Nine Heavens

Chapter 2718 Jinyang Dragon Ball

"Ha ha……"

"The Human Sovereign is actually Xiaoshan Longtai, the fifth prince of the Yuanshui Dragon Clan of the Haogu Divine Dragon Clan, haha..."

After Liu Qianlang was united with the dragon and the dragon, his eyes were clearer than the abyss, and his ears were clearer than the world.

The pure white hair is as elegant as a flowing rainbow, the vastness of the robe is full of fine light, the body is crystal clear, and the body is covered with a white dragon head.

Heyang Realm Emperor looked up at Liu Qianlang standing steadily above the Misty Cloud Pool, and laughed loudly.

"Well, what Dongmeng Sangun said is correct. My emperor has already summoned Haogu Shenyi, and I feel that the four elder brothers, Canglong Mohun, Chilong Chiyan, Jinlong Xiaotian, and Silver Dragon Wrap the Moon. The breath is still alive. It seems that they are not far away from me."

Liu Qianlang recalled Haogu's first return, and was extremely excited, allowing Haogu's spirit to fly in his mind, recalling countless things from the past. Naturally, he also thought of Brother Long Tai from the Yuanshui Dragon Clan.

Liu Qianlang sensed for a moment and found that the four elder brothers were still alive, so he couldn't help nodding his head happily.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness! The third brother suddenly turned into Haogu, and the worries before were gone in an instant!

It's really good luck. Didn't the third brother have been worrying that the countless incidents of Haogu Yuanzhou could not be understood, and he didn't know how to add ways to explore them.

Unexpectedly, the third brother himself is also a god of Haogu! Then the problems we are facing will not exist! "

Although Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha had already guessed the result of Liu Qianlang's man-dragon union based on his feeling, he was still amazed when he saw the facts.

"Second brother is right, third brother thinks of Haogu too much.

Qianlang is able to have the return of Haogu Shenyi today, thanks to the reminders of the six Jieyuanshen flowers of Emperor Heyang Realm and the three guns of Dongmeng.

Now there is Laodongmeng Sangun Feiteng approaching, I believe that without refining the soul of Jiuding, I can directly release the curse of Shenguang Emperor's evil seal in your body. "

After Liu Qianlang responded to Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha's words, he said to the Three Guns of Dongmeng below.

"Thank you Xiaoshan Longtai, Dongmeng Sangun is very grateful!"

Hearing the words, the Three Guns of Eastern Mongolia were already filled with grief and joy, tears were streaming down their cheeks, they ascended to the sky hand in hand, and knelt together in front of Liu Qianlang, expressing their gratitude.

"We were playmates in the past, but now we are friends! The Three Guns of Eastern Mongolia, no! The three dragon brothers of the Haoguyun Realm, don't be polite, please get up quickly!

We should continue the dragon fate and ride the infinite metaverse. A common plan for a better future. "

As Liu Qianlang spoke, he raised his sleeves slightly, and a holy white rainbow lightly lifted Dongmeng Sangun to stand up.

Then, without waiting for Dongmeng Sangun to stabilize his figure, the phantom dragon head on Liu Qianlang's head opened his mouth to breathe out.

In his mouth, the golden light of God's Sun shot the rainbow, and three of the golden rainbows shot towards the Three Guns of Dongmeng, and the Three Guns of Dongmeng were instantly swallowed by the golden light, and the whole body was ignited with raging golden fire.


Dongmeng Sangun was stunned for a moment, and then let out a scream.

"Human Emperor! You, you are!?"

The sudden appearance of this scene caused Heyang Realm Emperor, Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha and Huanyan Realm Emperor to be horrified, and they were stunned.

In the horror of Heyang Jiedi, he didn't dare to look directly at Dongmeng Sangun shaking and convulsing in pain in the golden fire, and asked Liu Qianlang in surprise.

However, Liu Qianlang was unmoved at all, his body also turned into a dragon body, and the huge dragon's head unexpectedly roared endlessly, puffing out the red sun, spinning the golden rainbow back, and shooting at the Three Guns of Eastern Mongolia frequently.

"Ha ha……"

"If the little Shanlong Taixiu can't bear it, the demon gu will soak up his soul, and if he doesn't go all out, Dongmeng Sangun won't even be able to cook fish!"

