Nine Heavens

Chapter 2702 extreme evil begets good

In the midst of Emperor Shenguang's sneer, Emperor Wanyu suddenly screamed again and again, rolling to the ground in pain.

"Emperor Shenguang! You, you are so vicious, what you gave us is Shi Neng San!"

More than ten thousand realm emperors groaned and screamed in pain, some of them suddenly realized, and angrily pointed to the aloof Emperor Shenguang to question.

"That's right! What you said is absolutely right. What Emperor Shenguang gave you is Shi Neng San!"

Emperor Shenguang lay on his back on the throne of the shrine, waved his hand to repel the goddess in the upper hall, and said with a sideways glance at His Royal Highness Wanyu Emperor.

"Why do you do this? If you are worried about the limited divine power of Haogu in the Shenguang Yuanjie, you can let us leave the Shenguang Yuanjie like other emperors.

Why are you so vicious, poisoning us in front of the temple, and then attacking our gods and people! "

Several realm emperors barely stood up, trembling all over, and asked Emperor Shenguang in pain.

"Ha ha……"

"All the world emperors seem to have underestimated yourselves. Don't you know that your cosmic body itself contains huge ancient divine power?

It would be a pity if I let you go. The Great Emperor Shenguang has gathered your physical powers of the universe and the divine powers of the people of the world, and they can just be given to the two emperors of the world who are about to go on the road.

I believe they will be grateful for the great grace of this Emperor Shenguang, and then wholeheartedly work for this Emperor Shenguang! "

Emperor Shenguang clapped his hands applauded for his proud design, and said with a sarcasm in his tone.

"Shenzhou has eyes, Emperor Shenguang, you are hypocritical and vicious, and the gods of the world are all angry, you will definitely die a bad death!"


Due to the release of energy and dispersing strange poison in the bodies of more than ten thousand realm emperors, the universe body has begun to disintegrate continuously.

The ancient divine energy in it surges out like the waves of the sea.

This process was very painful for him, and he screamed heart-piercingly while roaring and cursing Emperor Shenguang.

"Hmph! Dark Realm Emperor, Luoxiang Realm Emperor, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and take away their ancient divine powers, and then lead the gods and beasts to surround their realm palaces. The gods won't let them go. able.

However, it must be done in secret, and the Emperor Jie who is about to leave the two roads must not know. This is a matter for our rear. Letting the two expeditionary army know about such a thing will affect their mood! "

Emperor Shenguang's cruel behavior made His Highness the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor unexpected, and they couldn't help but froze in place, watching the ten thousand realm emperors bursting and screaming, dumbfounded.

Seeing the Emperor Shenguang, he couldn't help but feel even more proud. He glanced at the two emperors coldly and reminded.

"Ah, huh?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After hearing what Emperor Shenguang said, the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor came back to their senses after a long time, and hurriedly responded.

"This matter must be done cleanly. I still have things to do, so let's go first!"

Emperor Shenguang got up, his blue eyes were indifferent, he glanced at His Highness for a moment, leaving these words behind, a cloud of blue light that turned into an inexplicable beast appeared from under him, and he was about to leave.

"The Emperor of the Dark Realm obeys the order!"

"Emperor Luo Xiangjie accepts the order!"

The Dark Realm Emperor and the Luoxiang Realm Emperor hurriedly bowed down to send them off respectfully.

"Are you sure that Emperor Liufeng of the Bright Realm was rescued by the fairy gods of the Nine Lotus Temple?"

Emperor Shenguang had already jumped into the air, and when he was about to shoot out of the palace of Emperor Shenguang, he suddenly turned around and asked.

"I'm not sure. It's the nine handsome young gods who are standing on the tripod. Their appearance is almost the same as that of the Langyuan Renhuang. They claim to be the heavenly gods of the Nine Lotus Temple and the Xingchen Dao."

