Nine Heavens

Chapter 2719 out of lotus evil light

"Amitabha, hehe, it's really the first time in the life of this chasing fate Zhou Buddha to experience such a dispelling of Gu!"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the success of the Eastern Mongolian Three Guns returning to the dragon body, Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha and Huanyan Jiedi also stretched their horror, which was replaced by a burst of laughter.


Next, Liu Qianlang, Chasing Fate Buddha, and Emperor Huanyan stayed in Misty God Realm for tens of thousands of years. Some strategies for future cooperation.

In the early morning of this day, Liu Qianlang felt that the three dragon friends and dragon gods were completely stable, so he went to the palace to bid farewell to Zhuyuan Zhoufo and Huanyan Realm Emperor early.

Emperor Heyang Jie had already guessed that they were leaving, so he also prepared some farewell wine in the hall early to see them off.

"I only hate that the current situation is chaotic, and it's hard to have fun together. I don't want to say much, and the blessings are in the wine room!"

The Ethereal God Realm hastily established a realm in a short period of time, and the Nine Lotus Shrine of the World Alliance within a short period of time, all the processes were unimaginably good, which made Emperor Heyang Realm lament that good fortune has made people, and at the same time feel infinitely grateful.

He was even more delighted to befriend the Nine Lotus Shrine, and became friends with the Emperor Liu Qianlang of the Holy God.

After talking to each other in silence, Liu Qianlang looked around at the three dragons of Dongmeng for a long time, smiled slightly, and a red rainbow flashed under his feet, and the Nine Fate Dragon had already carried him to ascend slowly.

Zhuyuan Zhou Buddha and Huanyan Realm Emperor also said goodbye, left and right of Liu Qianlang, and walked away side by side with Liu Qianlang.

"Dongmeng water is Xiaoxiao, and nine lotus knots are ethereal. If you leave now, you will be happy in the future!"

Liu Qianlang has been flying over the Misty God Realm without a word for a long time, and when he gradually condensed a little in the realm, his voice full of true feelings came out.

"Such a human emperor should be an infinitely benevolent ear!"

Far behind, Emperor Heyang Jie floated above the misty God Realm, reluctant to leave Liu Qianlang and others, and went out of the palace to follow Changsong until Liu Qianlang and others disappeared from sight.

Emperor Heyang Realm lamented Liu Qianlang's behavior before and after Misty God Realm, and praised himself.

"Emperor Heyang Realm's words are profound, Jin Yun Shenlong doesn't understand, can you give me some pointers?"

Jinyun Shenlong, Yinyun Shenlong and Tongyun Shenlong actually wanted to go away with Liu Qianlang, but they had lived in the waters of Eastern Mongolia for a long time and knew Heyang Realm Emperor first, so they left.

At this moment, Jinyun Shenlong asked after hearing the exclamation of Heyang Jiedi.

"With the strength of Human Sovereign, Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha, and Huanyan Realm Emperor, it is completely possible to snatch the six flowers of Jieyuanshen, but they did not.

When exorcising the poisonous poison of sealing light for you, in fact, it is not only you who suffer, Ben and Emperor Yangjie found that the Human Emperor was also very difficult.

But as long as he devoured the six Jieyuanshen flowers in Misty Cloud Pool, he would be fine immediately, but he still didn't do that.

In the Infinite Yuan Realm, there are so many gods in the vast universe, but such a benevolent immortal god, perhaps he is the only one like this! "

Emperor Heyang Jie thought he couldn't even do it, so he explained it this way.

"Well, this is due to his nature. He is originally from the Yuanshui dragon clan, and he is fair by nature. In addition, he is very kind and benevolent, so he is named as a small kindness.

He was like this in the ancient times, and his benevolence today is just the embodiment of his benevolence.

He is so virtuous, which is also the reason why our three brothers from the Dragon Clan of Haogu Yuan Yunyun Realm like to work with him.

Father Hao Gulong often said:

"If Hao's ancient source of goodness and virtue is infinite and eternal, the future god master must be him!"

Jin Yun Shenlong was very grateful to Liu Qianlang, and said with moist golden eyes.


The sky above the Nine Lotus Shrine.

