Nine Heavens

Chapter 2720 Inexplicable Crisis

"Fourth brother, immediately send the sound transmission through the soul, and see if there is any magic in the Nine Lotus Temple?"

Like Song Zhen, Liu Qianlang thought about all the holy gods in the Nine Lotus Shrine who were comparable to him, but he didn't find anyone who was a possible suspect.

But out of caution, Liu Qianlang still reminded Song Zhen.

"Third brother is saying that the dark light may be the god of our Nine Lotus Shrine?"

Song Zhen was unequivocal, and immediately passed Liu Qianlang's meaning to Yaya, the head of Langyuan Shenmen in Jiulian Shrine, and then asked the Third Brother of the Emperor.

"Third brother, I'm ashamed that I can't be sure. The speed of this black glow traveling through the Nine Lotus Shrine is even faster than you and me.

If it were the fairy gods of our Nine Lotus Shrine, all the sages, even the mentor Du Mojianzu, Shi Niang Peixian, Nuwa Empress, and Shi Shu Zhong Sheng would not be as powerful as him.

But if it is the gods or monsters outside of our Nine Lotus Shrine, they seem to be too familiar with our Nine Lotus Shrine.

Watching it shoot out of the Nine Lotus Shrine, it's so simple and casual that it's like flipping your palm! "

Liu Qianlang's expression was solemn, and a sense of uneasiness rose in his heart.

Liu Qianlang rarely had such a feeling, but suddenly, it caught his heart.

"In this way, no matter who he is, we seem to be unable to determine for a while. This matter is related to the safety of our entire Nine Lotus Shrine. Should we hold a meeting to warn the enemy and remind the universe to pay attention and be careful?"

Song Zhen saw the rare dignified expression of the Third Brother Ren Huang, and felt that the situation was serious, so he suggested.

"No, this black light is too evil, we are in the light, he is in the dark, maybe our every move of Nine Lotus Shrine is under his vision.

Instead, our temple assembly was a warning to let him know that we had found him! It's better to be a spy.

This matter is currently only kept within the scope of the two of us, so don't tell anyone yet.

Including Sister Juan, they from far away, let us tell them after we have matured our thinking and have a basic countermeasure, otherwise let them worry. "

Liu Qianlang pondered for a moment, shook his head slightly and said.

"What the third brother said is also true. The fourth brother has already captured the vision of the black awn. In the future, when he visits this place, Xiang Jia will pay more attention to it and do more divination, so that it may be able to further determine its nature.

However, we are paying attention inside the Nine Lotus Shrine, but outside the Nine Lotus Shrine, should we let Xingchen Jiuying pay more attention? "

Since the Third Brother Ren Huang didn't want to expand the news, Song Zhen naturally obeyed, and after thinking about it, he still suggested.

"Well, this is very good. Just tell Jiuying to let them pay more attention to the situation of the gods who come and go outside the Jiulian Temple in the future, and no matter whether any gods come or go, they must report to Xingchen Dao.

Even if Jiuying is far away from Nine Lotus Shrine, other Xingchen Dao disciples will have a basic understanding.

However, this matter secretly instructed Xingchen Dao to strictly pay attention to the situation of entering and leaving the fairy god, but don't act too nervously, otherwise it will remind the other party. "

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he quite agreed, but suggested.

"Well, don't worry, third brother, fourth brother only instructs them to do things, and won't tell them the specific reason.

Let’s just say that the Infinity Element Realm struggles for hegemony with a complicated heart, and the gods of all worlds will explode. For the safety of the Nine Lotus Shrine, it’s all about strengthening security! "

Song Zhen has a lot of experience in managing the divine affairs of Langyuan Shenmen, but after Yaya became the head of Langyuan Shenmen, she gradually broke away from the specific management of divine affairs.

However, it is still clear about the operation process of all kinds of affairs of Shenmen, and when it comes to using the star way to pay attention to the dark god's light, it can easily become reasonable and abrupt.


Liu Qianlang nodded in agreement.

