Nine Heavens

Chapter 2727

Yang God Ouyang Langlong saw that Song Zhen drank the Sixiang poisonous wine, a trace of poisonous coldness flashed in his crimson eyes, and he secretly smiled in his heart.

"Ha ha……"

"If you talk about luxury wine, the emperor will be the number one, and you will be the second one! Haha..."

Smiling secretly in his heart, proud in his mouth, Ouyang Langlong laughed too, raised his head, the wine fell across his face, his red eyes reflected the wine, and the flowers of wine burst like blood.

"Well, the Yang God was joking. There is a saying in the Nine Lotus Shrine that there are two gods, the god of wine, and the god of wine.

This wine god is none other than the third brother of the Emperor, and the Yaoxian is the Yang God. If he is a god of wine, he is not as good as Sirius Zhoujun Yuanfang. If it is compared to Uncle Zhong's death, it is comparable to the sky and the earth. "

After Song Zhen finished drinking, he deliberately hung the wine cup upside down to show that he had finished drinking, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Zhanshen is humble, we Langyuan Human Dao Shenmen are all heroic and valiant people, there is no mediocrity, but there is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Yang Shen's expression was unpredictable, and when he laughed, a worried look suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hehe, when did the Yang God become so cautious? Let's talk about it."

Song Zhen was taken aback, but kept smiling as usual.

"That's good, Ben Yangshen said it, otherwise I wouldn't spit it out.

The current situation in the Infinite Element Realm is strange and complicated, and the god realms seem to be peaceful with each other, but in fact they have begun to do everything they can.

Tens of thousands of years ago, we all knew about the massacre in the Dragon Realm of You Cang and the spies in the Phoenix Realm of Xiangtian. Lessons learned from the past, our Nine Lotus Shrine has no choice but to do so.

In particular, the Human Emperor has always been open-minded and kind. Anyone who comes to the Nine Lotus Shrine to surrender must be picked up. Be careful that the Human Emperor Daren is used by the evil demons! "

Yang God Ouyang Langlong paused for a moment, then said.

"Well, the worry of the Yang God is actually the same as the God of Occupation. Listening to the meaning of the Yang God, it seems that there is something wrong with a defector in the Nine Lotus Shrine?"

Song Zhen thought immeasurably, guessing what the other party wanted to say next, and followed Yangshen's words.

"Don't hide it from the gods, the god of this sun is against the god of wind and cloud.

Gong's newcomer, Liufeng, is very worried! "

Yang God Ouyang Langlong watched Song Zhen and said cautiously.

"Emperor of the Flowing Wind Realm?"

"That's right! Just now Zhanshen asked Ben Yangshen whether he found any abnormalities when he entered and exited the Nine Lotus Shrine recently. In fact, there were, but because he couldn't be sure, he didn't say it just now, fearing that it would only increase the disturbance.

However, the situation in the Infinite Element Realm is complicated, and after much deliberation, Ben Yangshen thinks that it is better to talk about divination gods. In the future, it is better to have a mental preparation and do more divination. "

"Please ask Yang God to be more careful. Could it be that the vision that Yang God said has something to do with Liufeng Realm Emperor?"

"It's similar, but I can't be sure. Recently, this Yang God has been in and out of the Nine Lotus Shrine, and occasionally he will see a jet of black divine light shooting into our Nine Lotus Shrine.

That pitch-black divine glow was strange and unpredictable, wrapped in layers of golems, and its speed was extremely fast, passing by in a blink of an eye, with the strength of this Yang God, it was impossible to gain insight into its essence.

However, due to the experience of the Yang God controlling the Shen Yang Yaokong, he sensed that there was a layer of kamikaze tail in his image, which was absolutely unmistakable.

And the Infinity Primordial Spirit with such a powerful kamikaze tail has no other gods except Liufeng Realm Emperor, so..."

After a few words of dialogue, Yang God Ouyang Langlong finally said what he wanted to say.

"Thank you Yangshen for reminding me that this matter is of great importance. When I meet the Emperor, I will tell him and see what he means."

Song Zhen pondered for a moment and said.

"Well, it's getting late, I had a lot of fun drinking today, but just now Zhong Xinghun summoned me through sound transmission, and asked me to go to Shanggongyu to find him in the Shenzhong Palace.

Zhanshen knows his temper, Ben Yangshen went late, I'm afraid he will be scolded, how about we have fun when we have time in the future? "

At this moment, Yang God Ouyang Langlong stood up, saluted, and said suddenly.

"Ha ha……"

"It's probably because he smelled the aroma of our wine, so he's greedy for it. Yang God please do it."

Song Zhen got up and saluted to see him off.

Shanggongyu is in the central area of ​​Xiaokong on the ninth floor, not far from the area where Song Zhen and Ouyang Langlong drink.

Therefore, there was no need for the Yang God Ouyang Langlong to control the blood demon dragon. With fluttering red hair and rippling red fiery sun robe, he floated towards the upper palace.

Watching the Yang God Ouyang Langlong leave, Song Zhen did not leave in a hurry, but pondered over the words of the Yang God Ouyang Langlong in his mind.

"Hee hee, give something delicious!"

When Song Zhen was thinking, a small blue cloud appeared chubby.

Floating in front of Song Zhen, Cang Yun shrank for a while, and then turned into a cute black bird with a dark body, red mouth, red feet and red eyes, looking up at Song Zhen and shouting.

Song Zhen was very happy to see him, he patted the black bird to calm his thoughts and said with a smile:

"Okay, thank you Pangpang, this is a box of honey worms, but you have to eat them for tens of thousands of years, otherwise you wouldn't be called Pangpang, you should be called Qiuqiu!"

"Well, it's only one box. I used to help you, but didn't I always give three boxes. Hmph! If I knew that Grandpa Zhanshen was so stingy, I would rather help Aunt Lian'er and the others than help you." .

By the way, Grandpa Zhanshen, did you really practice poisonous wine just now? Why did Grandpa Yangshen give you such poisonous wine?

Does the wine contain darkness, Luoxiang, Shenguang and blood demon four kinds of terrifying primordial poisons! "

The little black bird stretched out a paw, snatched a pure white jade box from Song Zhen's palm, opened it, took a look, and muttered.

"Hehe, Grandpa Zhanshen has a box with him today, and he will replenish it for you in the future, so don't worry.

Little guy, you are really getting smarter and smarter, how do you know that Yangshen and I drank in Jiuchongxiao, and just replaced the poisoned wine for me?

And how did you know the elements of the poisoned wine? "

Song Zhen asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, don't ask me everything, I'm leaving, someone will ask you if you've seen me, just say no, if you're telling the truth, I'll go back and tell my parents to ignore you!"

bald -

The little red bird looked behind for a while, then flew forward. Although he is fat, his speed is not slow at all.

"Ha ha……"

"Qiqi, Qiqi, you and Xiaohongdian'er's child, why are you so like you, greedy and naughty!

No! There are also differences, this little guy seems to be smarter than you! "

Song Zhen looked at the chubby little black bird flying away, laughed and talked to himself.


"Come back to me, it's time to practice the magic pill—"

While Song Zhen was laughing, he suddenly heard shouts from the lower heavens, and soon saw a familiar figure emerging from the eighth heavens, approaching him from far and near.

Song Zhen took a closer look, and found that it was the Gods of Medicine who were from the Nine Lotus Divine Art. Then he suddenly realized why Pangpang could easily tell the ingredients of Yangshen's poisonous wine.

"Hmm! The Supreme God of Divination is here. Didn't the Supreme God of Divinity see our disciple Qiqi a little bit?"

After the other party approached, the leader asked Song Zhen.

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