Nine Heavens

Chapter 2703 meeting with the remnant world

The Nine Lotus Shrine on the top of the heart is far away from the Shenguang Yuanjie, and there is a remnant realm between them that was destroyed by the Infinite Yuanjie hegemony.

At this moment, the wreckage of the remnant world is a desolate and desolate scene.

From a distance, the once green mountains and clear waters, surrounded by green trees and colorful flowers, the blue sky and white clouds, and the sun and the moon shining are nothing, just like a pale skeleton riddled with holes.

But at this moment, there is a divine figure standing above the skull. Because his body is covered with a thick fog of invisible evil, it can only be generally felt that he is a male, as for the specific appearance, it is impossible to see clearly.

This divine figure seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and looked a little anxious, looking around from time to time.

"See Emperor Shenguang!"

Suddenly, a dark blue god with long fluttering dark blue hair, a blue beard spread out, and a blue body fell steadily from the sky above him.

Before the God of Infinite Element Realm landed, the God of Waiting immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and shouted.

"Well, don't be too polite, Yuan Du, you came very quickly. Let me tell you about the recent situation in the Nine Lotus Shrine. Can you get the ten-direction divine bell?"

Emperor Shenguang waved his hand, signaling Yuan Du to get up.

"Thank you, Emperor Shenguang, how dare Yuan Du stand up and stand together with Emperor Shenguang? Yuan Du should kneel down and ask God.

In the current Nine Lotus Shrine, all the Immortal Gods of Langyuan have left the Soul Realm of the God of Human Sovereign, and exist in different realms of Nine Lotus Shrine.

They still adhere to the policy of stabilizing the border that you will not attack me, and I will not attack. Wholeheartedly strong, do not seek diplomacy.

Their strength can be said to be increasing day by day, and their momentum is unprecedented. Nearly ten thousand years ago, the God of Human Sovereign is summoning the gods and gods from all over the world to compete in literary and martial arts, conferring titles with their strength, and setting up a large army of gods, which has the meaning of competing for hegemony in the infinite universe in the future.

At present, the subordinates have not obtained the divine clocks of the ten directions, but they already know the specific positions of them in the ten directions, and the subordinates have already begun to plan to steal them one by one.

Please also ask Emperor Shenguang to wait for a while, Yuan Du is confident that he will steal all the ten divine bells in a short time, and let the Nine Lotus God Palace world spin in vain. "

Yuan Du refused to get up, and replied.

"According to what you mean, that Human Sovereign is really patient. For hundreds of millions of years, he has been closing his borders and devouring those who come. He only wants to be safe, not to fight for hegemony!

However, this is obviously an illusion. Just before the Emperor Shenguang came here, the Emperor of the Dark Realm and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm fought against the people of the Nine Lotus Shrine because they were chasing and killing the Emperor of the Light Realm.

Originally, the Emperor Shenguang ordered them to kill the Guangming Realm Emperor who was rescued by them! Damn it! "

Emperor Shenguang stabilized his figure, his eyes were indifferent, and he cast his eyes in the direction of the center of the Infinite Element Realm. He squinted at the scene of Dan Hong's shining nine lotuses floating in the Infinite Element Realm God's Dome, and said through gritted teeth.


Yuan Du heard the words, sighed lightly, thought for a while, and then said:

"I don't know if Emperor Shenguang can confirm that someone from the Nine Lotus Shrine disturbed the good things of the Dark Yuan Realm and Luo Xiang Realm Emperor?"

"They said they were not sure. The other party claimed to be the Nine-Star Nine Baby of the Nine Lotus Shrine. Because the Xingchen Nine Baby is where the Nine Lotus Shrine is, the Emperor Shenguang has never heard of it, so I specially summoned you to come here and want to ask clearly.

If the Emperor of the Light Realm was indeed rescued by them, please kill the Emperor of the Bright Realm as quickly as possible, otherwise, the Great Emperor of Light will be furious! "

Emperor Shenguang said coldly.

"It turned out to be them."

"who are they?"

"Report to Emperor Shenguang. In the Nine Lotus Temple, there are roughly four kinds of forces at the level of immortal gods.