"Third brother returned this time, his eyes are clearer, and his divine field is stronger! Even if third brother strengthens the breath-containing method and restrains his breath, fourth brother can still feel it.

Now the strength of the third brother is probably not as good as that of ten thousand fourth brothers, but the third brother still said that the pitch-black evil light is powerful, it is really difficult to deal with! "

Song Zhen faintly noticed that outside of Liu Qianlang's body, the dragon shadow of the Yuanshui Dragon clan loomed, and he sighed.

"Yeah, the third brother went to the water of Dongmeng this time, Misty Cloud Pool, and unexpectedly discovered that he was Houyi from the Zhouyuan Water Dragon Clan of Haoguyuan, and with the help of six Jieyuanshen flowers, the coincidence was restored. The body of a dragon."

Liu Qianlang sighed slightly.

"Oh! The third brother is also the God of Haogu!?

When Liu Qianlang said this, Song Zhen was quite surprised.


Liu Qianlang nodded, and then talked about the trip to the Water of Eastern Mongolia, the merger of the emperors of the Myriad Worlds in the Misty Cloud Pool to form the Misty God Realm, and so on.

"...It turns out that the third brother, Haogu, is also from Haoguyou Canglong Clan, and the third brother also belongs to the four dragon brothers!

It's just that the third brother doesn't know if he knows their current whereabouts? "

Song Zhen was very happy and shocked when he heard that Liu Qianlang was also the divine dragon of Hao Gulong Realm, especially when he heard Liu Qianlang said that there were four other dragons, Canglong Mohun, Chilong Chiyan, Jinlong Xiaotian and Yinlong Zangyue. Brother, I couldn't help asking out of curiosity.


Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, then looked around at the vast and majestic existence of time and space in Nine Lotus Shrine, and replied simply.

"Where are they?"

Song Zhen asked.

"During the time of Dongmeng Water, the third brother just felt that they were still living in the Infinity Realm.

When the third brother entered the Jiulian Temple, he suddenly found that the four dragon brothers were Yun Zhongzi, the senior brother of Xuanlingmen Taicang Peak, Sirius Zhoushen Yuanfang, Xunyan Emperor and Huanfeng Shenlong.

Yun Zhongzi is Mo Hun, the eldest brother of the third brother, Chilong Chiyan, the second brother in the distance, Jinlong Xiaotian, the third brother, and Yinlong Tang, the fourth brother of the third dragon, is the emperor who seeks darkness. moon. "

Liu Qianlang's expression gradually became calm, and he said very confidently.

"In this way, the past doubts can be justified.

For example, senior brother Yun Zhongzi, obviously he could have been the head of Xuanling back then, but he fully supported the third brother to take the position.

Not only did he have no complaints, but he also sincerely accepted Yun'er as his apprentice, and together with the other six immortals, he cultivated Yun'er carefully.

Brother Yun Zhongzi's humility to the third brother back then was not only due to the strength of the third brother's divine wisdom, but also a kind of elder brother's instinct to love brother Long.

When the eyes of the Chaos God in the distance are opened, the red rainbow surrounds the whole body, which is called the ear of the red dragon.

The dark emperor likes to wear five-color divine gold robes, and his artifact is the Golden Dragon Divine Sword.

And the Huanfeng Shenlong, pierced through crystal silver armor, controlled Fang Tianshen's halberd...

These characteristics are just like what the third brother said about the four gods of the dragon brothers! "

While listening to Liu Qianlang's words, Song Zhen took his seat, savoring the four gods mentioned above, and said with a sigh.

"The journey of immortals and gods is infinitely magical, not to mention the infinite and majestic time and space that is not me, even my own front and back are so confusing. The third brother often feels that he can't be clear!"

Liu Qianlang was also deeply moved.

"Third brother knows this, not only from far away, can they already sense this?"

Song Zhen asked curiously.

"Of course not yet. Their Long Hui memory is lost. They have experienced countless experiences in the world of humanity, ghosts, demons, Yuntian fairy world, and this infinite yuan world. The energy of Yuanshengshen is exhausted. How can they know their past? .”

Liu Qianlang shook his head slightly.

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