Dongmeng Sangun became more and more painful, jumping, twitching, and rolling in the three blazing golden fires, but they were in pain and even laughed out loud.

"Brother Long, if it's unbearable, Xiaoshan can dispel the Gu for you Dragon Balls one by one!"

Seeing that Jinguang Shenhuo had firmly controlled the Three Guns of Eastern Mongolia, Liu Qianlang asked with great pain.


"Could it be that after Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed, Xiaoshan turned around again and underestimated our three brothers.

Xiaoshan can still remember that Haogu was chasing waves in the east, and it is difficult for Xiaoshan to surpass. But Yunjie Douyun, you are the worst of our brothers, the Four Dragons.

Don't underestimate us, even if Xiaoshan Jinyang Dragon Ball Jinhong fire burns us for a long time, we will not bow our heads, just strengthen Xiaoshan! "

Liu Qianlang also couldn't bear it, and deliberately weakened the strength of Dongmeng Sangun's coercive Gu, not wanting Jinlin God Gun to spit fire, and even mentioned what they Haoguer mentioned, jokingly.


"Xiaoshan Longtai, are you afraid that we will fight with you after recovering from the dragon's death?"

"That time when we chased the waves and hadn't decided the winner, we suddenly collapsed with Hao Guyuan Zhou. Why don't we recover the dragon body quickly, how about the comparison?"

The Silver Scale God Gun and the Bronze Scale God Gun also endured the torment and pain, deliberately teasing Liu Qianlang.

"Ha ha……"

"The three dragon brothers have a good memory! Good! Xiaoshan will give you another chance. You will recover your dragon body in a while, and we will continue the game in this East Mongolia wave, chasing the wind and waves. Haha..."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang felt even more painful and worried about the Three Guns of Dongmeng, but at the same time was deeply moved by their tenacity, and couldn't help laughing along with their words.

Amidst Liu Qianlang's laughter, Jinyang Dragon Ball Shooting the Rainbow continued, and it became extremely ferocious.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang activated the Shenjuan Jinlou.

I saw countless supernatural and immortal characters floating out of the golden tower of the divine scroll, turning into wisps of divine wind, spinning in and out of the three groups of golden rainbow flames.

"The three dragon brothers gritted their teeth for the last time, Xiaoshan Jinyang Dragon Ball can dispel gu ears!"

After seeing the above scene, Liu Qianlang suddenly yelled loudly.

"Ha ha……"

"Small goodness is just as good as it is in practice, but with the power of God's scroll and the wisdom of the Jinlou to help the catastrophe, and with the encouragement of small goodness with benevolence, all the suffering is nothing!"

"Ha ha……"

Dongmeng Sangun laughed sadly, turning the torment of heart and soul into bursts of laughter.

After a while, their laughter suddenly stopped.

Then, look at the three groups of golden flames, the golden flames are still there, but the three guns of Dongmeng have disappeared.

"Ha ha……"

"Congratulations to the three dragon brothers for finally getting rid of the divine light and tempting demon Gu, and returning to the dragon body!"

Liu Qianlang put away his Jinyang Dragon Ball Raging Fire, looked at the gold, silver and copper three-color cloud dragon that was flying slowly, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Xiaoshan Longtai. We recovered our dragon body, but we were almost tortured to death by you.

We are so tired, let's sleep for a while, Mrs. Xiao Shanlong must not make jokes. "

The three divine dragons no longer had the divine light demon Gu in their bodies, and suddenly Shengun transformed into a divine dragon and ascended from the water to the sky, but they were lifeless, and they all looked exhausted and exhausted.

Three divine dragons, six dragon eyes, opened with difficulty, the golden-scaled divine dragon said weakly.

"Hehe, the three Long brothers should rest for the time being. The catastrophe consumes energy, and it is inevitable that the divine power will be lacking, but it will be fine soon."

Liu Qianlang was not surprised by this, and smiled.


"I really scared Ben and the Emperor of the Yang Realm to death, I thought the Human Emperor..."

When the Emperor Heyang Realm finally found out that what Liu Qianlang had done just now was to better expel the Gu for the Three Guns of Eastern Mongolia, he breathed evenly as if he was relieved from a heavy burden.

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