Nine Heavens

Chapter 2729

Cheng Shifeng felt inexplicably sour when he heard the words, and said quietly:

"Feng'er really misses the days when we were young in the world.

The quiet Crescent Lake, the quiet small villa, the moon in the sky, the moon in the water, only father and mother, eldest father, aunt, sister Juan, brother Qianlang, brother Yuanfang..."

Song Zhen stood in the Lengfeng Pavilion of Yaoyue Divine Palace and looked around. Amidst Cheng Shifeng's complaints, he suddenly felt sad and asked:

"Sister Feng, doesn't Langlong often come to Yaoyue Palace to accompany you? Or you go to Shenyang Palace. I went to Sun Moon Palace just now, and there is no god there. Between you and Langlong?"

"Brother Zhen is so busy, he finally came to see Sister Feng, why mention him!"

When Cheng Shifeng heard Ouyang Langlong's name, he immediately frowned displeased, motioned Song Zhen to sit down, and said.

Seeing this, Song Zhen didn't want to ask any more questions. He was afraid that Cheng Shifeng would be unhappy, so he said to her the happy words of the past for a long time, and told her that God would come to see her in the near future.

When Song Zhen noticed that Cheng Shifeng gradually had a smile on his face, he bid farewell and left.

About an hour later, Cheng Shifeng was quite happy because he was visited by God of God today, and walked alone by the small lake he created in Yaoyue Temple.

This small lake is not big, it is located in the vast Nine Lotus Shrine time and space, it may even be insignificant, but Cheng Shifeng loves it very much, because it is crescent-shaped, it is called Crescent Lake.

By the lake, she also built two small bluestone courtyards, one like her own home in the mortal world, and the other like brother Qianlang's home.

The wind blows, the water plants in the lake sway, and the ripples are wide, so beautiful.

Cheng Shifeng suddenly had a childhood smile on his beautiful face, bent down, picked up a piece of stone, and ran towards the lake like he did when he was a child.


The flakes of stone swirled across the lake, and the tiny waves were stirred up. Under the Yaoyue Moon, a mysterious and beautiful halo shone.

Seeing it in Cheng Shifeng's eyes, it was as if he had returned to the past, and he felt younger from the bottom of his heart, like a little girl by the Crescent Lake in the world.

"After a month!"

When Cheng Shifeng was immersed in happy memories, he suddenly heard someone calling him softly behind him.

"It's you, what are you doing in my Yaoyue Divine Palace? Aren't you practicing Lieyang Divine Art?"

Cheng Shifeng turned around suddenly, the joyful expression just now disappeared, and he looked at the person coldly, and asked indifferently.

"Don't be angry after a month, this Yang God is not just heartless and ungrateful, and in the past tens of millions of years, he has indeed neglected you because of practicing Lie Yang Divine Art.

However, as a husband, this is also for your own good. I am fiery and you are feminine. I am really worried that I will hurt you, so I left the Sun Moon Temple and returned to the Shenyang Palace to cultivate myself. "

The person here is Ouyang Langlong. After he had been to Jiuchongtian's palace and met Zhong Zhan, he suddenly came to his wife's Yaoyue Palace for some reason.


"Really, since it's for my own good, why are you here to bother me? When you're not here, I don't know how happy I will be after this month.

When I have nothing to do, enjoy the scenery, play music, paint with running calligraphy, and receive relatives and friends who come to visit me. Brother Zhen came to visit me just now! "

Cheng Shifeng said with resentment.

"It turned out that the days when I was not with my husband were so happy after a month, I felt relieved for my husband.

Coming here today is not for personal reasons, but a major matter related to the safety of Nine Lotus Shrine. "

Ouyang Langlong, with fluttering red hair, his blood-red eyes flashed coldly, he hummed coldly in his throat, but said on his mouth.

"What is it!?"

Although Cheng Shifeng has a strong love, but he is also the four gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine, how could he not care about the important affairs of the God Realm, he couldn't help asking in surprise.

Just now, when Wei Fu returned from practicing Lieyang Divine Art outside the Nine Lotus Shrine, he found a hidden god turned into a jet of black light and shot back at the Nine Lotus Shrine.

"Because of my husband's curiosity, I followed him until Fengyun Shrine, and found that the god within the dark light turned out to be Liufeng Realm Emperor who recently surrendered to our Nine Lotus Shrine.

After discovering that it was him, Wei Fu continued to follow him incognito, and further discovered that he was actually in the Fengyue Palace, under the eyes of the head of the palace, there was a secret cave of Tianyun.

The evil monsters in the Yunmi Cave that day, alas! It's simply unsightly, this is the mysterious divine breath and divine light that I intercepted after I followed him in! "

Ouyang Langlong shook his head solemnly and said.

Hearing this, Cheng Shifeng raised his palm to absorb the dark ball of light in the palm of Ouyang Langlong's palm. After sweeping his consciousness, he found that it was full of organs of the Nine Lotus Shrine. Don't be angry and said:

"The Emperor of the Liufeng Realm is so ungrateful. It is said that Xingchen Jiuying saved his life, otherwise he would have died under the hands of the Emperor of the Darkness Realm and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm. How could he now repay his kindness and revenge, and in turn collaborate with the enemy of the Divine Light Yuan Realm? .

Could it be that they were playing tricks and deliberately asked Xingchen Jiuying to rescue Liufeng Realm Emperor, and then Liufeng Realm Emperor became their undercover agent in our Jiulian Shrine! ? "

At the critical moment, Cheng Shifeng's mind was quick, and he returned to the heroic state of the spirit demon Zhoushen, reasoning.

Ouyang Langlong was secretly happy when he heard this, because Cheng Shifeng's words were exactly what he wanted.

However, Ouyang Langlong was happy in his heart, his face was still very heavy, and he said angrily:

"If the demon is not eliminated, the Nine Lotus Shrine will be in danger!"

"Then what are you waiting for, why don't you quickly tell Brother Renhuang Qianlang or Brother Zhen, Brother Yuanfang, Sister Juan or Yaya?"

Cheng Shifeng asked urgently.

"Yue Hou knows better than her husband, they are busy one by one, how can they see each other in a hurry.

Not long ago, I heard that the Human Emperor was inside Yunlan Yanghun, and I wanted to greet those who had never had a chance, how to tell them.

However, my husband knew that Yue Hou was not busy at this time, so he came here to inform them, and discussed with each other to see how to deal with this matter. "

Ouyang Langlong said according to the pre-written lines.

"What's the point of discussing this, you and I are both the holy gods in the Nine Lotus Shrine, and if you find the god who rebelled against the universe, it's absolutely okay to kill and repay him again.

You immediately lead this month to Fengyun Shrine to see the Tianyun Secret Cave you mentioned. If everything is true, we will immediately kill the Liufeng Realm Emperor and report it to the Imperial Palace. "

Cheng Shifeng's blue eyes were blue, his blue hair raised, and he held the blue moon in his hands, and stepped on the white-faced tiger king, he naturally took the lead in ascending to the sky above the Yaoyue Temple, and said decisively.

"Okay! For the safety of the Nine Lotus Shrine, let us husband and wife go and kill the Liufeng Realm Emperor!"

Ouyang Langlong nodded heavily, holding the blazing red sun in his hand.

The blood demon dragon under his feet suddenly appeared, and the dragon carrying Ouyang Lang roared into the sky.

Then, in the sky above Yaoyue Shrine, a man and a woman, one with red hair flowing like a rainbow, one with blue hair like a river, one stepping on a dragon, and one stepping on a tiger, quickly flew towards the central area of ​​the palace domain in Nine Lotus Shrine.

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