Nine Heavens

Chapter 2706 Boundary Primordial Flower

"Hehe, there are still many things you don't know.

In the future, I will tell you slowly as a father that you have been patrolling the universe for tens of thousands of years.

That's why don't leave for the time being, it's not too late to go after having some rest and relaxation in Jiazhou. "

Liu Qianlang looked around at the handsome nine babies, and said in relief.


Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the nine Nascent Souls were naturally overjoyed, and Liu Chao quickly laughed and said:

"Everyone hurry up and thank Father En, we can finally play with Kaixin and brothers and sisters for a while!"

"Thank you, Father En, haha... Father En is well, then let's go play! Yahoo!"

Jiuying cheered in unison, and after reporting their work, they recovered their natural nature of youth, couldn't hold back their playfulness, thanked Liu Qianlang in unison, and then scrambled to shoot out of the palace.

"This... the emperor's benevolent father!"

As the eldest brother, Liu Chao was naturally much calmer. Seeing his brothers leave happily, he stayed here on purpose for fear that his father would be unhappy later, and wanted to explain a few words, but in the end he didn't know what to say, so he seemed very embarrassed.


"I'm very happy to see you guys happy and happy as a father. I won't blame you. Just go and play at ease."

Seeing Liu Chao's more stable appearance, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly and said kindly.

"En father, for countless years, our nine Yuanying brothers would like to express our deep gratitude to you.

But we also know that your life-giving grace to us cannot be expressed in a few words, so we can only be silently grateful in our hearts, and hope to share more worries for our father, so as to repay in case.

However, Father En treats us like sons and daughters, and never makes us feel wronged. We brothers cannot repay such a kindness. If Father En is really suffering, let us pay it back. Our brothers have already enjoyed too much kindness. Enough! "

Liu Chao's eyes suddenly filled with tears, and he choked up.

"Well, how did Chao'er know about my father's disease of loss of vitality!?"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was shocked and asked.

"Chun'er only found out about it when he overheard Uncle Song talking to himself painfully in the clouds.

We always thought that Father En gave us orders, and it would have no effect on Father En. Unexpectedly, after En Father gave us the freedom to stand up, En Father would experience Yuan Dang Tribulation every ten thousand years because of the great loss of divine essence.

Over the past countless years, En Dae has experienced many painful Yuandang catastrophes in exchange for our free existence.

During the Yuandang Tribulation, it is said that the pain will be abnormal, the mind will be subverted, the meridians will be disordered, the pain will be like a thousand swords cutting the heart, and the suffering will be like nowhere to return!

Such pain, Zhuan'er can't imagine how En's father survived it again and again. That's why Chao'er doesn't want Father En to..."


"Stupid child, why is your kind father a god? The Nine Cauldrons can refine the soul, the Yin-Yang gymnasium can build the body, and the Sun Moon God Furnace can create the primordial spirit.

That bit of tribulation pain, if it was another God of Prodigal Fate, it might be suffering, but your kind father,'s really nothing.

You child, don't mention this matter again, and don't talk about it with other brothers. do you know.

Father En has long regarded you as his own children, no matter what, he cannot part with you.

If you feel sorry for En Dae, then live happily and concentrate on making progress. This is En Dae's greatest expectation for you! "

Before Liu Chao could say the last words, Liu Qianlang deliberately interrupted Liu Chao's words and said.

"But, Father En..."

Liu Chao burst into tears, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Qianlang again:

"Hehe... Hurry up, Brother Yun and Uncle Liufeng Shi will come over in a while, and weeping when they see you so big, it's your fault if you don't make fun of it."


"Then, father En must pay attention to the divine body, and Zhuan'er will go first. These are the three primordial flowers of the vast ancient world that Zhuan'er found in the infinite element world. The divine power in them is huge, and they are given to Father En to take." Safety!"

