Nine Heavens

Chapter 2724

"Grandpa Bingpo, are you talking bad things about me and Ming'er? We are not the gods of Haogu.

We are the soul-cultivating Yunlan god child, my name is Ming'er, and his name is Ming'er. snort! Ignore you, let's go play!

All the god children of Yanghun Yunlan listen to the order, let's go to the god vegetable and fruit forest to eat the god fruit! "

Ming'er's eyes sparkled, thinking about the words of Bing Po Daoist, he felt that something was wrong, pouted his mouth, raised his little pink hand and shouted.

"Cut! The twelve peak masters are bad grandpas and ignore you. We won't pick the god fruit for you today!"

Tomorrow agrees.

Then, trillions of god children burst into cheers, led by Ming'er and Ming'er, and flew away like sparrows.

"Hehe, seeing them is like seeing the countless disciples of the Profound Spirit Sect in the world, Bing Po is really gratified!"

"Yeah, good fortune is amazing. We used to be dead souls, and they also collapsed. How could we ever have expected that we would have a reunion in the infinite element world!"

"All of these should be the gods leading the waves, creating my universe, humanity and immortality. Refining the soul and nine tripods to refine the soul, the yin and yang body furnace to build the sacred body, and the sun and moon altar to become the primordial spirit.

Soaring all the way, leading the waves to leave behind the remaining humanity! "

"The God of Pulling the Waves is Wei Ye!"


The master of the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks watched the God-Child Mankong fly away mischievously, all of them sighed again and again.

"Seniors, don't praise Qianlang so much, but Qianlang is not the god of human creation, the real god of creation is Nuwa.

Qianlang is nothing more than nostalgia for human relations, not letting go of parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends, soaring up against the sky, and opening up the divine way of people by luck.

If it is said to be divinely great, it should belong to Empress Nuwa; if it is said to be outstanding, it should belong to her! "

Liu Qianlang said modestly.

"Qianlang is already a holy god in the God Realm, but he can still maintain a calm and humble heart, which is truly commendable.

Thinking about that infatuated disciple who came to Void, Qianmeng should be fine too! "

The twelve peak masters have never stepped out of Soul Cultivation Yunlan, and apart from Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, no other God of Waves and Fate has entered Soul Cultivation Yunlan.

Therefore, although the twelve peak masters have been revived for hundreds of millions of years in the cloud of nourishing souls, they have never seen the gods of waves other than Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen. That's why Master Void asked such a question. .

In such a situation, on the one hand, it’s not that the other gods of Langyuan Shenmen don’t want to go in to raise soul Yunlan, but that they are worried that too many Langyuan gods going in and out of Soul Yangyun Yunlan will affect the tranquility of trillions of god children.

On the other hand, because the master of the Twelve Shocking Peaks sees through everything, he has no desires and desires, and just wants to hide in a low-key manner in the cloud of nourishing souls, and teach trillions of god children carefully.

The reasons for the two parties were reconciled, which just caused the peak master of the Twelve Shocking Peaks to be in a state of not knowing anything other than cultivating his soul.

However, the lack of interest inside and outside does not mean that the twelve peak masters don't care about some front-line caring people outside Yunlan Yanghun.

This is the case with Master Void. There are two characters outside Yunlan Yangshun that she misses day and night. One is the beloved son Yun Zhongzi born to himself and Bing Po Zhenren, and the other is the beloved disciple Yun Qianmeng.

The news about Aizi Yun neutron, in the 90,000 years since Liu Qianlang left, when I was practicing at the border of Yunlan, I inadvertently sensed that Aiko was still alive outside Yunlan. , so I am very relieved.

However, Master Kong has never had any information about his apprentice Yun Qianmeng, and his memory is still stuck in the past state of being infatuated with his apprentice but not daring to approach Liu Qianlang.

Therefore, Master Xu Kong has such a problem.

