Nine Heavens

Chapter 2705

Nine Lotus Shrine, Fengyun Palace.

Liu Yun, the young elite god of Langyuan Shenmen, and Liufeng, the emperor of Liufeng Realm who has recently surrendered, are both floating in the sky and mist of Jiulian Temple. They are practicing Fengyun Shenbing formation.

Liu Yun controls the cloud furnace with his hands, and is still stepping on the beloved blue-horned bull king, but at this moment, the blue-horned bull has evolved to have golden light wings on its back, instantly fleeing the billions of gods, and watching the realm beyond the universe.

Anger can swallow clouds and fog, and war can control the magic weapon for the master.

Liu Feng, transformed into a middle-aged god of calm and human form in a light blue robe, pulling the wind tunnel of Haogu God with both hands, with a joyful face and sparkling crystal blue eyes.

The two gods and gods are very hardworking, and they appear miraculously among the clouds and mist in the sky. One puts the clouds into heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, and heavenly favors, and the other is a wind phantom with billions of gods, beasts, gods, birds, and gods.


"Senior Liufeng Shengshen is so powerful, a section of the wind tunnel transforms into an army of gods, and it fills the sky, so awesome!"

Just as Liu Feng and Liu Yun were concentrating on cultivating the Wind and Cloud Formation, on the top of the Fengyun Palace below, there was a beautiful woman in a light blue neon dress, surrounded by a layer of faint blue fire mist.

This woman is young and beautiful, dignified and elegant, stepping on a silver-gray Shenzhou, and instantly appeared in the middle of the parallel height between Liufeng and Liuyun, looked at the two gods, and said with a smile.


"Sect Leader Yaya, don't make fun of Liufeng. Your husband is in charge of Yuntiansheng's Yunlan Divine Army, which is superb. He can go in and out, and he has reached a state of freedom and harmony between the elephant and the god."

As soon as Liu Feng and Liu Yun saw the gods, they both temporarily stopped their cultivation, and the gods they transformed into in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Seeing the people on the Ascension Boat, Liufeng nodded slightly, full of self-effacing and admiring, and smiled.

"No, Senior Liufeng has praised you. It is thanks to Senior's whole-hearted guidance that Yun'er was able to cultivate the Yunlan Divine Army like this in a short period of time.

What's more, the senior's nine-level Haogu God's Wind Cave is only a part of it, how can the junior be compared! "

Liu Yun was wearing a pure white divine robe, with flowing black hair, and his demeanor resembled that of the emperor's father Liu Qianlang, saluting Liu Feng and the visitors.

"Okay, you are already excellent, just now I went to the Central Lotus Palace to report on the divine affairs.

Master Renhuang is quite concerned about your Fengyunlan army, no, let me send you a message, let you go to Yanglian God Realm to meet him. "

Yaya smiled playfully and said.

"Ha ha……"

"Well! It couldn't be better. Liufeng really didn't expect that after the collapse of the ancient source universe, the time and space of the infinite element world could still give birth to great good legends like the Human Emperor and you Langyuan Shenmen. Liufeng is really a blessing in disguise.

To be honest with Yun'er and Yaya, Liufeng was rescued here by Xingchen Jiuying at the beginning, and thought that Langyuan Shenmen was just a hypocritical universe like Shenguang Yuanjie, hey! Let's not talk about it, the vulgarity, the holiness of Renhuang and Langyuan Shenmen with a dirty heart! "

When Liu Feng heard that the Emperor was going to summon him, he had to have a glimpse of the Emperor's demeanor in his heart, and he was overjoyed, and frankly confessed his views before and after coming to the Nine Lotus Shrine.

"Those who don't know are innocent. Moreover, Senior Liufeng has also joined the God of Waves now. When we meet Empress Nuwa, Ancestor of the Demon Sword, God of Immortality, and Master Zhong Death, we are already in the same sect, senior. No need to blame yourself for anything.