The first type is the ancient gods, such as Empress Nuwa, Dumojianzu, Peixian, Zhongde, Our Lady of Linhe, Prince Jiebo, and the little god of Sanlin.

The second type is the saints and gods of the senior generation who are on the same level as Langyuan Renhuang. There are mainly people like Huangliu Qianlang, Song Zhen, the god of divination, Liujuan, the god of strange fragrance, Song Zhen, the god of heavenly wolf, and Cheng Shifeng, the god of aura. , looking for the dark emperor, the human emperor, Zhanshen and other god wives, including mine.

The third type is when the Yuan Dynasty collapsed, countless gods of the Yuan Dynasty collapsed in the body of the Minglian God Venerable, giving birth to all kinds of supernatural gods who were revived.

There are ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, phoenixes, and alien races, as well as many artifacts, the spirits of immortals and gods transformed into divine scrolls.

The fourth type is the next generation of the Emperor, a young force represented by Yaya, the first disciple of the Emperor.

There are also many powerful ones. Yaya, holding the God Conch of Goodness of Haogu Yuanzhou, and stepping on Haogu's only God of Time.

Her husband, the eldest son of the God of Human Sovereign, is named Liu Yun. After countless years of cultivation, he got the ancient cloud furnace by coincidence, and now almost controls the changes of the god cloud in the infinite element world.

What is even more unexpected is that Liufeng, the emperor of Liufeng Realm, came to surrender today and was entertained and accepted by the emperor.

Now the Emperor of the Liufeng Realm, Tuohao Gufengdong, is in pairs with him, and the Nine Lotus Shrine calls him the Saint of Fengyun Erlan.

The god of Haogu and the younger gods of a generation tacitly invited Qiong, so envious of the entire Nine Lotus Shrine!

In addition to them, there are also descendants of the Human Sovereign, the Supreme Occupation God, the Darkness Seeking Emperor, various gods and ancient elemental spirit races, and many human immortal gods whose strength cannot be underestimated!

The Xingchen Jiuying mentioned by Emperor Shenguang just now is an elite combination of this fourth force.

There are two reasons why they are called the Nine Infants of the Stars.

First, they are nine young and heroic youths, all of whom were Nascent Souls born from cultivation during the Human Emperor's time in the Human Realm.

What makes the world of immortals and gods unbelievable is that he not only gave birth to the infants of the nine realms, but also returned all of them to their bodies. He turned them into independent immortals and gods, and treated them like children, calling them babies.

Second, these nine divine infants, because they escaped from the Emperor, are naturally powerful and intelligent. They are not only the Gods of Manipulation of the Emperor's Soul Refining and Nine Cauldrons, but also the multi-eyed elements of Haogu Bengyuan who gathered and sprouted The Supreme Divination God.

Emperor Shenguang may not have imagined that although Haogu Yuanzhou collapsed, Haogu Xingchen Dao was still intact, surrounded by many eyes, until Song Zhen, the supreme divination god, was born, which naturally became his miracle.

Later, the Emperor of the Dark Realm and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm changed the body of the lotus god, the God of Zhou, and killed them.

Afterwards, Supreme Zhanshen trained nine human emperors and divine infants to join the Dao of Stars and became the all-powerful Nine Infants of the Stars.

This is the Nine Infants of the Stars that Emperor Shenguang had heard about.

However, whether they saved Emperor Liufeng Realm, after the subordinates go back, they need to investigate in detail before they can reply to Emperor Shenguang.

Because recently, Yuan Du was entrusted with the decree issued by Emperor Shenguang, and most of his energy was put on the Yanyuan Illusory Realm, which is close to Nine Lotus Shrine. Yuan Du hadn't understood this matter yet. "

"Alright, no matter what, we must investigate clearly. Since Liufeng Realm Emperor has surrendered to Nine Lotus Shrine, he must do everything possible to kill him, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be unfavorable to our Shenguang Yuanjie in the future!"

Shenguang Yuanjie nodded slightly, and there was a little worry in the eyes of God, said.

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