Nine Heavens

Chapter 2721 Howling Yuan Poison

"Indeed! However, this is a good thing after all. If the four dragon brothers are like the third brother, the ancient memory and the dragon form return, it can be called a great joy for our Nine Lotus Shrine.

In the past, we had four children, one occupying the nine sages and one saying, and now we have added five dragons in the shrine, and the power of the nine lotus shrine has become stronger and stronger! "

Song Zhen said.

"Yes, with the third brother's current strength, it is not difficult to wake them up, and he will naturally do it when the opportunity is right.

However, this matter is not busy. I don't know what happened to Minglian God Venerable and Bright Realm Emperor Hun Ning now? "

When Liu Qianlang left the Nine Lotus Shrine tens of thousands of years ago, he specifically told Song Zhen to pay attention to them.

"Well, this can be said to be the biggest good news for Nine Lotus Shrine. Now everyone in Nine Lotus Shrine knows that there are two lovely baby spirit children in Yunlan, the God of Soul Cultivation. One is called Minger, and the other is called Tomorrow!"

Song Zhenwen heard Liu Qianlang's question, and suddenly put on a happy expression, and replied.


Liu Qianlang couldn't help being surprised, his expression relaxed, and he asked with a smile:

"They have condensed their souls and sprouted into spirit children, which is expected, but who called their names?"


Song Zhen laughed before saying anything, and then said:

"Where do you need others to pick it up? It's the name they call themselves. They are as cute as little lotus babies when they are young. They are really lovable.

If the three of you are not in a hurry to do some divine work, the fourth brother will accompany you to Yanghun Yunlan to have a look. They have never slept again since they sprouted, and they have already become the leaders of the soul-raising Yunlan trillions of birth-creating god-born babies Average! "

Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, and smiled.

"Okay! Hehe, let's go now, Soul Cultivation Yunlan can be said to be the most proud creation of our Langyuan Shenmen.

Still outside the Nine Lotus Shrine, we can all feel the vitality of our soul-cultivating Yunlan, and the third brother is really proud from the heart.

Our initial aspiration to embark on the immortal way is to pursue personal immortality and innocence, the middle one to pursue the eternity of the entire human way, and the big one to create what we desire in our hearts.

These trillions of creation god babies should be our most precious painstaking efforts! "

Liu Qianlang nodded happily, and without waiting for Song Zhen to make a move, he could not wait for the Dragon Transformation Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, stepped on the sword and shot out of the Star Palace.

A moment later, the two brothers and gods were already walking side by side through the clouds in the sky.

Looking from a distance, the two holy gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine:

A white-haired man with a flowing rainbow, with his head upright and his body straight, his white robes are as vast as an ocean, and he holds a magical golden tower in his hand.

The other one is also tall and straight, with five-colored hair floating like a river, and flying with his sword, also in a relaxed state.

They undulate and shuttle through the clouds and mists, steadily, majestic and mysterious.


The Divine Realm roughly between the Shenguang Yuanjie and the Nine Lotus Shrine is still the deserted wreckage of the pitch-black skeleton God Realm.

Outside the remains of the Skeleton God Realm, there are layers of blood-red evil clouds wrapped around it, changing from its previous pale state, the God of Goodness will be evil if he looks at it.

In the dense fog of the Skeleton God Realm, blood-colored thick smoke and blood mist leaked out from the inside of the skeleton wreckage.

However, at this very moment, in the mist that gurgled along with the blood-colored thick fog, suddenly appeared a crooked and strange figure with an even darker red body, which suddenly jumped to the top of the wreckage of the Skeleton God Realm.

As soon as her divine image settled down, at the same time, a jet-black divine light suddenly shot out beyond the layers of blood mist from the remains of the Skeleton God Realm.

This pitch-black divine light landed directly in front of Yin Hong's divine shadow.

"Hmph! Yuan Du, you should know the purpose of calling you here by the great mage of the god.

Tell me, has the Liufeng Realm Emperor been killed by you, and there are still ten clocks? "

The bloody woman had many eyes, and there were rustling sounds outside her body, and three pitch-black skulls circled around her strangely.

when! when!

