by them. You Canglong Realm is not easy to mess with, but it is also the God Realm with the richest God Energy in Haoguyuanzhou.

Even if we can't conquer Youcang Divine Palace quickly, as long as we capture some Youcang Shenlongs and swallow their soul energy and body, we can also obtain a large amount of ancient divine energy in them.

Therefore, this is also one of the reasons why Emperor Shenguang sent you there. "

"Really? From the perspective of the Liufeng Realm Emperor, it is false to send us to attack the You Canglong Realm, and it is true to drive us back to the Thirty Thousand God Realm so as to save the ancient divine energy of the Shenguang Yuan Realm!"

Emperor Liufeng Realm seemed to see through the fact that he could no longer stay in the Shenguang Yuanjie, so he simply went all out to expose the old ways of Emperor Shenguang.

"Huh? Shut up!"

"You Liufeng Realm Emperor, and as a god emperor of a realm, protect countless people of Liufeng God, don't you understand the good intentions of this Shenguang Great Emperor for the future of Shenguang Yuanjie? It's so unreasonable!"

When Emperor Shenguang heard the words, he jumped into a rage, got up, pointed at Emperor Liufeng and cursed.

"Bah! You, Emperor Shenguang, will stop talking about benevolence, righteousness and morality. Your evil will be proved by everything.

The reason why my Liufeng Realm Emperor takes refuge in you is that the gods and people of our world can be nourished by the ancient gods for a while.

Now, just as you rely on me and the 30,000 God Realm forces to stabilize the general trend of the God Realm for you, you begin to use all your strengths to suppress and expel us.

This current Fengshen Realm, don't bother you, Emperor Shenguang, to command, just leave now! "

Emperor Liufeng Jie was determined to leave, and his words were naturally tit for tat.

Then, the Liufeng Realm Emperor wearing a light blue suit flew into the sky with his sleeves and stepped on the wind, and was about to leave.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Liufeng Realm, you have to think about two things before you leave. First, your people of the Liufeng Gods have left this world alone! Second, in the divine wine you drank just now...haha..."

Emperor Shenguang saw that Liufeng Realm Emperor could no longer be shouted with words, his expression turned cold immediately, and he laughed wildly with a ferocious face.

"Ha ha……"

"Put away your hypocritical benevolence and righteousness, your wicked tricks, the Liufeng Realm Emperor can guess with his eyes closed.

My Liufeng Shenmin was included in the body universe long before the emperor of this world. As for your broken wine, the emperor of this world is just putting on a show and didn't drink a drop of wine at all.

I am the Emperor of the Wind Realm, and I would rather be the wandering god of the Infinite Yuan Realm than pay attention to you, the Emperor of Shenguang.

But if it is possible, the Liufeng Realm Emperor really hopes to see You Canglong Realm, Xiangtian Phoenix Realm, etc. destroy the Shenguang Yuan Realm earlier—"

The Liufeng Realm Emperor laughed loudly, and actually walked away.

Seeing the Liufeng Realm Emperor ascending to the sky and leaving, the 30,000 surrendering Realm Emperors in Shenguang Great Emperor's Palace suddenly burst into commotion.

However, when they heard that Emperor Shenguang wanted to talk about Shenjiu, they all obediently stayed where they were.

"Dark Realm Emperor, Luoxiang Realm Emperor! Why don't you send Liufeng Realm Emperor off quickly!"

Emperor Shenguang was first mad at Liufeng Realm Emperor, and now he saw Thirty Thousand Realm Emperors booing, how could he not be angry.

So, after a strange cry, the Divine Light Realm Emperor suddenly yelled at the Darkness Realm Emperor and Luo Xiang Realm Emperor who were standing in front of His Highness, with a terrifying expression on his face.

"Yes! This subordinate understands!"

Hearing the words, the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor looked at each other, and they naturally understood what the Divine Light Realm Emperor meant. They responded in unison, and shot out of the Shenguang Great Emperor's Palace together.

"Hmph! If there is any realm emperor who is not afraid of the strength of the decapitation Gu, you can leave the Divine Light Yuan Realm right now!

If you are afraid, you must obediently listen to the instructions of the Emperor Shenguang. Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish. The moment when this Emperor Shenguang becomes the overlord of the infinite element world, and the moment when he is the only one against the sky, is the day when you are prosperous.

On the contrary, if you have any rebellious thoughts, just like Liufeng Realm Emperor, you will become the souls of the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor! "

Emperor Shenguang roared viciously.

Under the temple, the 30,000 world emperors were filled with righteous indignation, and they dared not speak out, because they knew the horror of the decapitation Gu. In my heart, I hated myself for not having the foresight and wisdom of Liufeng Realm Emperor. otherwise……

Under such a strange atmosphere, the Thirty Thousand Realm Emperors did not say a word and remained silent.

After roaring, Emperor Shenguang stopped talking, and just glanced coldly at His Highness.

after a long time.

The Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor joined hands and flew back to the Shenguang Emperor's Palace.

However, their expressions were abnormal, and they didn't speak directly to explain the words of chasing and killing Emperor Liufeng, but communicated with Emperor Shenguang for a while.

Emperor Shenguang was taken aback when he heard the return from the Dark Realm Emperor and the Luo Xiang Realm Emperor, then his eyes became darker and colder, and he suddenly laughed wildly:

"Good! Good! Good kill!"

"Your Highness, the 30,000 Realm Emperors obey the order, and each of them has his own destiny! The 10,000 Realm Emperors who went to Haoguyuan Zhou Haogu Continent and the 10,000 Realm Emperors who went to You Canglong Realm will return to their palaces immediately, and bring all the gods and people of this realm to execute the gods. Emperor Guangda's army issued an order!

Those who disobey the order will destroy the whole world, just like the emperor of the Liufeng world! "


His Royal Highness Emperor of the Thirty Thousand Realms heard the last decree of Emperor Shenguang, and out of fear, he had no choice but to obey. Responding in unison, the twenty thousand world emperors immediately disappeared in place.

"Hmm! Don't blame this Emperor Shenguang for his cruelty. Now the ancient gods of Shenguang Yuanjie Hao can only provide us with the rest of the gods.

They were about to leave, and they had no choice but to force them to go on the road by giving them the decapitated Gu god wine.

But you don't need to leave, and you don't need to be controlled by the decapitation Gu. This Emperor Shenguang will remove the decapitation Gu in your body, the poison of Shenguang! "

While Emperor Shenguang was speaking, his soul thought summoned a large group of beautiful goddesses into the shrine, each of them held wine and poured wine for the more than ten thousand emperors of the gods and realms in the hall.



The remaining 10,000 world emperors of His Highness also secretly hated Emperor Shenguang very much. But when he suddenly treated himself like this, he couldn't help changing their minds.

They looked at each other in surprise, then knelt down one after another, shouting in unison:

"Shenguang Emperor Rende, thank you for your kindness!"

Then, they all rushed like mad, grabbing the divine wine held by the goddess and drinking it.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Emperor Shenguang snorted coldly, then raised his head and laughed wildly.

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