Nine Heavens

Chapter 2725 Lan Wai Yang God

"Qianlang, you are benevolent and innocent, and even if he corrects his evil ways, he will eventually go down the path of degeneration.

Under special circumstances, it is easy for such a person to step on the path of magic again.

He is my Bing Po's first big disciple, so I'm happy if he turns his back on his evil ways, alas... In short, it's better to be careful when leading the wave! "

Bingpo Daoist has always been lingering in his heart. Ouyang Langlong betrayed Xuanlingmen, and he showed his ugly face as the young master of Hunshamen, so he sent his soul to Liu Qianlang.

"Thank you for the reminder, Master Feng, you should keep Qianlang in mind."

Master Bingpo said this with a lot of heart and soul, Liu Qianlang looked at his resolute and simple arrogant appearance, as if he had gone back to the past, and said with gratitude.

"Well! Well, Qianlang, we don't want to see him, you just say that there are trillions of god children in Yunlan, who are weak, and we are taking care of them wholeheartedly, so we don't have time to see him.

Qianlang, since we are destined again, there will be many opportunities to meet each other in the future, you can go for a while, let's go first, it's time to strengthen your body for the trillions of god children. "

Master Bing Po heard Liu Qianlang's words, nodded slightly, and then signaled the other peak masters to leave with him.

The other peak masters naturally knew what Master Bing Po meant, and they didn't want to contact Ouyang Langlong, so they bid farewell to Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen through soul transmission, and left hand in hand.

"Qianlang, tell Yun Zhongzi and Qianmeng that I will visit them when it is convenient."

Master Void flew behind him, already far away, looking back suddenly, he told Liu Qianlang through sound transmission from his soul.

"Peak Master Void, don't worry, Qianlang will definitely bring the words to you."

Liu Qianlang naturally agreed, watching them with great reluctance as they drifted away and disappeared from sight.

"Cultivating Yunlan's soul is a great cause created by the Human Sovereign's blood and tears. My sect leader, Peak Lord, suggested that the Human Sovereign should not let him in!"

When Liu Qianlang looked away from seeing off the twelve peak masters, he suddenly heard such a reminder from Master Bingpo in his soul.

"Yes, Qianlang listens to the head of the peak. Dare to ask the head of the peak, senior Shanguan scholar, why is he not with you?"

Liu Qianlang's soul read the sound transmission, and after responding to the Bingpo real person, he suddenly thought of a person behind the Xuanlingmen who had always been very mysterious, a good scholar who surpassed the twelve old peak masters of the Xuanlingmen, so he asked road.

"Hi! Qianlang asked about the sore spot of the master of the peak. You are an unfathomable uncle. We haven't seen him since the Xuanling Sect in the world changed.

In the future, our lost souls will never sense where he exists, maybe... who knows! "

Bingpo real person said sadly, and then fell silent again.

"Third brother, who did Langlong hear about the resurrection of the twelve peak masters. Only you and I know about this, and no third party knows about it!"

Hearing Ouyang Langlong's words outside Yanghun Yunlan, Song Zhen was puzzled for a while.

"Hehe, fourth brother, you forgot about our relationship, I am Langhuaer's body, and he is my shadow.

Now that I have recovered the body of Hao Guyuan's water dragon clan, he will also have a dragon shadow accordingly. Everything that I sense in my divine wisdom, he will sense one or two!

The third brother saw the twelve peak masters just now, so naturally he would know about them. Because of gratitude, it is reasonable for him to come to visit the twelve peak masters. "

Liu Qianlang didn't think too much, and smiled.

"Even so, because he shares the same origin with the third brother's soul, he can sense the third brother's soul breath and know all kinds of things that the third brother encountered.

However, the speed at which he came to Yunlan of Soul Cultivation was too fast.

Here, the third brother has just learned the good news of the resurrection of the twelve peak masters, and he has come here, how is this possible.

There is only one explanation for such a situation, that is, he knew about the resurrection of the twelve peak masters earlier than the third brother! "

Because of Song Zhen's divination ability formed over countless years, his thinking is meticulous, it can be said that he is not bad at all, he is meticulous and straightforward, and he pointed out the problem at once.


"That's right, unless he was originally outside of Yanghun Yunlan, there is only the fourth brother's explanation, which is really unreasonable."

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he couldn't help but transmit the sound from his soul, and doubted.

"Also, he can perceive third brother's soul world as he likes, so how about his soul world, can third brother perceive it in the same way?"

Suspicious, Song Zhen asked Liu Qianlang.

"This, the fourth brother doesn't know. The third brother has always deliberately closed the channel for receiving his soul breath, so naturally he can't perceive it. The third brother also doesn't want to know his private affairs."

Liu Qianlang replied.

Song Zhen shook his head slightly, suddenly thinking of the mysterious dark phantom that he and the Third Brother Ren Huang felt not long ago, hesitated for a while, and said:

"Third Brother Daren, maybe what you got in return is not the same trust. Third Brother voluntarily giving up sensing the other party's soul may be what he longs for.

The fourth brother ventured to speculate that now the third brother opened the channel to sense the other party's soul thoughts, and it is estimated that the other party is also closed! "

"No way!"

Hearing what Song Zhen said, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart. In his words, out of instinct, he instantly opened the sensory divine way that had been closed for countless years.

"It turns out that he never wanted me to receive any information from him!"

After a moment of silence, Liu Qianlang's heart throbbed, and he said sadly.

"It seems that we still think about Langlong simply. Perhaps the concerns of the leader, Peak Lord, are really justified."

Song Zhen couldn't make any assertions, so he said so.

"The third brother knows what the fourth brother means, so the third brother should be careful in the future. Let's go, let's go out and meet him."

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, with a bad expression on his face, and said sadly.

"How about, third brother go back to the palace first, and fourth brother just go to see him, and fourth brother said that you are in a hurry to deal with something. And, third brother's soul gate passage."

Seeing Liu Qianlang's expression was not very good, Song Zhen said.

"Alright, from now on he won't be able to sense any of my breath anymore. Pay more attention to him in the future!"

Liu Qianlang nodded, laughed at himself, and continued to walk in the time and space of Soul Cultivation Yunlan, while Song Zhen stepped on his sword and flew away from Soul Cultivation Yunlan.

Not long after, Song Zhen saw Ouyang Langlong with flying red hair and deep red eyes, who was stepping on a red red dragon outside Yunlan of Nourishing Soul.

"Ha ha……"

"Jian Zhan Shenjun, you finally came out to pick me in, the twelve peak masters reincarnated and lived in the infinite realm, what a joyous event!

Ben Yangshen misses them so much, take me there to say hello to them! "

Ouyang Langlong saw Song Zhen coming out of Yunlan, controlling the blood demon dragon, and stepped forward to meet Song Zhen.

"Hehe, wait a minute, Yang God! Don't be impatient, the twelve peak masters have been resurrected, and there will be many days to meet each other in the future, so why be in a hurry.

The twelve peak masters are now concentrating on taking care of trillions of god babies, so it is really not easy to disturb them.

Moreover, the environment inside Yunlan Yangshen is too quiet and warm, and it is not easy for us to enter and interfere, so sorry, it is better for Yangshen not to enter. "

Seeing this, Song Zhen hurriedly stopped him.

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