Hearing the words, the Dark Realm Emperor and Luo Xiang Realm Emperor looked at each other for a moment and said almost at the same time.

"Well, let's do your work, the Emperor Shenguang knows it!"

Emperor Shenguang paused for a moment, nodded slightly, and then flew away on the blue light beast.

"Where did he go, did he go to see that human god?"

"Perhaps, but the temper of Emperor Shenguang may also have spied on You Canglong Realm.

Benluo Xiangjie thought that Emperor Shenguang sent 10,000 Jiedi to You Canglong Realm just to use them to die, so as to test the reality of You Canglong Realm.

It seems that Emperor Shenguang doesn't really intend to attack You Canglong Realm now. "

"This Emperor of the Dark Realm also thinks the same way, but Emperor Shenguang's actions are always unpredictable, and it is really difficult for us to fully understand.

Just like the Great Emperor's Palace Banquet this time, the Emperor of the Dark Realm really didn't expect that he would force the God Realm to captivate the gods. This method will always increase the great ancient divine power of the Divine Light Yuan Realm. "

"Well, now it seems that when Emperor Shenguang broke through the 30,000 God Realms, he suddenly changed his mind and did not directly destroy them, but took over the whole world. He should have already planned for today's move!"

"It must be, Emperor Shenguang really had far-sighted plans, not only successively exterminated more than 60,000 god realms, but also conquered more than 30,000 realms, and finally became one of the supreme nine overlords of the infinite element realm.

Now, as long as Emperor Shenguang stabilizes the realm, destroys the Eight Realms, and destroys the Nine Lotus Shrine, he will really unify the Infinite Element Realm! "

"However, today's events made this illusion realm emperor suddenly feel fear. If he can be so vicious to thirty thousand realm emperors, then he will treat us in the future..."

"Shh! The Emperor of the Illusion Realm speaks carefully, this is not a place to speak deeply, and we will talk about it around the seal of the Emperor of this Realm.

In fact, it's not because you are afraid, so is this Dark Realm Emperor.

The reason why we are worry-free at this time is naturally because of two reasons.

One is that in the current situation, we still have value for him to use. The second is that when we were far away in Haogu Shenzhou, we helped him kill Haogu Yuanzhou God Emperor!

Therefore, he is afraid that we will announce the truth about the murder of God Emperor Haogu Yuanzhou to the infinite element world, so he has always protected us.

This is also the reason why our Dark Yuanjie and Luoxiang Yuanjie can always exist. Although it is not as powerful as the Transcendent Nine Hegemons, it is not much inferior.

You think we are so powerful, and you are willing to work for him, only fools attack us.

However, this is the current situation we are in, and it is hard to predict what the future will hold. "

"Emperor Benluo Xiangjie thinks that it's time for us to be careful.

Otherwise, when he dominates the Infinite Elemental Realm, with his nature, how could we share the overlord with him!

You and I are well versed in the evolution of complex events in the human race, and many of them are masterpieces of you and me.

We can be defeated elsewhere, and we should never be defeated by our own tricks. Therefore, Emperor Benluo Xiangjie thought that we should do things in the future, as long as it makes sense, and there is no need to work too hard for him.

In the end, he succeeds in hegemony, and we become the focus of all evil, we will be reviled by God, and we will be disturbed, and perhaps his slaughter is waiting for us! "

"What Luo Xiang Jiedi said is not bad, then look, these Jiedi?"

"These world emperors have deeply released the strange poison that can dissipate it, and the body can explode and vent it. It is irreparable. But we don't need to exterminate their gods and people. We will kill some of them symbolically. As for the others, we secretly feed them in our own blood. Among the soul universe.

He also unknowingly cultivated a group of dark forces of his own to prevent future dangers. At the same time, it also prevents future changes in the universe. In case the Emperor Shenguang loses, we can release them and win the approval of the new immortal gods of the infinite element world. Such preparations, why not do it? "

"You're right, let's do it!"


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