Nine Heavens

Chapter 2728 Yao Palace Lengyue

There are five people in this group of figures floating over, three men and two women.

Everyone Song Zhen is very familiar with, the person who is the leader of the speech, in the Nine Lotus Shrine, he is said to be the top of the old man Yuefei layer.

This god is thin and straight, with white hair and a childlike face, eagle eyes and legs, a weird elf, with a alchemy furnace in his palm, often possessed by Tsing Yi, unkempt.

He is good at refining all kinds of elixirs that break through the top of the cultivation bottle, he is blessed with other gods, and his cultivation is extraordinary.

Behind him are two very beautiful women.

The one on the left is called Pour Yao Sangu Yao Sanniang.

Yao Sanniang, a peerless beauty, is beautiful and dignified, and her voice is joyful.

Reticent and quiet, loves Lingshan Xiushui, is addicted to collecting and cultivating herbs, and is well versed in the formulas of various magical medicines and pills in the world of immortals and gods.

He is also good at pouring and dispensing medicines, and the refined medicines are fragrant and delicious, and they are delicious to eat.

The one on the right is called Tong Li'er, the Immortal of Zhuyan.

Tong Lier, the resident celestial being, looks like a young lady in her 14th or 15th year, sweet and mischievous.

When he was still in the human world, he was born in a family of elixir, coupled with his natural intelligence, he was already a human god alchemy king when he was young.

All the elixirs she refined were for the immortal gods to keep their beauty forever, and they were used by the heroic and handsome, and naturally she was a master who welcomed everyone.

Behind them, there are still two standing floatingly, the five gods standing in the shape of a herringbone.

The left-handed one is a young talent with a full sky, a square mouth and a broad forehead, and his brows are full of heroism.

The god of prodigal fate brought the soul-turning pill king back to life. His personality is calm and open-minded, and he is good at studying pharmacopoeias from all walks of life and refining exotic medicines. It is often possible to bring the dead back to life.

The one with the right tail is called Le Tianjun, the Immortal of Qiangmai Medicine.

Le Tianjun, about trillions of years old, looks like a middle-aged man with a human face. On the one hand, the eyes are bright and the spirit is hale and hearty.

He used to wear a pure white divine robe all year round, and a volume of divine medicine books, and almost never left his hand, and he chanted all the time when eating and walking. It is rumored that his dream language is also medicine, and he has the nickname of Medicine Crazy.

Le Tianjun is good at refining all kinds of elixirs, especially the elixirs that strengthen the body and strengthen the soul.

"Ha ha……"

It turns out that Qiqidiandian is Yao Sanniang, the celestial girl of Zhenyao, the king of reincarnated alchemy who came back to life, Tong Lier, the king of Xiangyan, who rushed to the top of the old man Yuefei layer, and the five disciples of the god of medicine, Le Tianjun, the strong pulse medicine fairy.

This little guy is so lucky. But it seems a little naughty! "

Song Zhenyi saw that the people were the five Gods of Medicine from the Nine Lotus Shrine and Shenyao Palace, so he hurriedly stepped forward to greet them with a smile and salute.

"Hey! Don't worry about it, this little bird looks like his father and has a temper like his mother. It's really pissing us off!

Zhanshen, please tell me, what kind of decency is this, our five masters, watching him practice the elixir magic skill together, can't even look down on him!

Just now we saw that he was very focused on practicing how to discern the appearance of refining medicine, so he did some other medicine work, but he disappeared after Chazhan Kungfu.

Because he has tail travel incense on his body to prevent him from slipping away to play, so we chased him all the way here.

It is estimated that he found O Yuxiang and disassembled it. We will no longer be able to trace him after we chase here. "

Yue Fei said with a thin face.

"Hehe, five holy gods of medicine, it would be a lot of fun to have such a mischievous and clever disciple as Wu.

To tell you the truth, Ben Zhanshen really saw him just now, and found out that although he is young, his magic medicine cultivation level does not seem to be inferior to yours! "

Song Zhen consoled.


"Supreme Divination is so funny, he has been a beginner for 100,000 years, but he has been playing for 90,000 years. He has never studied anything seriously.