The emperor's father called, why don't we go to the emperor's palace now, let's talk about it, the junior hasn't gone to greet the emperor's father for a long time. "

Liu Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Haha... let's go!"

Liufeng's personality is also unrestrained, he moves as soon as he walks, chatting and laughing, and he has already set off with Liu Yun.


"Look at how happy you are. Congratulations to Senior Liufeng and Holy Spirit Yunlan!"

As the head of the Langyuan Shenmen, Yaya's status and dignity can be described as the pinnacle. But what is valuable is that Yaya has always maintained her usual modesty, virtuousness, filial piety, caring for her peers and juniors, and even a little naughty in private.


"I'm sorry to be the head of the house, please take a look at our Fengyun Jiuquan for Liufeng, we will have a good time to drink when we come back—"

In the blink of an eye, Liu Feng and Liu Yun had already shot into the clouds of the higher sky, and the distance from the Yunlan Palace was already several miles away, but Liu Feng suddenly turned around and shouted this sentence.

Hearing this, Yaya couldn't help but smile wryly, so she bent her palms to her mouth and shouted back loudly:

"Uncle Liufeng, don't worry, no one in Yunlan Palace secretly drinks your Fengyun wine except you—"


In the imperial palace.

Liu Qianlang did not sit on the high throne of the Emperor, but habitually floated cross-legged, sitting in the void of the palace, and around him sat cross-legged nine heroic youths who looked almost the same as him.

"Father Human Emperor, according to our survey of the Universe, it seems that none of the nine Infinite God Realms are going to attack each other with all their strength.

Except for the two groups sent by Shenguang Yuanjie, both of which are divine soldiers from the power of more than ten thousand god emperors, the other god realms are temporarily closed, and there is no attack. "

The nine heroic youths surrounding Liu Qianlang are none other than Xingchen Jiuying.

At this moment, they are doing routine business. The boss Liu Chao will report to Ren Huang Liu Qianlang on the recently surveyed Infinity Element Realm space bureau.

"You are very careful in your investigations. This is the same as your Uncle Song's investigation results. However, Emperor Shenguang sent two groups to return to the Emperor of the Realm, instead of the original divine soldiers. What is his intention?"

Liu Qianlang's white hair was lifted slightly, her expression was calm and soft, she looked around lovingly at the nine god babies around her, and asked softly.

"Reporting to Father Renhuangen, they returned to the Divine Army of the Realm Emperor all the way, and headed towards You Canglong Realm hesitantly.

And the other road is suddenly weird, and it is heading towards the eastern edge of the infinite element realm at a rapid speed. Judging from its meaning, it seems to be flying outside the infinite element realm.

Out of curiosity, our nine brothers divided into two groups and followed each other for a long time. What is absolutely certain is that the purpose of the mysterious Emperor Divine Army that flew to the universe outside the Infinite Element Realm was definitely not to fight for hegemony in the God Realm.

And the divine army that flew to You Canglong Realm was also not aggressive. They stopped and went, and missed the way, but they besieged some scattered spirits in the Infinite Element Realm from time to time, killing their bodies and seizing their energy, without the spirit of a divine army! "

Liu Chao said again.

"Could it be that they have discovered the existence of the remains of the Haogu Continent in the Haoguyuan Zhou!?"

Liu Qianlang was not very interested in the way to attack You Canglong Realm, but cared about the other way, thinking about it for a while, then sighed.

"The remains of Haoguyuanzhou Haoguyuanzhou?"

The nine Nascent Souls didn't know much about the remains of the Haogu Continent in the Haoguyuan Zhou, so they couldn't help but ask questions in unison.


"Is such that……"

Liu Qianlang then told the nine Yuanying about some magic tricks related to the land core divine orb of Haogu Yuanzhou Haogu Continent.


"I thought the bright five elements and the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon beads were the original energy of the infinite element world. I didn't expect that there are still Luhe divine beads!"

Jiuying all sighed.

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