At the same time, Duo Mou hunched over, holding a blue-gold snake-headed crutch in his hand, and knocked vigorously on the Remnant Mountain Divine Rock in the Skull God Realm, shouting.

"Returning to the words of the great mage of Guangyuan Realm, Yuandu has strictly controlled the ten-direction divine clock, and he will get it soon! But..."

He had a pitch-black divine light, and his body was covered by pitch-black smoke. It was impossible to see his face clearly, but he could clearly feel his coldness and evil.

Yuan Du gritted his teeth and replied viciously.

"What! The Divine Clock of the Ten Directions has not yet been obtained, what a waste!

You mean to say that the Liufeng Realm Emperor didn't kill him either! ? "

When the bloody woman heard the words, she was instantly annoyed and cursed loudly. At the same time, she shook the blue-gold snake-head crutch and suddenly gathered the three jet-black skulls coiled around her in front of her.

In an instant, the three pitch-black skulls all erupted from their divine orifices, violently ejecting blazing divine light, darkness and Luo Xiangyuan poison, and the three poisons merged to form a vortex of yuan poison, which instantly swallowed the yuan poison.


After Yuan Du received such treatment, he bowed his head and flinched in the whirlpool of Yuan Du, obviously in extreme pain, even though he tried his best to control himself, he still kept screaming.

"Hmph! What are you calling, Master Shenguang is strengthening the vicious energy for you! Otherwise, how can you deal with the new and old gods in the Jiulian Temple!

Answer me—is Liu Feng dead or not? ? "

On the face with many folds and dark eyes, hideous and terrifying, bloody eyes like blood, roared as cold as a sword piercing the soul.

"No, no! Master, please spare me. When I go back this time, Yuan Du must find ways to get closer to Yunlan Palace and get rid of Fengyun Erlan together!"

Yuan Du kept howling and hurriedly replied.

"Fengyun Erlan, what do you mean!?"

Although Duomou is violent, he is not confused, and knows the strength of Yuan Du.

Duo Mou thought for a while, with the power of Yuan, poisoning for tens of thousands of years, but he couldn't kill a little Liufeng Realm Emperor, he must have encountered a master, so he stopped the action of poisoning, and asked.

"The great mage doesn't know that in the Nine Lotus Shrine, there are many masters of divine power.

As soon as Emperor Liufeng went to Jiulian Shrine, he joined the Yunlan Shrine of Liu Yun, the eldest son of the Human Emperor, and was deeply trusted by Liu Yun.

In order to welcome Liufeng Realm Emperor, Liu Yun deliberately changed his Yunlan Shrine to Fengyun Shrine, and the shrine to Fengyun Shrine.

They are always in pairs, tacit understanding is like a god, and they are all abnormally alert, strengthening the existence of the head of Langyuan Shenmen in Nine Lotus Shrine, so that Yuan Du has almost no chance to attack! "

Yuan Du took advantage of Duo Mou to stop torturing himself, and quickly explained, while trembling, for fear that Duo Mou would swallow him with poison.

"How come there is another head of the Wave Yuan God Sect? What kind of supernatural power is he, can it surpass the power of Liufeng Realm Emperor and you?"

Duo Mou asked angrily.

"She is Liu Yun's wife, the Renhuang's daughter-in-law, and the Renhuang's first eldest disciple. Divine power is naturally not as strong as Yuan Du.

However, she was born with divine wisdom and was extraordinarily vigilant. Control the two treasures, one is the boat of time, and the other is the conch of the sky.

The Time Shenzhou can replace the ten-direction divine clock for a short period of time to ensure the order of the universe in the Nine Lotus Shrine.

The Mitian conch is even more miraculous, it turned out to be Haogu Yuanzhou's awakening conch, its power is so powerful that it is invincible to all demons.

The stronger Ben Yuan's poisonous soul and poisonous body, the more unable to get close to her. Every time Yuan Du peeped at Fengyun Shrine, it was only after she left that he appeared near Fengyun Shrine!

Therefore, Yuan Du was so talented that he was unable to kill Liufeng Realm Emperor for a long time. I hope that Grand Master Haihan will give Yuan Du a chance and some time. This time Yuan Du will definitely not disappoint Grand Master! "

Yuan Du's voice was full of fear, pleading softly.

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