Dare to ask the Supreme Occupation God, why is it so strange? "

Song Zhen's words caused the five medicine gods to smile wryly. Especially Tong Lier laughed so hard, and then asked Song Zhen.

"The five alchemy gods may not understand this kid Qiqidiandian, he does have the talent to learn alchemy, and when he passed by just now, the god of divination happened to be studying a four-element poisoned wine.

Ben Zhanshen tried his best, but he couldn't distinguish the four phenomena in the poisoned wine. However, Qiqi Diandian just glanced at it as it flew by, and then easily said the four elephants and strange poison in the poisoned wine.

Therefore, Ben Zhanshen said that just now. "

Song Zhen shook his head slightly and said.


The five alchemy gods were all taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at each other for a long time.

"Supreme God, are you sure he can distinguish the four elephants of poisoned wine!?"

The five alchemy gods asked Song Zhen almost in unison.


Song Zhen replied simply and firmly.

"Ha ha……"

When the five alchemy gods heard the words, they all laughed happily, or even burst into tears.

"This is it!?"

Now, Song Zhen was a little confused, and asked in surprise when he saw the reactions of the five Alchemy Gods.

"Thank you Supreme God for your reminder. This shows that the bird cub is smart. It's not that he doesn't want to learn. It's because the learning content we arranged for him is too simple, so he finished it easily, and then slipped away to play.

Supreme Occupation God, you are busy with your work, we will not bother you anymore! Qiqi a little bit--"

"Little bird cub!"

"Where are you, don't let us out..."

The changes in the Yuefei layer were fast, and he looked helpless just now, but now he smiled happily, left a word in a hurry, greeted the other four alchemy gods, and then chased after Song Zhen.

Song Zhen originally wanted to remind them that this is Jiuchongxiao, so don't make any noise, but when he saw how happy they were, he just shook his head, and then flew to the place he planned to go before.

Yaoyue Shrine.

A huge moon hangs in the palace sky, the pure white is dyed with a layer of light blue, and there is a layer of floating gold in fine details.

The shrine is full of beautiful scenery of Yaochi, mountains and lakes, but the silence is a bit desolate.

In a cold pavilion at the top of a peak, a woman wearing a white orchid skirt sat alone.

This woman, with a beautiful appearance, long blue hair and blue eyes, holds a pipa in her arms and sings to the moon:

Is it love, or Yao Gongmeng, the palace does not meet, the moon rises and the moon sets, the colder it is... The beauty of the moon, so what, it is no better than magical skills or climbing the peak...

Just as this beautiful woman was singing desolately, a tall figure wearing a star robe suddenly descended from the sky outside the peak pavilion.

This figure was none other than Song Zhen.

"Sister Feng, what are you?"

Song Zhen put away the Xingchen Shenjian and landed on the side of the pavilion. Seeing the woman in the pavilion crying and pitying him, he couldn't help but ask in distress.

"Oh! Brother Zhen is here, come in and sit down. Sister Feng is fine, she just sang a little song and sighed a little."

Cheng Shifeng quickly put down the pipa, wiped away tears with a handkerchief on the Shenmu table in the pavilion, and said.

"Hehe, what song can make Fengmei, who is always cheerful, sing and cry?"

Hearing that this was the case, Song Zhen couldn't help but immediately feel relieved, and then looked at a scroll of words on the Shenmu table.

Out of curiosity, Song Zhen stretched out his hand and took it in his hand, carefully looking at the inscription on the scroll, there were five characters "Yao Gong Leng Yue Ci" impressively written on it.

"This is the Yao Palace Ci written by Fengmei herself. Why is the Yaoyue Palace so beautiful, but the word Lengyue is used?"

Song Zhen let go of his heart, and couldn't help but suddenly shivered again.

She couldn't help but look closely at Cheng Shifeng, and found that those eyes that were once deeply Wang Ling were now filled with desolation, loneliness, pain and sourness.

"Sister Feng, you've lost a lot of weight!"

Song Zhen felt distressed for a while, and then said.

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