Liu Chao didn't feel ashamed to cry in front of Liu Qianlang, but when he heard that his elder brother Liu Yun and the newly surrendered God of Haogu, Liu Feng, were coming, he quickly wiped away his tears, and took out three pure white nine-petal gods from the sea of ​​sleeves. Handing the flowers to Liu Qianlang, she floated and flew towards the palace gate.

"Haha... Brother Chaos! What a coincidence, you just came out of the Human Palace, is Daddy in there?"

"Yes, yes. Brother Zhuan has met Brother Yun, Master Liufeng's uncle! Brother Zhuan left beforehand, please go!"

Liu Qianlang was sitting in the Human Palace, looking at the Jieyuan flowers Liu Chao sent, while listening to the voices outside the palace.

After a while, Liu Qianlang saw his beloved son Liu Yun and Liufeng Realm Emperor flying in.

"Heavenly Sage Zhangfeng has seen the God of Human Sovereign!"

"Sage Zhangyun has met the emperor's father!"

When Liu Yun and Liu Feng entered the palace, they naturally greeted each other first with courtesy.

"Hehe, Senior Liufeng, Yun'er, is not promoted to the court, there is no need for red tape, just do whatever you want."

Liu Qianlang's sitting body remained unchanged, seeing Liu Yun and Liu Feng's serious looks, she said with a smile.

"Yes, Daddy."

"Haha... I've always heard that the Human Emperor is unrestrained and easy-going, but what I've seen with my own eyes this time is truly divine, natural, kind and frank! It's like the reincarnation of the Emperor Haogu Yuanzhou!"

Liu Yun knew his father's temper well, so naturally he was not so rigid.

However, it was the first time that Liu Feng had such close contact with Liu Qianlang, and he looked at Liu Qianlang seriously.

Especially when he saw that Liu Qianlang was holding three Jieyuan flowers that bloom only once in trillions of years, he thought Liu Qianlang must be a romantic and free-spirited god, so he praised him spontaneously.

"Ha ha……"

"Senior Liufeng Tiansheng praised you absurdly, Qianlang is just a phantom human race god in the body of Minglian God Venerable, how dare you talk in the same breath as Emperor Haoguyuanzhou God!

Yun'er, senior Liufeng Tiansheng, just sit wherever you want. "

Liu Qianlang looked at the blue robe, blue eyes, blue hair, and handsome face Liufeng, with eyes full of satisfaction, and motioned for them to sit cross-legged as if he was himself.

"Human Sovereign doesn't need to be modest, Haogu Yuanzhou God Sovereign naturally likes Jieyuan flowers, and so does Human Sovereign.

The Human Sovereign didn't know that the flowers of the Primordial Spirit were not something that God could get. Jieyuanshen Hua'er is also called Great Mercy and Great Compassion Sheng Hua'er.

The Three Virtues say: Do not have evil thoughts, do not have poisonous madness, and do not kill.

And the three gains are: those with great benevolence can see, those with great compassion can touch, and those with great karma can enjoy it.

The God of Haogu Yuanzhou is great, and there are countless gods of Haogu, but the only one who is destined to hold the flowers of Jieyuan in his hands is the God Emperor of Haoguyuan Zhou.

This flower of great kindness and great compassion has never existed since Haogu Yuanzhou collapsed, and now it sprouts suddenly and is rewarded by the emperor. Isn't this an auspicious sign of the rebirth of the God Emperor of Haoguyuan Zhou! "

Liufeng sat upright, Furan looked at the three Jieyuan flowers in Liu Qianlang's hand, and said very excitedly.


"It turns out that Yuan'er in this world has such flower spirit characteristics, as the Heavenly Sage Zhang Feng said, I am extremely honored.

However, I don't know if this Jieyuan Hua'er is that Jieyuan Hua'er, it is not sure, it was given by Liu Chao, the child who just left. "

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang felt deeply Liu Chao's filial piety, and was extremely relieved, and said with a smile.

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