"Responding to the words of Senior Xukong Peak Lord, Qianlang and Qianmeng have been blessed by seniors, and we have long since become the couple of gods and gods.

She is fine now, and Qianlang is a great cause of immortality, thanks to her sharing weal and woe with Qianlang's other nine beloved wives! "

Liu Qianlang understood Master Sukong's mood very well, and replied in a gentle voice.


"You are so philandering! Marrying ten fairy wives? And you say she is very nice!?"

When Master Sukong heard the words, a layer of sullenness immediately appeared on Duanwan's face, and he asked Liu Qianlang angrily.

Seeing this, Song Zhen hurried forward and explained for the third brother Liu Qianlang:

"Uncle Xukong, don't be angry, it's not the third brother who is playing tricks, the ten third sisters-in-law are actually one person!"

"What do you mean? What ten third sisters-in-law, why do you call him third brother?"

Master Xukong was puzzled and asked in surprise.

Song Zhen had no choice but to explain how Liu Qianlang's god wives were all the gods of Chaos Universe Tianling Hedong Luomei, and so on. He also explained in detail the problem of the seven sons of Juying.


"So, Xukong misunderstood Qianlang. If it wasn't for Qianlang's dedication to protect their lives, I'm afraid my dream would have been gone long ago!

The child was not happy when she was born in the human world, but now she is accompanying Qianlang, which fulfills her mind, and finally it is good luck. "

Master Xukong heard that his beloved disciple was a sub-soul of Dong Luomei God, and was almost lost by the combined soul. He couldn't help being afraid for a while, and sighed.


"Besides Yunlan, what is the god and what is going on!?"

Just as Liu Qianlang, Song Zhen and Master Xukong were talking, Huolong Daoist suddenly sensed a strong wave of spiritual energy beyond the clouds and waves of soul cultivation, so he asked in a rough voice.

"Hehe, unfilial person, Ouyang Langlong, the great disciple of Tai Cang Peak, heard that the twelve peak masters were resurrected and reborn, so he came here to raise his soul Yunlan to pay his respects. I'm sorry, the real peak master of Huolong let Langlong come to Lan to pay his respects. That's good!"

Outside of the cloud of nourishing the soul, the speaker replied loudly after a moment of silence.

"How could it be him! Brother Sect Leader, isn't he the evil young master of the Hunsha Sect who betrayed the Xuanling Sect?

Why, he is also in the Infinite Yuan Realm, and he is in the Jiulian Shrine of Qianlang, so he has changed his ways! "

Ouyang Langlong once left a very disgusting impression on the twelve peak masters, and now they heard that he was also in the Nine Lotus Shrine, and immediately showed displeasure.

The master of Jiulian Taicang Peak, Ouyang Langlong, and Master Bing Po, who used to be Ouyang Langlong's master, all looked sullen.

"Qianlang, how could such an evil person appear in Nine Lotus Shrine!?"

Bingpo real person's eyes are as deep as a pool, recalling Ouyang Langlong's countless evil deeds in the soul universe, and asked Liu Qianlang at the same time.


"After hearing the words, Liu Qianlang talked about his relationship with Ouyang Langlong and the process of turning him into a brother step by step.

"That's right!"

Huolong real person heard the words, his expression became slightly sullen, and seeing Liu Qianlang's repeated good words about Ouyang Langlong, he nodded slightly and said.

"Hmph! Don't listen to his nonsense. With his character, how can he be the shadow of the main body of Leading the Waves!"

Master Aoyu repeatedly recalled the god Ouyang Langlong in the universe, and said with a sneer.

"Hehe, you peak masters, as the saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Langlong is exactly like this. He has indeed gone through many detours and evil paths.

But then he changed and became one of the indispensable holy gods in my wave. He is now the Yang God of the Sun Moon God Realm of our Langyuan Shenmen. "

Liu Qianlang heard that it was Ouyang Langlong, so he couldn't help laughing.

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