After Liu Qianlang, Zhuyuan Zhoufo and Huanyan Realm Emperor galloped away, Huanyan Jiedi and Zhuyuan Zhoufo parted ways and returned to Yanyuan Fantasy Realm.

Not long after that, Liu Qianlang also returned to his Nine Lotus Shrine area.

Out of safety habits, Liu Qianlang chooses to fly in stealth most of the time on the speeding road, and this time is no exception.

Just as Liu Qianlang was standing steadily on the huge head of Yin Hong, the Nine Fate Dragon, and slowly landed towards the lotus heart area of ​​Nine Lotus Shrine, he suddenly sensed a jet of black divine light shot out of Nine Lotus Shrine, and then quickly shot towards Nine Lotus Shrine. Gongxi went away.

This pitch-black divine light is also wrapped in layers of invisible seals. If Liu Qianlang hadn't obtained the dragon's body in the Misty God Realm this time, and the dragon's soul entered the human soul, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Moreover, the speed of this pitch-black divine light shooting westward is really too fast. Now that Jiulian is under Liu Qianlang's strength, it is as fast as lightning, and it disappears in the blink of an eye. .

Liu Qianlang said inwardly that it was not good, and his soul was moved, and he used the method of instant escape to the highest level. After a while, he had already appeared in the cultivation space of his brother Song Zhen's Star Palace.

Of course Song Zhen didn't know that he was back and was meditating cross-legged, trying to predict the good or bad luck of the third elder brother's trip.

Song Zhen closed his eyes and was highly concentrated. Because he was in his own universe, his consciousness was all concentrated, so he didn't sense Liu Qianlang floating above his head at all.

"The year of the Nine Thousand Gods came out, so my memories returned to my body. After the twists and turns, I feel comfortable, and the monsters hide out of Kobe!"

Song Zhen, his body was the same as before, swirling and swirling light and dark circles like infinite disks.

However, with the sudden appearance of Liu Qianlang, the bright and dark Luo Xiang Wuji disk flew to Song Zhen's knees and between his hands.

Liu Qianlang was high above, and saw some miraculous signs that only Song Zhen could understand appeared on the infinite disk of light and dark images.


The bright and dark Luoxiang Wuji disk is as active as a hand. There are not many results of such divine divination. After touching the light and dark Luoxiang Wuji disk with both hands, Song Zhen instantly opened his five-color eyes and carefully looked at the hexagram omens on the light and dark Luoxiang Wuji disk. , say the above words in passing.

Song Zhen's face was full of surprise, and then he looked at the Xingchen Excalibur on his knee, and saw the green glow of the Xingchen Excalibur shrinking, pondering and trembling.

"There is a vision!"

Song Zhen suddenly stood up, with a solemn face, and said to himself in a deep voice.


Seeing his brother's reaction at high altitude, Liu Qianlang interjected.

"Third brother!?"

"Why did you come back so suddenly? Could it be that you discovered something strange in the Nine Lotus Shrine in the water of Dongmeng, Misty Cloud Pool?"

Song Zhen was both surprised and happy when he saw the return of the third brother who had been worrying about him for a long time, but he didn't have time to talk about the brotherhood, so he hurriedly asked.

"No, it's just that just now, when the third brother's 20,000 fell into the Nine Lotus God Palace and the Nine Lotus Boundary World Sealing Gate..."

Liu Qianlang was extremely careful with his words, and after halfway through speaking, he changed it to sound transmission of soul thoughts.


"No wonder, the four younger brothers have such weird fortune-telling for each other!"

Song Zhen suddenly realized and sighed.

"However, third brother, how divine is that jet-black divine light, that he has the ability to enter and exit our Nine Lotus Shrine at will!?"

Song Zhen searched for all the supernatural gods in the Nine Lotus Shrine, shaking his head, denying them all.

"Third brother can't see where his essence is. The only thing that is certain is that he is a symbiotic body of the dark evil poison and the Luoxiang evil poison.

It seems that our Nine Lotus Shrine will be more careful in the future. Fortunately, the third brother just entered the world and let go of inspection and inspection, and the whole world is safe and sound! "

Liu Qianlang shook his head slightly to remind Song Zhen.

"Understood, third brother!"

Song Zhen nodded heavily.

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